Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1180

"Pamela? I knew you would come. How about my new look?" Harley Quinn smiled and asked very familiarly when he saw the visitor.

The person here is the Poison Ivy Girl Pamela.

The relationship between Poison Ivy Girl Pamela and Harley Quinn was very good, and was even mistaken for Lara because of the good relationship.However, the trajectory in this world is different because of their own reasons. I thought they would not know each other, but now it seems... they still do.

"Harry!" The Plant Girl frowned, seeming a little unhappy.

"how did you guys meet?"

Su Zhan asked curiously.

The Plant Ivy explained: "I was here when I was on a mission. At that time, she was a doctor here. In addition, they were all from Gotham City, so they knew each other. But I didn't expect her now... Damn the clown, I really want to kill him!"

"No! If you dare to kill the clown, even if we are good friends, I won't be polite to you!" Harley Quinn's expression instantly changed a bit hideously, looking at the Poison Ivy Woman: "Also , You can call me Harley Quinn later!"

"Harry!" The Plant Ivy said depressed: "What the hell did the clown do to you and how did you become like this!"

"He didn't do anything, he just let me release my nature. I know him, no one in this world knows him better than I, and understands his inner sadness..."

"She must be crazy." The Plant Girl looked at Su Zhan speechlessly, begging in her eyes.

Except for the members of the Raptor Squad, she has the best relationship with Harley Quinn. Seeing her friend become like this, Plant Mistress felt angry and sad.

"In fact, it's normal. This kind of place itself will affect people. She researches the psychology of criminals every day, especially the extremely abnormal guys like the clown. It is understandable to become this way. But... don't worry, I will Take care of her affairs." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Please, I...I'll go back first." The Plant Girl couldn't bear to look at her friend like this.

Su Zhan nodded and sent the poison ivy girl back.

After returning, Su Zhan said to Harley Quinn: "You just said, I will call you Harley Quinn in the future, right?"


"But you look like this, it's not like you, why don't you have to wear a outfit." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Are you going to take me out?" Harley Quinn's eyes lit up for an instant, and she threw herself at Su Zhan.But she stopped quickly, and a knife was already in front of her.

"Don't do this, I don't have the ability to hurt him." Harley Quinn said towards the katana.

The katana didn't say a word, and glanced at Su slowly closing the sword after the war.

"It's okay if you want me to take you out, but I have a condition! You have to join my suicide team."

"No problem, it's cool to hear the name!" Harley Quinn agreed without hesitation.

The promise was so simple without even thinking about it. At first glance, I knew that it was just perfunctory or no intention to join in sincerely, but it didn't matter, Su Zhan had his own way of adjusting her rules and regulations.

You can be Harley Quinn, but you can only be my Harley Quinn!

"I'll take her away first. Tell them that I took them away, and then go to the city to find me." Su Zhan confessed to the samurai sword, and then he teleported and disappeared with the clown girl's waist.

The next moment, the two have appeared in the city.

"Cool!!" The clown girl said in surprise, holding Su Zhan's arm."If this ability is used to commit crimes, it will not be disadvantageous!"

"Do you have any ideas about outfits?" Su Zhan asked.

"of course!"

The clown girl answered and said cheerfully."I'll lead the way, Gotham City... I'm familiar with it!"

It seemed that Harley Quinn didn't mean to take the opportunity to escape, pulling Su Zhan enthusiastically and started shopping.You must know that Su Zhan's face is quite recognizable, and the effect caused by walking on the street is of course needless to say, especially when she is surrounded by a woman with the shape of Harlequin.

Many people became curious, he changed again?

The taste this time is so special?

"Don't shoot first, don't shoot first, I will let you shoot after I finish my outfit!"

Seeing a reporter who seemed to be taking a photo, the clown girl said with a smile, and then pulled Su Zhan into the shop next to her.After entering, the clown girl began to look for clothes in excitement, one by one, shaking her head and then nodding, she looked very lively, not long after, the clown girl had already tried with a lot of things. The dressing room, for about five or six minutes, the door of the dressing room opened, and the clown girl had finished her clothes and walked out.

Chapter 1416 The Obsession Of The Clown Girl


Seeing the clown girl coming out, Su Zhan's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

The clown girl was wearing a jacket-like coat with different colors on the left and right sides, which were the same as her hair color. She wore a red and white waistless T-shirt underneath, her waist was extremely white.I wore a pair of shorts that were almost flush with the legs. The jacket should be a set. It was also blue and red. A piece of black stockings was worn inside to make the legs look extremely slender. A pair of high-heeled boots with a high top, the roots are at least ten centimeters high.

"How is it?" The clown girl asked towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan nodded."Yes, very experienced, especially these legs... I like them very much!"

"Then... how about this?"

The clown girl suddenly bent over and pulled the stockings with her hands, squirting a few times, she was pregnant with the stockings, and suddenly became torn!

"Now? Do you want to do something with me?" Harley Quinn looked at Su Zhan with a smirk.

"Think, and still immediately, right away!" Su Zhan smiled.

As a leg control, wearing silk stockings already excites him. If there is anything that excites him more than wearing silk stockings, it is wearing torn stockings!

"Hehe, that won't work, I feel like something is still missing, wait!"

The clown girl looked left and right, her eyes lit up, and she walked quickly to the side and picked up a baseball bat on her shoulder. She smiled and said, "It's perfect now!"

"Come on, baby, do what you want as soon as possible!" said the clown girl, rushing towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took the opportunity to hug her waist and kissed her red mouth.The clown girl hugged Su Zhan's neck with both hands, slightly on tiptoe to cater strongly.The technique is jerky, but the atmosphere is very good. Before you know it, Su Zhan is a bit forgetful, as if he didn’t even notice the clown girl behind him holding her neck, the hand holding the baseball bat has been raised, the baseball bat Already aimed at the back of his head.

"If you wave it down, I promise you will regret it!"

Su Zhan's voice suddenly remembered in Harley Quinn's mind, Harley Quinn was startled, and the two had separated.

The two baseball bats were put down, and the clown girl smiled and said: "How is it possible, how can I be willing to swing it down, baby!"

"You said, do I believe it?" Su Zhan asked.

The clown girl said, "I believe it anyway."

"Originally, I planned to let you join the suicide squad to train slowly, but now it seems...I should use a more direct method." Su Zhan's voice fell, and the clown girl heard a click, and followed her neck. A golden collar has appeared on it.

"Look in the mirror and see if you like it? I changed the color and style to suit your style." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Harley Quinn turned and looked in the mirror, and then said in shock: "It seems to be really good. But... not just a match, tell me, what's the use?"

"You are so smart, you should be able to guess it without saying, can't you?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

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