Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1183

Since you can't go back the same day, Su Zhan has already booked the hotel before shopping.Su Zhan just made a phone call and left his name, and the hotel room was booked.When I came to the hotel, I entered the bar in the lobby. The waiter in the bar was a girl with short blond hair. She looked weak and weak, giving people a sweet and weak feeling.Seeing Su Zhan carrying the ghost fox killer and the black bat, her face couldn't help but blush, and she took out a room card!

"What are you blushing?" Su Zhan asked with a smile while holding his room card.

"No, nothing." The waiter shook his head quickly.

"It's because the three of us opened a room? You shouldn't have been in this business for long, and you don't pay much attention to the news? Otherwise, you will know that this incident is very common, especially when it happened to me." Zhan said with a smile.

The waiter lowered his head slightly, looking shy and speechless.

"It's really rare to see a girl as simple as you, what's your name?"

"Roslin Frost."

The waiter whispered.

"Okay, I remembered it." Su Zhan said with a smile, then turned to the elevator.

Entering the elevator, the black bat said: "You today, can't find her these days."

"Why?" Su Zhan asked somewhat unexpectedly."Are you jealous? You shouldn't."

"Someone took pictures just now when we were shopping. If people know that we are with you, and you go to tease others, how shameful we are?" Black Bat said.

Su Zhan was dumbfounded."That's all about the ghost fox killer, you say so..."

"Outsiders don't know, they only know that the Raptor Squad is your harem group!"

"Well, I don't want to find her. Originally, I just thought her character was quite interesting, but I didn't plan to find her." Su Zhan said with a chuckle.

With the assurance of Su Zhan, the black bat smiled with joy.

Su Zhan asked for a presidential suite.

There are two rooms in total.

As for the distribution, it depends on the situation.

Maybe the ghost fox killer is with Su Zhan, and the black bat is with himself.Maybe... the ghost fox killer is with the black bat, and Su Zhan himself.Of course, it is also possible that three people live in one room.

When the three Su Zhan were resting in the room, the simple little girl named Roslin breathed a sigh of relief in the lobby bar downstairs.But her shyness did not fade, because other waiters came to joke, Su Zhan just chatted with her a few words and asked her name, as if it was interesting to her, which made the other waiters envy the women. Joking is no less than a man.

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, he... he just chats a few words casually, and I... I don't mean that. Time is coming, I'm getting off work!" Roslin said.

"What kind of shift, you just came back."

"What?" Roslin was a little confused.

"You didn’t remember it on purpose. You suddenly didn’t know where you were going before. It was the class I was in for you. You just came back and didn’t have ten minutes to fight with Su. You should continue to work for me. It's me who gets off work!" said one of them.

"Really? But, but I don't have any impression at all. What did I go out for?" Roslin was even more at a loss, she had no impression at all.

"Are you OK?"

"I, I'm okay, maybe I'm too tired recently, and sometimes I always forget what I've done. Then, I'll continue to work." Roslin shook his head hesitantly, and declined their kindness before continuing to work.However, she felt something wrong in her heart.

Chapter 1420 Battle Alliance Universe and Flower Thorn Night Attack

Although the main purpose of the black bat and the ghost fox killer is to go shopping, after all, the flower thorn is the reason for them to come to the metropolis, not to mention the encounter, the black bat let her run away.So after returning, the two did not look at the spoils of the previous shopping, but began to investigate the thorns!Connected to the Justice League system, and retrieved surveillance video to look for the whereabouts and clues of Hua Ting, Su Zhan did not participate, but went into the innermost room to rest.

Said it was a rest, of course he was not idle.

Taking control of Earth 99, the level of the power of rules has increased, and he is already sure to arrange his own two Earths, Earth 1, and Earth 2 together to form a multiverse.The mind was immersed, and soon... Two illusory blue planets have appeared, and the force of the rules has been mobilized as before, and they have begun to pull the two earths in one direction.

The biggest difficulty before is that there seems to be an invisible barrier between the two earths, or a wall that blocks the two worlds.Now, with the force of the rules, the two earths are getting closer and closer, and the wall is getting weaker and weaker. Su Zhan dare not take it lightly, dare not relax the slightest, he has already felt the difficulty.

Gritting his teeth and tensing his mind, the wall has become thinner and thinner.


As if there was a loud and silent noise, that wall collapsed suddenly, Su Zhan hurriedly retracted his strength to prevent the two earths from colliding together.When Su Zhan regained the power of the rules, the two earths did not separate again, but were very close to each other, stopping side by side at a parallel angle.


Su Zhan was overjoyed in an instant, and finally dragged the two earths together, dragged to one side, forming a multiverse.Although, this multiverse has only two parallel earths!

In the past, Su Zhan could only extract the power of faith like one earth and one earth, but now, he can extract the power of faith from two worlds at the same time, and he can understand the situation of the two worlds at the same time and move his heart at will.

"It should be called Zhanmeng Universe. It is convenient to distinguish it from other worlds. Otherwise, it is easy to confuse Earth 1 and Earth 2. Zhanmeng Universe Earth 1, Earth 2, and so on It’s much more convenient. Well, I should go back and install the cosmic teleporter to allow the two universes to cross each other. Then one of them can be erased, and the province will occupy the copy place." Su Zhan thought so and this It just so happened that the ghost fox killer had already come in.

Seeing the ghost fox killer wrapped in a bath towel and just taking a bath as if he was about to rest, Su Zhan realized that a long time had passed before he knew it, and it was too late.

Su Zhan in a good mood took the ghost fox killer and directly fought.The ghost and fox killer could feel it. Su Zhan seemed to be in a particularly good mood. I don’t know why she was so happy. This made her feel happy. She took the initiative to flatter her. It didn’t take long for the voice to be heard, which made her still investigating The stinging black bat gradually became a little uncomfortable, unable to concentrate at all.

Finally, the black bat stopped investigating and went back to his room to rest.

It's just...tossing and turning, but I can't sleep.

Before she knew it, her attention had been completely attracted by the voice next door, and her mind couldn't help but think.

The inside was busy doing things, and the people outside were busy thinking about how to do things inside, and they didn't notice at all. The door in the living room quietly opened.In the dimness, a person walked in quietly, wearing green clothes, holding a sickle in his hand, and a room card, it was a flower thorn!

"Huh, it's exactly the same as I thought."

As soon as I came in, I heard that sound, Hua Ting sneered, and said in his heart.

Came to the door of the room softly, the thorn did not open the door, but took out another sleeve needle and shot it in the door.Immediately afterwards, a special smell has drifted away, and the black bat quickly smelled in a trance: "This smell is calming poison gas? How..."

She was about to get up in surprise, but she softened, and then she lost consciousness.

After about a minute or two, the flower thorn waited for the venom inside to have completely diffused and began to dissipate before pushing the door in.This calming poison gas was prepared by herself, and the effect was very strong, but it dissipated quickly.Glancing at the black bat on the bed, Hua Ting smiled triumphantly.

Her purpose this time is simple, take revenge.

What Soviet war, what justice league leader, did not fall into his own hands?

Flower Thorn thought so and so, and already pushed open the door of the inner room.

In the room, a man and a woman, Su Zhan was lying on the ghost and fox killer, motionless, as if he had been affected by the poison gas.

"Dirty!" Seeing the posture of the two, Hua Ting couldn't help but sneered, then took out the rope, as if he was about to tie the two together.The sickle was put aside, Hua Ting took the rope and came to the side, curling his mouth and grasping Su Zhan's shoulder as if he wanted to lift him up.


After trying it, he couldn't move it. This made Hua Ting a little surprised. I didn't expect him to be so heavy. He crashed hard and pulled Su Zhan's shoulders with both hands. As a result, at this moment, the sleepy Su Zhan suddenly moved.Flower Thorn didn't even react, and felt that his hands were suddenly twisted to the back, and then he was trapped.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Su Zhan standing beside him with a smile.

"You...what are you..." Hua Tiao turned over and lay on the bed, looking at Su Zhan in surprise.

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