Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1182

"No? That means you have no idea about me? Do you know that the Raptor team is my harem group? If you have no idea about me, then I am afraid..." Su Zhan said this on purpose, and the black bat hurriedly explained ."No, I didn't mean that, I... Of course I know what it means to join the Raptor team, everyone knows. I... I don't have this idea, but I... my purpose is not this?"

"what is that?"

"I... I found someone! There is a gang called the One Hundred Gang in the metropolis. The members of this gang have been madly hit recently, but with a little brutal means. This person calls himself a thorn, and hasn't seen anything special for the time being. Ability, but the fighting ability is very strong, using a variety of weapons, the most common is a pair of short sickles." Black Bat said.

"What then? There are so many superheroes, it is not unusual to use violence to control violence." Su Zhan said.

"I'm just a little interested in her, and I feel a little like me. But my aunt refused to let me investigate. I just want to investigate clearly. If appropriate, I can make friends and go to the metropolis by the way. If you agree, , My aunt will definitely agree." The black bat said his purpose.

However, if you want to investigate the flower thorns, it should be easy to go. Going to the metropolis is the main thing, right?

Su Zhan can also see that after coming to the Raptor team, after getting familiar with it, Ms. Siwa's discipline of black bats is indeed stricter, as if she were her own daughter, but obviously... It was overkill and it was enough to stay at the base. Once you left the base, you either got permission or Ms. Shiwa would accompany him.

Fortunately, the black bat also lacks the warmth of the family, so there is no resistance to the care and discipline of his aunt, but he is very happy, but... sometimes it is indeed inconvenient.

"Do you think Siwa can let you go alone even if I agree?" Su Zhan asked.

The black bat said: "I didn't plan to go alone, I...I can let the ghost fox killer accompany me."

Come on, this is more like going to play and go shopping.

Both the ghost fox killer and the black bat are in the celestial dynasty and are active in Hong Kong. If you are really looking for someone to accompany or investigate, there is no doubt that the locals are the best. Therefore, let the ghost fox killer accompany you. Two people who have never been to the metropolis are going to play in the metropolis!

"Forget it, I'll take you with you. Go and call the ghost fox killer!!"


The black bat said, then turned to call the ghost fox killer, Su Zhan said to Ms. Siwa with his mind.

Ms. Siwa knew what was going on as soon as she heard it, but don't worry if Su Zhan is with her.

Black bats, ghost fox killers, the two put on uniforms, and then put on plain clothes, Su Zhan took them directly to the metropolis.

As soon as they arrived in the metropolis, the two of them were already attracted by the prosperity of the metropolis. Su Zhan simply accompanied them to stroll around. Although Su Zhan was not familiar with the metropolis, he had been here many times. It can be regarded as one of the main activities, and it is better than the two of them.

I bought a lot of things and tasted another Chinese meal. When I came out of the Chinese restaurant, the black bat was very enthusiastic about whether the Chinese food is authentic.

"Let me go, let me go..."

As he was talking, a man dressed as a bastard suddenly ran out of the alley next to him. This man seemed to be frightened. He ran and begged for mercy behind him, as if something terrible was chasing him.Just a few steps after this guy ran, a dagger flew out suddenly, piercing through the guy's arm in an instant, and then slowly walked out of the alley alone.She is wearing a very sexy green dress, which looks like a bikini. She wears long gloves and green boots of the same color on her arms and legs.

Holding two scythes with blue handles in both hands, and a long brown wavy hair, the expression and temperament feel as if full of anger, like a violent female warrior...

I saw that she walked up to the bully's face neatly, stepped on his back, slightly bent over and wanted to get out, and at the same time, the sickle buckled the bully's neck from the front, and said coldly: "You know me What do you want, tell me your boss is there."

"I...I don't know, I really don't know, I swear!"

"Then you go to die."

When the voice fell, she had already moved the sickle.

With a click.

The sickle chopped off his neck, and she shook the sickle and turned to leave.

"It's her!"

The black bat suddenly shouted.

"She is the person I am talking about, Thorn!"

"She is the flower thorn?"

Su Zhan looked at the opponent. He was very beautiful and had a very good figure. Moreover, this cruel and cruel energy was so different from ordinary female superheroes that he felt a little dark hero.


Hearing the black bat's shout, Hua Ting turned to ask.

The tone sounds a bit provocative.

Su Zhan can be sure that she recognizes herself, and she dares to speak in this tone when she recognizes herself, or she is confident and not afraid of herself.But this is unlikely. Su Zhan's strength is already recognized.Or, it's that this girl's character is just like that, knows who Su Zhan is, knows Su Zhan's strength, but doesn't care at all.

Now it seems that it belongs to the latter.

"It's been a long time since I saw such an arrogant girl." Su Zhan smiled and raised his voice: "Sorry, right? Let's talk?"

"Not interested in!"

After speaking, Hana turned around and prepared to leave.

Su Zhan hadn't spoken yet, and the black bat was unhappy.

Su Zhan is my idol, your attitude is not good.The moment Hua Thorn turned around, the black bat rushed over with a shout.Hua Ting's reaction was quick. The black bat had just come over, and she had already turned around, and the two of them immediately started to touch each other.


PS:: The character of Flower Thorn comes from a comic, it is relatively unpopular, a member of the Raptor team!

Chapter 1419 A Simple and Shy Girl

The ghost fox killer saw the two of them trying to help but was stopped by Su Zhan.

"The thorn's fighting skills are really good, and his character is fierce and wild, and he has the feeling of a savage warrior who is not afraid of death. The black bat's fighting skills are better than her. You should know that if you are in contact with training. . So even if you can't win, you won't lose. And this style of being bold and not afraid of death is also good for the black bat!" Su Zhan explained.

The ghost fox killer looked at it for a while and nodded in agreement, regardless of the fact that the thorn had all the weapons in his hand, and the black bat had no weapons at all because he was wearing civilian clothes, but the black bat did not fall into the wind.If speaking of fighting skills, she is still stronger, but the momentum of the flower thorn is really amazing, the kind of fierceness not afraid of death, and it can even be said that the life-changing style of play really makes the black bat a little fearful.After all, the original intention was to get to know her, although she was a little uncomfortable, it was impossible to kill her, and she was not a mortal enemy, but this flower thorn was not, it was a desperate way of playing.

After a few rounds, the thorn hits more and more fiercely. In desperation, the black bat could only choose to avoid it, but the thorn took the opportunity to run away.

The speed was very fast, and a few ups and downs had already rushed into an alley nearby.

The black bat chased after him, only to discover that the man had disappeared.

"I'm furious!"

The black bat came back a little depressed, and said nonchalantly.

"Don’t be angry. You used to deal with people you think you should deal with. When you start, you will naturally go all out and never show mercy. Suddenly encounter this situation and you will inevitably suffer. However, you still have some inexperience. If you are afraid of hurting her, you can find a way to subdue her. This shouldn't be difficult for you, it's easier than you think to defeat her. And..." Su Zhan said, suddenly asked the ghost fox killer ."If it were you, what would you do?"

"If you do it, I will hurt her seriously. If you have anything, I will say it after the fight, otherwise there will be no way to talk about it. What's more, if he is here, people will not die, even if they die, it will be fine." Ghost Fox Killer Tao.

"Yes, why didn't I expect it!" The black bat said discouragedly.

"This is all experience." Su Zhan smiled, and then said."However, this flower thorn is really interesting. It's green, with such a fierce and wild personality, but it's not too long. The term flower thorn is also appropriate. Moreover, she reminds me of the poison ivy girl a bit, but one has Ability, no one is capable."

"I will find out who she is, and I will never let her run next time." Black Bat said.

"Okay, let's investigate later, let's go back to the hotel first." Su Zhan smiled and took the two to the hotel together.

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