Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1178

It is Su Zhan, Katana and Cupid.

Looking at the two people kindly and suspiciously, Katana, she knows the members of the Raptor Squad, but who is this dressed up as an archer?

"She is also a member of the Suicide Squad?" Cupid asked casually looking at the kindness.

"She's Ren Ci, the former Lex Luthor's secretary and bodyguard, the current Lex President, and your money bag." Su Zhan said with a smile and walked over, benevolent and subconsciously got up and gave up his position. Su Zhan also I just sat down without being polite."You did a good job, faster than I thought. I set up a team, the suicide team, you have seen the members, it's a few of you. Katana is the captain, but she has to stay with me for the time being. I take out a fund for the suicide squad, and find a suitable place as a base as soon as possible. In addition, this is Cupid, she will be with you temporarily, if there is something inconvenient for you to come forward, it is not convenient for me to come forward. Just let her do it!" Su Zhan said slowly.

Ren Ci didn't want to join any suicide squad, but Su Zhan's order she obviously couldn't refute, and with Cupid, many things were convenient.In the past, Luther left many things to do by himself, and now he can leave it to Cupid.

"and this……"

Su Zhan had already taken out his collar.

Kindness didn't say anything, and Cupid became excited.

"Can't leave me alone!"

After speaking, Cupid came to Ren Ci in an instant to take off her clothes. Ren Ci naturally disagreed and stopped a few times, but she saw that Su Zhan did not stop, and Cupid's actions were very rough. Empty!

Chapter 1413 Metropolis and Gotham City

Su Zhan didn't feel much when Cupid wore it before. Apart from the interesting tattoo, his figure was good but not prominent, so he didn't have any thoughts.But looking at the kindness in front of him, Su Zhan felt a little different, perhaps because he thought of Mariko.

And the kindness is far less calm than Cupid, even a little shy.

This made Su Zhan even more interested.

I originally planned to train her slowly, so naturally I didn't need to pity or worry about her.

"Hold her!"

Su Zhan got up and said something. Cupid and the katana froze for a while and immediately reacted. While holding the benevolent hand, he directly pressed her to the table, and then... Su Zhan let the benevolence understand what it means to say nothing. Driving, she never expected that her first time would be such a humiliating and sudden scene.

This made her always strong feel a bit sore in her nose, but... before she could cry, the feeling of aggrieved feeling had become a strange pleasure!

"Luthor, who has the opportunity to see other parallel universes, must tell him, I worked as your secretary on your desk!" Su Zhan thought so and so, and then sorted it out."I will always pay attention to your situation."

After speaking, he left with the katana.

In the office, Kindness lay on the table and didn't slow down.

Cupid leaned on the table and looked at him kindly: "Your treatment is really good."

"Are you taunting me?" Kindly angrily asked.

Cupid smiled: "Then you are wrong, your treatment is much better than me. At least, I am wearing this dog pen like you, he doesn't have any thoughts or actions towards me, and you...obviously He treats you differently."

"I would rather not have this difference!"

"Tsk tusk, haven't you heard of it? Only the woman he has been to is her own. I bet that if we are both in danger at the same time, we can only choose one of them, he will definitely choose you!"


Kindness didn't speak, and didn't know if he didn't want to speak, or didn't know what to say.

"Well, our money bag, now that I have money, I should also consider upgrading equipment." Cupid said with a smile.



Su Zhan brought the katana to the metropolis, the roof of the Planet Daily Building.

There is a small room similar to a utility room on this roof. Su Zhan placed the teleporter here. Only people with ID codes can use it, so there is no worry that outsiders will enter the alliance headquarters through him.After the installation was complete, Su Zhan contacted Louise and Superman.

Louise and Superman, who were working, were about to go to the roof when they received the news, but they met unexpectedly in the elevator.

"Are you going to the rooftop?" Louise asked.

"Yeah, go and breathe, so are you?" Superman, Clark Kent said.

After speaking, both of them had a weird sense of suspicion, which didn't exist until they saw Su Zhan.

"You turned out to be Superman? How could this be possible, you..." When Louise knew that Superman's true identity turned out to be her colleague, she was indescribably surprised.But this kind of surprise didn't last long before being attracted by the teleporter. Both Louise and Superman were amazed and liked this thing very much.

"By the way, regarding Luthor's matter, you can go back to Lexer to find kindness, which is Luthor's former secretary. She has accepted Lexer's. You can discuss how to report it. Be your own person." Su Fight against Louise.

Louise suddenly realized, no wonder Su Zhan killed Luther so simply, it turned out there was this reason!

"I have to go to Gotham City to install the teleporter." Su Zhan felt a little non-stop, and went straight to Gotham City after leaving the Planet Daily.

When it comes to Batcave, Batman is not here, only Robin and the butler.

Robin followed by to help with the teleporter installed by Su Zhan, complaining from time to time, and the meaning of the words was very clear, that is, he felt that he was ready to be a teacher, but Batman always thought that his popularity was still If it’s not there, it’s not enough to stand on its own...

Regarding Robin's complaint, Su Zhan just smiled and said that by letting him work hard, he would naturally have the opportunity to stand on his own in the future.

After installing the teleporter, Su Zhan casually asked: "Where is Batman?"

"Go to the Arkham Asylum, he just caught the clown again." Robin said.

"So fast?" Su Zhan was a little surprised. The Joker is definitely Batman's rival, an absolutely ruthless character, but Su Zhan didn't meet the Joker before that, maybe he was locked in the Arkham Asylum.But Batman participated in the Doomsday event and it didn't take long to come back. He caught the Joker so soon?

Although Batman is often able to defeat the Joker, he was caught so quickly.

"This time I went a bit farther. The Joker thought Batman was dealing with Doomsday and tricked an intern in the Akamen Madhouse to help him escape. But he didn't expect Batman to come back so quickly. He didn't wait for him to have any plans. I was caught directly back." Robin said with a curled mouth."Also, didn't take me!"

"Arkham Asylum, intern?" Su Zhan's thoughts moved, and he turned to the computer.

"Help me look up the information of the intern who helped the clown escape in Arkham Asylum."

As Su Zhan's voice fell, a file appeared on the computer.

Harley Quinn.

A well-known criminal psychology position in Gotham City, he was specially hired by the Arkham Asylum as an intern psychological consultant for patients.

A photo in a white coat looks very youthful and beautiful.

"I don't know what she thinks. It was to let her know about curing the clown's mental illness, but she was fooled by the clown. Now she has also been locked up and revoked her license." Robin walked over and said.

"That's good." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Yes, a clown is already troublesome enough, and it would be terrible if another clown supporter comes." Robin said.

Su Zhan smiled, he could say very well, but he didn't mean it.

But the members of the suicide squad can be added one more, and it is the absolute mainstream, the most popular one!

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