Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1169

Su Zhan thought for a while and said, "Is there a picture of him? Let me see!"

Superman quickly sent a photo. It looked like Dumb Nong was debugging something in front of a huge machine. It should be in Lex's laboratory.Looking at the dumb farmer, Su Zhan couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"What's the matter?" Louise asked when seeing Su Zhan's expression.

"This guy should be dead. When I killed Zod, he was one of Zod's deputies. I still have a better impression of him. Now he actually appears here, and the Green Lanterns also Didn't find it, that means he didn't enter the earth from outside, but... came here from another world."

"The other world, you mean Earth 2?" Superman immediately reacted.

Su Zhan nodded.

Now it seems that this is the only possibility.

Maybe, this dumb farmer was brought over from Earth 2 at the original speed. Otherwise, Su Zhan can be sure that he is dead, and the green light men can be sure that no one came to the earth from outer space. The only possibility is that he came from the earth. 2 of!

"Anyway, the research they are doing is very dangerous, and we have to stop it. His laboratory is built in a metropolitan city, and Batman has begun to disperse the people." Superman said in a deep voice.

"I see, I will rush over as soon as possible!"

Su Zhan said, the communication has been hung up.

Turning her head, Louise got up from him and started looking for her own clothes and put them on.

"Sorry, I wanted to accompany you more." Su Zhan apologized.

Louise shook her head: "Business matters, you have to deal with this crisis, and I also want to expose Lex!"

"This is too dangerous." Listening to Louise's meaning, she even wanted to report the news live.

"This is my job! And, with you, you won't make me trouble, will you?" Louise smiled slyly.

Chapter 1402


Near Lex’s laboratory, Batman and his assistant Robin are dispersing the nearby people. Although even Superman hasn’t seen what kind of research they are doing, whether there is strong destructive power and danger, but just in case , I decided to empty the neighborhood first, lest any situation would affect the masses.

This is also Batman, the Justice League has a solid foundation among the masses, or it has credibility and appeal.Otherwise, I am afraid that no one will stay well and suddenly leave.

People here are evacuating. In the Lex company laboratory, Lex Luthor already knew that someone had invaded and discovered that he was studying Krypton technology, and even Batman was still dispersing nearby people.Obviously, Batman is definitely not idle and bored, so he must take action against the laboratory after the people are dispersed.

"How about it, how long will it take to succeed."

Lexluth asked the dumb farmer.

Dunong shook his head and said: "Not yet, the experiment is not stable. If you release it now, it will be difficult to control."

"It's too late, Superman and Batman will be here soon. Let it out, just let me test its power, anyway, it is only one of the experimental products!" Lex Luther said.


"If you want to be caught by the Justice League?" Lexluth looked at the dumb farmer displeased.

Although the dumb farmer has a big body, looks fierce and vicious, and the Kryptonian physique does not need to be said, but he is a little jealous or afraid of Lex Luthor.Nodding in submission, the dumb farmer's fingers danced quickly on the machine. It didn't take long before the huge ovary-like thing in front of him began to squirm, as if something was coming out of its cocoon.

"Unfortunately I can't see its birth with my own eyes!"

Lexluth said regretfully, and then left the laboratory with the dumb farmer.


A huge roar sounded, the ovary was torn apart, and an ugly giant monster jumped out of it.

About three meters tall, his body has a brownish-green feeling, and he is very strong. This humanoid monster appeared very violent when he came out, roaring and ripping off the tube of his instrument, and then jumped directly through the roof. Get out.


The roof of Lex Company was directly penetrated, and the huge monster jumped out with a loud howl.

"Oh my God, what is that."

Soon someone noticed the monster, and was startled and screamed.

Batman and Robin also noticed.

"You continue to disperse the people, take them and leave here quickly." Batman said to Robin. The Batplane above his head had flown over, the rope was lowered, and Batman grabbed the plane by himself.

"Superman, what is this guy?"

Sitting in the plane, Batman asked Superman.

Superman was also busy dispersing the crowd before, and when the monster appeared, he was stunned.

"I don't know, I've never seen it." Superman said in a deep voice, "I'll hold him."

After the voice fell, Superman flew past with a whistle, and the huge force directly flew the monster away.

Bang bang bang!

The monster pierced through several tall buildings, and finally stopped holding the wall with his bare hands.


It seemed to be irritated, and rushed directly at Superman with a roar.

Its ability to bounce is like Hulk, and in an instant, he crossed an extremely long distance and directly caught Superman, and then fell heavily to the ground.

With a bang, Superman landed, and the monster stepped directly down!

Superman fought a fierce battle with this monster. The destructive power of the two was quite amazing, and almost none of the surrounding buildings were spared.This makes those who have evacuated from the building feel fortunate, and those who have not yet evacuated no longer hesitate and hurried away.

The police have begun to deploy police forces to maintain the order of evacuation, and there are planes attacking monsters in the air.

However, the bullet is useless at all!

It didn't hurt the monster at all, but made him even more violent.Jumping fiercely, facing the rain of bullets, an airplane was directly dragged down from the air by it, and after a few laps, it went out and hit a nearby building and exploded.

"I'm coming!"

Suddenly, a ray of light lit up, and immediately afterwards, the Flash had appeared.

As soon as he appeared, the Flash ran towards the monster at a fast speed. At first, the monster was caught off guard and couldn't react at all. He was continuously attacked by the Flash, but...the Flash's attacks seemed a little weaker.The angry monster howled again and again, and suddenly... it suddenly reached out and caught the Flash.

The Flash's small body was picked up directly.

"Flash!" Superman yelled, and his eyes shot lasers at the monster.

The monster took two steps back and released the Flash.

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