Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1155

"This is your gun? It has the power of rules and the power of a very powerful angel. This power of rules seems to be one with your body. Only you can exert the power of this gun." Su Zhan looked at his hands. I tried my gun and it was useless.

This thing seems to be bound and has exclusive requirements.

Only holy killers can use it!

"But it doesn't matter! I didn't intend to use it!"

Su Zhan smiled openly and directly swallowed the power of rules on the gun.

The holy killer felt it, and immediately shot to stop it.

With a wave of Su Zhan's arm, the chaos of the power of chaos appeared again, blocking the bullets one by one.

"Your hands have grown out." Su Zhan took a moment to look and found that the severed arm of the holy killer had grown out.

The holy killer is not unexpected, he has become accustomed to this situation.

He is immortal.

Losing the power of the rules, the gun in Su Zhan's hand instantly became dim and dull, and the feeling was like losing his soul.With a squeeze, the gun turned into powder.With a smile, Su Zhan's power shook slightly, and the bullet on the power of Chaos shield was shook off instantly, followed by... Su Zhan disappeared.

The Holy Killer didn't even look at Su Zhan. He only had one belief, that is, shooting and killing Su Zhan, as if he had already locked Su Zhan in his soul.Shooting without a target, the bullet flew in one direction very strangely.

Su Zhan teleported continuously to change direction, but the bullets chased him.

The God Killing Blade suddenly appeared in his hand, and Su Zhan swung the God Killing Blade towards the bullet.


Sparks splashed, and the bullet was split into two by the Blade of the Killing of Gods and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the blade of God Killing flying fast, and the clanging voices kept flowing, the bullets were either cut off or bounced away... The holy killer was no longer shocked at this time, and aimed Su Zhan crazy Pull the trigger.

One shot, one shot.

Su Zhan no longer teleported anymore, so he wielded the God-killing Blade and walked towards the holy killer.


Su Zhan's pace was steady and firm, and the bullets flying out of the Blade of Killing God flew randomly. God and Amara looked for a place to hide, looking at the scene with shock.

This... is this too exaggerated?

One shot and one shot could not stop the advance of Soviet Zhan.

Step by step, Su Zhan has gradually approached the holy killer.

The closer the distance, the greater the difficulty, and the less time it takes to react to the Soviet War. However, it seems that there is no problem with Su Zhan. Finally... Su Zhan has come to the front of the holy killer, and the Blade of Godslayer has changed abruptly. , Turned into a spear and slammed towards the holy killer in an instant.


The God Killing Blade had already pierced into the body of the Holy Killer, followed by the God Killing Blade and it began to be absorbed frantically.

The expression of the holy killer became painful and horrified, and he worked hard and fired a shot at Su Zhan.


The bullet hit Su Zhan's shoulder, causing him to grunt slightly, and the Blade of God Killing had been released.

However, the absorption of God Killing Blade did not stop.

"My God Killing Blade is much more powerful than your gun!" Su Zhan smiled dullly, and the Devouring Force started.

The power of the rules of the holy killer and the gun in his hand began to flood Su Zhan frantically!

Five minutes later, the holy killer had turned into nothingness, and the Blade of God Killing flew into Su Zhan's body.At this time, Su Zhan...the power of the rules has been fulfilled!

As soon as his thought moved, the entire world had entered his control, and the power of countless rules and beliefs refilled this world.

Abidon, Cindy, Kamiya, and the death sister Tessa in hell felt the change of the ring of apocalypse at the same time, as if it became hot. With the hot ring, a powerful energy has poured into the body, apocalypse The knight's ability suddenly came into being!

The official birth of the new Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse means that... Su Zhan has become the only supreme... Lord of the gods in the world!

Chapter 1385 Rebuilding Paradise, the Only Master!

The power of the new rules floods the world, but anyone who is capable of it can feel that this world... has changed hands!

And the closest God and darkness are the deepest feelings, the power of rules is added, the world is him, he is the world, this feeling is especially obvious.Re-filling this world with the power of his own rules, Su Zhan began to extract the power of faith!In an instant, all over the world, men, women, young and old, people, angels, and even demons, countless powers of faith emerged one after another, turning into a golden light that suddenly emerged from the body and flew to the sky.

This situation is very spectacular, like fireworks in full bloom!

There seemed to be a voice and a thought in the hearts of all believers.

A new era belonging to the Lord of the Gods...began!

On the one hand, he was distracted and absorbed the power of faith, while Su Zhan waved his hand and directly deprived God of his ability. Before God could react, a snap of his fingers had sent him directly out of heaven.

"Since you like the world so much, be an ordinary person honestly!"

Su Zhan said faintly, then with a thought, the whole heaven changed.

Starting from the Garden of Eden, Su Zhan restructured himself into the appearance of a garden. The difference is... Su Zhan intends to use this as his back garden, dividing the center of heaven into two areas. One is the activities of the old angels who take refuge in. Scope, to deal with some trivial matters, the other is the Garden of Eden, which belongs to Su Zhan and the new angels...that is what Su Zhan thought about before.

Only the beauty of heaven!

After transforming the paradise in mind, Su Zhan reopened the paradise.

Feeling the opening of heaven, whether it is angels or hell, one after another enters heaven, preparing to worship the new master!

A large area densely packed.

Angels, demons, and the untransformed people of Ruth appeared in heaven one after another. Seeing Su Zhan sitting in the middle, they couldn't help rising in awe and kneeling to worship.

Su Zhan slowly raised his hand, and the light shrouded in an instant. Except for Artemis, Abidon, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, all angels including the surrendered or Miyuki Hirano began to transform into new angels at the same time. Even Julie is no exception!

The angels in heaven were all killed by Amara before, but now it’s becoming lively again. Let the new angels take care of the arrangements. Soon they have been dealt with in an orderly manner. As for the new rules, they have been clearly stated. , Heaven quickly returned to normal.

After the worship, Abidon and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse also left heaven.

While the new angels were still familiar with their new identities, new abilities, new rules, or were curious to visit heaven, Su Zhan brought Amara to the Garden of Eden.

In the center of the Garden of Eden, is a huge open-air palace. Su Zhan took Amala around casually, and I can see that Amala is in a good mood now.Perhaps it was finally retribution, seeing that God lost his rule and status. Although he was not sealed up and did not realize his own pain, he made him a human being and watched the things he created were ruled and developed by others. , This may be the biggest punishment.

At least it can come after being sealed, and it's not annoying to see it!

In a good mood, Amara held Su Zhan's arm while admiring the brand new Garden of Eden.Even though her body has grown into an adult now, but at this moment she feels like a girl, but... when she is holding Su Zhan’s arm with small broken steps, the friction is not comparable to a girl. Ah, the black deep V dress, and the feeling ready to come out made Su Zhan a little bit eager. After thinking about it, Su Zhan held Amara.Amala paused and looked at Su Zhan. After a snap of her fingers, the clothes on Amala disappeared instantly!

"Just here, I want you!"

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