Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1184

"It's surprising why I was not poisoned? Don't be kidding. You look down on people too much, right?"

Su Zhan did not notice when Hua Ting came in. He was in a good mood and he was busy working with the ghost fox killer, but he immediately felt the poisonous gas. Watching the ghost fox killer sleep, Su Zhan sensed who the person was. I just want to see what she is going to do.

Finding that Hua Ting seemed to tie himself up, Su Zhan made the move.

"What do you want!" Hua Thorn snorted.

Su Zhan smiled: "You are not malicious, and I will naturally not kill you. However, naturally I will not let you go. What did you just say? Dirty, right? Then I will do something dirty to you. Thing..."

Chapter 1421

"What are you doing! Stop, stop... You have to dare to do to me, I swear... I will kill you!" Hua Ting's mood became very excited, and his legs turned towards Su Zhanmeng. Kick, and even stand up to resist.But before she moved, seeing Su Zhan smiled slightly, she felt that she couldn't move.

"what are you doing?"

"It's just a simple power of thought. For you, I don't need to use any special methods." Su Zhan smiled and sat directly on Hua Ting's body, looking at Hua Ting's uniform like a swimsuit. Directly and unceremoniously.

The flower thorn can't move but he keeps cursing and threatening.

At this moment, Su Zhan really wanted to say a few classic lines. For example, if you call, no one will come to rescue you even if you call your throat broken.And the harder she scolded, the less likely it was for Su Zhan to stop.

"I'm going to see how long you can hold on to this so-called dirty thing." Su Zhan said with a smirk.

Su Zhan almost used his whole body to solve the problem, the thorn's screaming became smaller and smaller, and her state was getting more and more...Everyone understood.The uniform on his body was already messy, and everything that should have appeared and shouldn't have appeared.Seeing Hua Ting's state at this moment, Su Zhan didn't do it, and he didn't stop it, letting her know how happy the dirty things in her mouth are!

As for the flower thorns, it was a bit fierce at first, as if it started to scream again, but it didn't take long...The voice had become the same as she heard when she first came in, exactly the same!

After a long time, Su Zhan let go of the flower thorns and let her lie there to rest, then got up and picked up the ghost fox killer, and said: "I'll wake them up. We'll talk about it later, how did you find it? Here and coming in, oh...and also... how dirty things feel!"

Hua Ting couldn't speak at all, and closed his eyes slightly, because he was too tired, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Su Zhan put the ghost fox killer and the black bat together, put his hands on the two of them to expel the poisonous gas from them, and it didn't take long for them to wake up faintly.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are you here?"

Seeing the difference between the two, Su Zhan said, "You are poisoned by the flower thorn."

"I remember it, Thorn, is it her? Where is she now?" Black Bat hurriedly called.

Su Zhan used his chin to compare to the room inside.The black bat jumped down by itself, pushed the door and rushed in.


As soon as he entered, the black bat yelled subconsciously, and not long after, she dragged a woman out.

"Didn't you tell you that you are not allowed to tease her? Why is she here, thorns?" The black bat walked out with a short-haired woman who was the simple and shy girl in the bar downstairs. , Roslin!

Roslin covered his body with his hands, lowered his head shy and frightened.


Listening to the black bat's question and looking at Roslin's appearance, Su Zhan was a little confused!

Subconsciously glanced inside, no one was gone, and the thorns were gone.

"Why are you here?" Su Zhan asked Roslin.

He was certain that Hua Ting had no superpowers. Although she had relieved her mind power, she should not have the strength to escape after it was over. In such a short time, she would not be able to escape.However, the thorn is gone, but Roslin is here.

"I... I don't know, I was here as soon as I woke up. What did you do to me?" Roslin whispered, a little aggrieved, even some weeping.

That feeling, that kind of reaction, as if to say what Su Zhan did to her, forcibly got her.

"Don't you really know what's going on?" Su Zhan asked again, already using the ability to create the world.

But Roslin's answer is still the same, that is, she really doesn't know.

However, Roslin's physical condition did seem to be what he had just done.

This made Su Zhan think of a possibility...

"Do you know Hua Thorn?" Su Zhan asked.

"No, I don't know." Roslin shook his head.

"Do you often lose your memory? You often forget what you have done in a certain period of time and what happened?" Su Zhan asked again.

Roslin looked up in amazement."How do you know? I haven't noticed it before, but recently I...I found myself forgetting things easily, and I have no impression at all. Before you moved in, my colleague told me that I had been out for a long time before you I came back before I moved in. But... I don't remember what happened."

"I probably understand!"

Su Zhan turned his head to the black bat and said: "You go downstairs, you should be able to find the flower thorns downstairs."

The black bat was a little different, but it nodded.

Ten minutes later, the black bat came back with a weird expression, and there was a lot more in her hand.

Spike uniform, sickle, and...a wig with long brown hair!

"From the location point of view, it should have been thrown out of our room." Black Bat said.

With that said, the situation is obvious.

"Go and put these on." Su Zhan said to Roslin.

Roslin was a little stunned: "This... is this what you are talking about? Why should I wear it?"

"Just wear it, or do you want to be naked? Anyway, I don't care." Su Zhan said.

Roslin immediately took the clothes and went inside.

"What's the matter? She doesn't look like the flower thorns. If she is alone, we can recognize it before. Moreover, she seems to really don't know what's going on." Ghost Fox Killer and Black Bat Doubtfully asked Su Zhan.

Su Zhan nodded: "Yes, maybe it can be deceived visually, but... in a powerful disguise, even if it is a transformation, it is impossible to hide from me! However, I did not find out, it is because she is not at all I know about the flower thorns, but I don't know about the transformation!"

"She is the flower thorn, and the flower thorn is her. Or...she has two personalities!"

"Dual personality?"

"Yes, so she doesn't remember what she did when the Thorn personality is dominant, so whether I read her mind or use my ability to tell her the truth, the answers I get are all I don’t know, because she really doesn’t I know. However, Hua Ting's personality...mostly knows what happened to her!" Su Zhan explained.

Chapter 1422: Double Personality

It didn't take long for Roslin to come out of the room with a knack. She was already wearing a uniform, a wig, and two short sickles in her hand.

"is her!"

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