Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1179

Chapter 1414 Arkham Asylum

The location of Arkham Lunatic Asylum is rather mysterious, most people don't know where it is, only that it is in the suburbs of Gotham City.

The full name of the Arkham Asylum is called the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for Psychiatric Crimes. It is located on the outskirts of Gotham. It can be understood as an'abnormal human research center'. Most of the prisoners are extremely dangerous criminals with high intelligence. For the Kham Asylum, the most popular person is Batman. The criminals sent by him alone have almost filled most of the Arkham Asylum, making the Arkham Asylum useful.

Speaking of it, the predecessor of the Arkham Asylum was called Arkham General Hospital. During the construction of the hospital, the architect of the hospital went crazy and hacked her workers to death.Later, the mother of the owner of the hospital suffered from a very serious mental illness, so it was rebuilt as Arkham Hospital, and the word vertical and horizontal was removed to treat patients with mental illness.

However, the accident happened again shortly afterwards. A high-risk criminal in the hospital escaped and killed the wife and daughter of the hospital owner, so it was remodeled and turned into an Arkham lunatic asylum for criminals with serious criminal inclination and mental illness.

At this time, Su Zhan and Katana had already arrived at the Arkham Asylum, but they were walking back and forth with Batman.

Just after the bat left with his front foot, Su Zhan and the Katana arrived.

But without Batman, Su Zhan can also be unimpeded here.

Just brush your face.

Accompanied by hospital staff, Su Zhanzhi paid a good visit.I have to say that the environment in a place like a mental hospital is really gloomy, even if the sanitation here is very good, and it is equipped with high-tech equipment to prevent criminals from escaping, but it still feels gloomy.

It's as if someone feels uncomfortable when going to the hospital. The environment affects the psychology.

Su Zhan has always felt that people who can work in mental hospitals are very good, although the shift system here is very frequent, just don’t want the staff to stay in this environment for a long time, contact these people and cause any psychological distortion, just like Harley Quinn. , But it will still affect more or less.

In this, Su Zhan saw many criminals, such as the clown who just sent in, the riddler, the double-faced man, and a Mr. Freeze wearing a freezing device. They are all deadly villains. There are a lot of talented people, the feeling of shining stars.

"Hey, the killer crocodile is here too!"

Passing by a certain cell, Su Zhan happened to see a crocodile-like guy with an abnormal skin all over his body.

The characteristics are so obvious that they can be recognized at a glance.

This is one of Batman's main villains, the killer crocodile.

This guy was originally a wrestler, but after participating in the military's genetic modification experiment, he became a crocodile-like monster and later became a mercenary.

I remember he seems to be a member of the Suicide Squad!

But after thinking about it, Su Zhan gave up and let him stay here.

Creating a suicide squad yourself is completely different from the original suicide squad, and does not require male members.

"Harley Quinn is locked here, too?" Su Zhan asked, turning his head to the person accompanying the lunatic asylum.

"Yes, because she assisted the clown to escape, it is very likely that she was affected by the clown, so she is also locked here for the time being, and then decides how to arrange it according to the situation." The accompanying person said.

"Can I see?"

"of course!"

After seeing so many murderous criminals, Harley Quinn is of course no problem, not to mention that she used to be a doctor here, and she was very familiar with the accompanying staff.The escort took Su Zhan to the cell where Harley Quinn was being held, and couldn’t help saying: “In fact, she is a very good person. She has become a well-known criminal psychology researcher at a young age. She is very smart. She is also very beautiful and cheerful. She is very good at figuring out the psychology of criminals. She has always been very smooth, without any problems, at least... we didn't feel it. Until..."

"She met the clown." Su Zhan answered.

"Yes, she is normal, and she understands the clown's mentality well, as usual, there is no sign, until suddenly, she helped the clown to escape, we did not know."

"This is it!"

While speaking, he has come to the door of a cell.

I looked at the windows of the cell, I couldn't see the inside, and I couldn't see the outside either.

The escort opened the prison door and said, "I won't go in anymore. To be honest, I treat her somewhat..."

Su Zhan nodded and walked in with the samurai sword.

The cells here are not as small as imagined, and they are not shared by a few people.

After all, they are all criminals with high intelligence and special abilities. If they live together, they either fight each other or plot to escape. The risk factor is too high.The cell was very clean, with a single bed, a small desk, and a small bathroom. It felt like he was not in jail.

No wonder they don't care about being caught in such an environment.

However, although Harley Quinn’s cell was good, her treatment was not so good.

She was fixed to the bed, her hands and feet were bound by the kind of special tools, let alone moving, even if she wanted to raise her head and bow her body, it was difficult.Even her mouth was blocked, the only thing she could see clearly was her hair.Blond hair, braids on the left and right, but the ends of the hair are dyed.

The left side is blue, some on the right side are pink.

Upon closer inspection, she discovered that her face was also somewhat different.

According to the information I saw before, her face was very clean and simple, without makeup at all, but at this time she had darker eyeshadow, the same color as the hair tips, one side blue and the other pink.

There is also a small red heart-shaped pattern under the corner of the right eye, and the lips are painted very bright red.

Katana also saw her picture in the bat cave, so at first glance she really didn't recognize her now."Is this her? How come she doesn't seem to be alone."

"Of course it is, and this should be her in my impression!"

The corner of Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly, and he said something that both the samurai sword and Harley Quinn couldn't understand.

Chapter 1415 The Clown Girl Harley Quinn

"Let go of her." Su Zhan said, the katana shot instantly, and then stood by his side and looked at her guard.

With a scream, the shadow of the knife flashed, and the shackles on Harley Quinn had been cut off.

When Harley Quinn regained her freedom, a carp sat up and smiled and said: "It's much more comfortable, and these people are really true. Anyway, they used to be colleagues, and they took care of me in such a'special' way! The clown does not have this treatment!

"That's because they are already familiar with the clown, but they are not familiar with you... the brand new you." Su Zhan said lightly.

"You let me go, are you afraid of trouble?" Harley Quinn asked, looking at Su Zhan.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "I didn't say to let you go, it's just that it was troublesome to talk with you like you were before."

"Tsk tusk, you missed a good opportunity, I can't move just now, you can do whatever you want. Right? You must do what you want to do to me, I can see it!" Harley Quinn said confidently .

Su Zhan was about to speak, but the phone rang suddenly.

I answered the phone at hand, and a familiar voice rang in the phone.

"Are you investigating Harley Quinn? Is she... okay now?"

Su Zhan looked at Harley Quinn in front of him and said with a smile: "It looks good, do you know her?"


"This is really interesting, I didn't expect you to know each other. In that case, I will pick you up." Su Zhan thought for a while, and suddenly disappeared.

Harley Quinn's eyes lit up, and Su Zhan had returned after a while, with a person.

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