Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1156


Amara didn't have any resistance or shyness. In her bones, she already believed that she was Su Zhan's woman, so what could be resisted or shy about things just sooner or later?After all, she is different from other women, but she hasn't received any education since she was a child, so naturally she won't be too shy.In short, her thinking is more direct!

A voice soon came from the Garden of Eden.



After taking down Amara, Su Zhan's mood is still very happy. When other new angels come to the Garden of Eden one after another, Su Zhan's mood will be even better.Su Zhan didn't arrange any gardeners, but people except certain people could not enter the Garden of Eden at all, nor could they see it!

Therefore, after these people came in, Su Zhan took a big hand and stripped them of their clothes.

This is the heaven he wants!

Being absurd here for several days, taking away the power of faith in this world.

Su Zhan is content to do something right now.

For example, if the power of rules is upgraded, it should be possible to try to pull the two worlds together to form a multiverse, right?

Thinking of this, Su Zhan is ready to try again.However, just as he was about to try, Artemis came.

During this time Artemis was not in the Garden of Eden, but wandered around in heaven, visiting other people's little paradise or something.I have been to the Garden of Eden occasionally. After all, this place is open to her, but after coming here once, I discovered the absurdity here, and Artemis quietly hid!


Seeing Artemis hesitating to say something, Su Zhan said with a smile: "If you have something to do, just say it directly. I think... There should be nothing I can't satisfy you now, right?"

Artemis nodded repeatedly and stayed with Su Zhan for so long. Naturally, he was very clear about Su Zhan's affairs. This was more powerful than God, and of course everything could be satisfied.As Arrow's assistant, Artemis originally thought he was knowledgeable, but after arriving here, he realized that he knew too little.

After hesitating for a while, Artemis said: "I think, I have been in this world for so long, and now you have become the only master, there should be nothing else to do, then... can you send me? go back?"


The copy of the evil force is almost there, ready to return to DC.

1386 DC: Earth 16

"Do you want to go back?" Su Zhan was a little surprised, but after another thought.I met her only by chance, and waited for her to come into this world together.Now the things here are all handled, and after so long, she naturally wants to go home.

Earth 16!

The World of Juvenile Justice League.

As for this world, Su Zhan intends to serve as a transit point between this world and the earth.Now that Artemis proposed it, just go ahead. As for the multiverse, you can try it anywhere.


Su Zhan said to Artemis, and then Mind summoned Julie over.

Julie was also transformed into a new angel, and her purification ability was also retained.While living in the Garden of Eden during this period of time, he was even as unclothed as everyone else. Su Zhan looked and looked at it, and couldn't touch it, but he hadn't been eaten yet.

In an instant, Julie teleported over.

Seeing Julie's frankness, Artemis felt a little embarrassed.

Su Zhan pointed, a leather skirt appeared on Julie's body, and then said: "I am going to send Artemis back to her world. By the way, I will set up a transit station over there, so that it will be convenient in the future. You and me go with!"

"Yes, God Lord!"

Su Zhan got up and drew the crossing runes on the walls of the palace, and then confessed to others. After all, there is actually nothing for him to do here. As long as the people below perform their duties, it is enough to develop their beliefs.After the account was properly made, Su Zhan took Artemis and Julie and disappeared.

Artemis had experience, and it was the first time that Julie experienced traversal. She was a little curious and nervous. She also wanted to observe carefully what it was like to travel through the world.As soon as I opened and closed my eyes, I realized that it was over...

"This is Artemis' world?"

Julie looked around suspiciously. This was the dock where Su Zhan found Artemis last time, surrounded by containers.

"Yes, there are many parallel worlds in a world. There may be countless similar worlds that have been grouped together to form a multiverse. In some worlds, there may be the same double body, or there may be none, and there may be some subversion. Or the reverse situation. The world you are in before is an exception, you should not find the existence of the dual body, and the development of the world is different. However, the world of Artemis is different, most of the development trajectory It's all the same. The number of this world is Earth 16. I have been to Earth 1 and Earth 2. Earth 1 is my main development world."

Su Zhan simply explained."I am going to build a place similar to a transit station in this world, so that I can travel to your world and Earth 1."

"Then what's the number of my world?" Julie asked curiously.

"I really don't know this. Your world situation is quite special, but for convenience, it can be named Earth 99."

Returning to my own earth, the familiar feeling spontaneously arises, and there is a feeling of returning home.Artemis was a little eager to go home and have a look. She turned to look at Su Zhan before speaking, Su Zhan already knew what she was thinking.Just like myself, if I haven't come back for too long, I will feel that kind of eager miss.

"Where do I want me to take you?"


Knowing the address, Su Zhan, Julie put on Artemis and teleported and disappeared. The next moment, the three of them had appeared in an alley in a certain block. After coming out of the alley, Artemis pointed to one of them with excitement. Hudao: "My home is here. Usually only my mother is at home. I have been walking for so long and there is no news left. She must be anxious."

"What are you waiting for, go up." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"You guys, won't you accompany me up there?"

"We won't go anymore. We will visit again when we have time later. I am going to stroll around the world, you know by phone, you can find me at any time!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"OK then!"

Artemis nodded, and went home a little nervously.

Su Zhan took Julie around in this world. He didn't know much about Earth 16. He just knew that this was the world that featured the Juvenile Justice League. Similarly, the Justice League also existed.Not long after shopping on the street, Su Zhan has already seen a lot of things about the Justice League. It seems that in this world, the Justice League is developing very well, and the public influence is not weak.

Since this world is to be used as a transit point, the location of the base must be good.It's not only to travel by yourself, but the people around you can also travel through it, so you have a place to stay.The Justice League is very mature in this world, and for this world, Su Zhan does not have much idea yet.

Choosing a good location for the base is the current top priority.

Even in the urban area, accidents will happen every three days, so it is best to choose some remote places.

Su Zhan walked around with Julie and then found a hotel to stay in, let Julie go online to understand the situation of the world, Su Zhan himself began to choose the location of the base.

Two flowers bloomed, one for each table. For the time being, Su Zhan was looking for a suitable base location. Just that Artemis opened the door with the key. The door was just opened, and she saw her mother sitting On the wheelchair, he looked surprised.

"I...I'm not dreaming, you...are you back? I thought..." Mother swallowed a little excitedly, and Artemis threw directly into her arms.


When the mother and daughter met, it was natural to have something to say. After calming down, Artemis told his mother about this period of time and went to another world, the lord of the gods, angels and demons, and so on.Her mother was so shocked that she never closed her mouth.After a long time, my mother sighed and said: "I didn't expect you to have such a chance, anyway, as long as you are not in danger. By the way, Arrow has looked for you several times. After knowing that you have disappeared, including the entire Justice League Looking for it, you better contact him!"

"Moreover, the Justice League has a plan. It seems... it has something to do with you. The Green Arrow came to you for this!"

Chapter 1387 Juvenile Justice League

After talking with his mother, Artemis has contacted Arrow.As the disciple or assistant of Arrow, he had disappeared for so long, and he really needed to tell him.

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