Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1170

"Ahem, this guy...this guy seems to be able to evolve!" The Flash coughed and shouted.

As the Flash's voice fell, I saw the monster's eyes turn red, and just like Superman, his eyes fired lasers!

"Damn it, get away!"

The Flash yelled and dodged instantly.

I saw the laser sparing a full circle, followed by all nearby buildings crashing down!

"What the hell is this!"

The Flash asked evasively.

It's so strong in itself, it can even evolve.

"This is... the day of destruction!"

A voice suddenly rang in the minds of Flash, Superman, Batman, and Robin.

It's the voice of Su Zhan!

"Day of Destruction?"

"Yes, Krypton, even one of the most powerful biological weapons in the universe, has the power to destroy the world, the same jumping power as flying, never feel tired, unlimited physical energy, super fast healing and regeneration ability, It can even continuously evolve and restrain the opponent in battle according to the opponent's abilities and characteristics. It can adapt to all environments and all enemies. The never-ending killing machine can be called the end of all things!"


After hearing Su Zhan's explanation, everyone was a little depressed.

Nima is such a perverted guy, how to deal with it?

Chapter 1403

Su Zhan teleported directly back to Earth with Louise, back to the metropolis.

As soon as I came back, I saw the devastated city!

Seeing that huge and vicious monster, no one else knew it, but Su Zhan did.

This is not the day of destruction of the monsters in "Superman v Batman: Dawn of Justice"!In the movie, the Day of Doom was transformed from the body of General Zod, but it is obvious that this one is not, but it must be the corpse of a Kryptonian.It's not easy to deal with.

In the movie, the three giants joined forces for the first time, and it turned out that they relied on the scepter made of Kryptonite to kill the Doomsday, but that was the result of Superman's death with him.

"Shall I send you down?" Su Zhan said to Louise.

Louise shook her head: "Wait, I saw the newspaper plane, you can send me there."

Not far away, a plane was hovering and didn't dare to approach it at all.

Su Zhan hugged Louise and flew over. The helicopter was full of people from the Planet Daily, and I was a little happy to see Su Zhan holding Louise over.Putting Louise on the plane, Su Zhan waved his hand to cover the plane with a layer of chaotic power to ensure that there would be no danger.Then he turned and flew to the center of the battlefield.

At this time everyone was still joining hands to deal with the Day of Doom, and even Wonder Woman was here.

Although the arrival of Wonder Woman changed the situation a bit, it still couldn't defeat the Doomsday.

Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash joined forces to attack. The Doom Day seemed to continue to withstand the attacks, but there was no damage.This guy is somewhat similar to Hulk, or has the same sex as a monster, that is, the more angry the stronger!Seeing Doom Sun's body gradually lit up, followed by a boom, a powerful energy attack wave spread out instantly.

Superman's arms resisted, and he was instantly shocked.

The Flash turned into lightning, and he picked up Batman and ran away with Robin.

Wonder Woman held her shield to resist. The powerful force made her retreat uncontrollably, and a trace was formed on the ground. In the end, she couldn't resist, and the shield bounced off.Wonder Woman closed her eyes subconsciously, but did not feel the shock wave.

When I opened my eyes, a not-so-forgiving figure stood in front. At this moment, it seemed extremely tall!

"Su Zhan!"

Wonder Woman shouted in surprise.

Seeing the shock wave, Su Zhan turned his head slightly and smiled at her.

Seeing him, Wonder Woman was relieved.


When the shock wave dissipated, the surrounding buildings had been razed to the ground, a little broken wreck, and occasionally burning flames, shocking, as if people had forgotten their words.

The center of the war.

Doom Sun opened his arms and roared wantonly.

People can't help but feel desperate.

At this time, whether the military or the government, they have been completely dumbfounded. This kind of destructive power, this invincible posture, makes them completely powerless to deal with.

"Next, what do I do next."

After a long time, someone asked tremblingly.

"We can only expect Su Zhan and Justice League!"

"This guy is handed over to me, you go find Luther and the dumb farmer." Su Zhan's voice sounded.

"You are alone, can you?" Wonder Woman said.

"I will stay to help you!" Superman said.

"No one can run wild in my turf. Daxed will not, nor will it destroy the day." Su Zhan said lightly."You go catch them, they can make one, maybe they can make more!"

Everyone thought for a while and thought it made sense!

The strength of Su Zhan has always been worthy of their trust, and never let them down.Secondly, Luther and Dumb Farmers are indeed very important, and no one can guarantee that they will not create a day of destruction again!Several people from the Justice League left quickly to find Luther and the dumb farmers, but the day of destruction did not stop it, it seemed to feel that this talent was the real enemy!

"Superman Batman how did they leave? Su Zhan is the only one left. Can he deal with the Doomsday?" On the plane, Louise had already started a live report.

Other neighborhoods in the metropolis and other cities are broadcasting this scene. Countless people have seen this appalling scene and heard Louise's worried voice.

Before Louise's live broadcast, someone was already live, so many people saw that Superman, Batman, Robin, Flash, and Wonder Woman are not opponents of Doomsday.Although I don't know why they are leaving now, but Su Zhan alone is it possible?

Some people are worried, some people are full of confidence in the Soviet war.

Mrs. Shangdu is also one of them.

After separating from Su Zhan, Mrs. Shangdu has been in the metropolis and learned a lot about Su Zhan and Justice League.Regarding Su Zhan’s lace news, Mrs. Shangdu was originally a little unhappy, because it seemed that he was a playboy, but when the day of destruction appeared, seeing such a powerful monster, seeing the Justice League acted Enemy, Mrs. Shangdu was also worried.She heard clearly that someone around her was calling for Su Zhan, hoping that Su Zhan could appear.However, Su Zhan appeared, and he was full of cheers!

She could feel the status of Su Zhan in people's hearts.

This is not something that can be done with lace news, Su Zhan is a true hero and true savior in their hearts!

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