Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1157

As night fell, on the roof of my house.

Artemis wore uniforms habitually, standing on the edge looking out at the night of the city.

There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and an arrow was accurately inserted on the edge of the roof, followed by a figure that had already swung on the roof, wearing a green uniform and holding a combined bow, it was the Green Arrow!

However, the Arrow in this world is obviously a bit old, completely in the middle and old age, and far less mature than Earth 1.

"Where have you been during this time?" Arrow asked.

Artemis said apologetically what he had said to his mother again.

"You said that he is a god in another world and killed the god of that world? And he still knows us? That's interesting. I really want to see what the guy who killed the god looks like!"

"He did not kill God, but deprived him of his ability and status." Artemis explained.

"It's all the same!" Green Arrow said: "You said his name is Su Zhan, right? Will we have a chance to meet?"

"I have to ask about this before I know it, but he probably won't refuse."

"One more thing, the Justice League decided to let everyone’s assistants form a team to deal with some simple problems. I wanted to tell you before, but you were not there for a while. So I let Roy the Arrow go. , But he doesn't seem to get along well with the team, so if you want to quit, I am going to let you take over her position!" Arrow said.

"I... Am I suitable?" Artemis hesitated.

"I will let you join as my niece."

"I want to consider it." If it was before, Artemis would definitely agree without hesitation.

Her family background is very complicated. For some reasons, she chose to become a hero and become the assistant and disciple of Arrow. If she can join such a team, she would be very happy, even if she is just replacing the Arrow, but now... ...She subconsciously thought of Su Zhan.

Perhaps, I can ask his opinion.

"Well, I am waiting for your news!"

He also felt the change of Artemis, but didn't say anything.

After the separation, Arrow came to the base of the Justice League, the watchtower.

The location of the watchtower is established in outer space. Each hero can go back and forth according to the teleporter established in his city. It is very convenient and has high security measures. It is a luxury built by many appearance technologies, Green Lantern participated in, and Batman invested base.

"Identification, 08, Arrow."

With the sound of the electronic sound, the Arrow has been teleported to the base of the watchtower.

Each member has its own number and fixed authority, which is similar to the ID card in the Justice League base of the Soviet war, but it is more standardized here. Everyone has their own changes and cannot be impersonated. If there is no in the database If it is not, only alliance members provide permission to temporarily allow entry.

"Help me look up a person named Su Zhan, the code name may be called Lord of the Gods."

As soon as he came in, Arrow had asked the computer to help check it.

"What are you looking up?" Batman in black came over and asked.

Arrow said: "I met an interesting person and thing."

With that said, Arrow talked about Artemis and Su Zhan.

At this time, the system already has query results.


There is no information.

"If you can, it's best to let us see you too." Batman looked at the query results, turned his head and said to Arrow.

A god that suddenly appeared, whether it was true or not, deserves their attention.



During this period of time, I got used to being in heaven, surrounded by countless beauties, and now I feel a little uncomfortable.Fortunately, there is another Julie who hasn't tasted her yet.When Julie finished surfing the net and took a shower, Su Zhan specially asked her to change into the leather jacket she had bought before, and her interest instantly increased. In the end, she didn’t even take it off, so Su Zhan went straight on. Now, let alone... it feels different.It’s better if you don’t wear it, or if you wear it!

But after it was over, Julie took off the clothes, after all, it was uncomfortable to sleep in her.

Early the next morning, Su Zhan was woken up by the doorbell. As soon as he was about to go to watch the door, Julie got up and put on clothes first, and then opened the door.


Julie was a little surprised after opening the door."How did you find this place? Haven't you never called?"

Artemis said proudly: "This is my world!"

As Green Arrow's assistant, it would be too wasteful if he couldn't even find out this piece of information, let alone Su Zhan didn't hide his identity specially.

"Why didn't you stay at home for a while?" Su Zhan wrapped up in a bath towel and said.

"There are things I want to ask your opinion."

"I'll take a shower first and say it later!"

Su Zhan went in, took a shower, changed into casual clothes, and then came out: "Say, what's the matter."

"I met Green Arrow yesterday and told him about you. He hopes to see you. Also... She wants me to join an organization of the Justice League, which is composed of assistants and disciples, called the Youth Justice League. I haven't agreed yet, I want to ask you!" Artemis said.

"Is it just established?"

"It was established when I went to another world with you. I joined Speed ​​Arrow before, but it seems that the cooperation is not happy, so I want to quit and let me replace it."


There is not much known about the Juvenile Justice League Su Zhan, only that Artemis is a member of it, but when he joined it is still unclear.

"Join if you are interested. Anyway, I am not often in this world." Su Zhan thought for a while and said casually.

"Well, what about the meeting?"

"You arrange it."

The Arrow in this world is still the Justice League, and Su Zhan is really ready to meet.

Chapter 1388: New Base

Artemis contacted Arrow, first said that he agreed to join the Youth Justice League, and then said that Su Zhan agreed with him.Arrow invited Su Zhan to meet in the Hall of Justice, which was very grand.Artemis introduced Su Zhan to the Hall of Justice.

The Justice Hall is one of the infrastructures of the Justice League. It is located in Washington, DC. It is funded by Batman and designed and trimmed by Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. As a semi-open headquarters, it is more like a memorial or facade, and it also contains There is a teleporter to the watchtower.

Don't look at it like this, but ordinary people are not qualified to go in, so inviting Su Zhan to meet there for the first time is definitely a kind of respect.

Artemis took Su Zhan and Julie to the Hall of Justice. Obviously, the guard at the door had been notified and did not stop them.As soon as I entered, I saw Arrow, and Batman walked towards him.

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