Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1197

"It doesn't mean that I accepted it. I tell you, I won't let you go."

"There is no woman who can't break straight. Once you can't, then twice, if you can't twice, then many times!" Su Zhan smiled."Trust me, I have experience in this area."

"I don't want to talk or see you." Kate hummed.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, and come back to you again." Su Zhan smiled and put on his clothes.

"Never come to me."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, Batwoman's straightforward plan has just begun! Believe me, you will fall in love with this taste!" After speaking, Su Zhan has disappeared.

Kate hammered the sheet viciously, looking at the bright red... traces on it, her mood was unspeakable.

It was too sudden. From Su Zhan's sudden appearance to the occupation of herself, it happened very quickly. There was no sign. The mental, psychological, and physical impact was too strong, making her feel particularly complicated and chaotic.

After returning, Su Zhan went to find Batwoman and the Oracle, chatted for a while, and then went back to the hotel to rest.In the next few days, Su Zhan’s itinerary became very regular. He went to find Batwoman every day, sometimes once, sometimes twice, and then accompanied the Batgirl and the oracle and arranged some simple things for them. task.

The crime rate in Gotham City is quite high. It is very easy to find some simple cases for them to deal with. This also caused Batman to ask about the situation specifically, how his workload has been reduced so much!

Day by day, the Batgirl and the Oracles are progressing very fast. They usually have katana to discuss with them. Many crimes, large and small, have also been handled. Although there are no decent characters and cases for the time being, they are basically The Shang is much stronger than before.

Especially the cooperation between the two is getting better and better.

Go back and add the black bat. With Batwoman, all four of you can form a bat squad!

Speaking of Batwoman, her situation has also changed a bit.

At the beginning, she resisted very strongly every time. She looked like she was reluctant to obey. Even if she had any reaction, she would not admit it. Later, she gradually became silent, and let you do what I appointed. .As for now, although it seemed quite silent at the beginning and end, in the process, when she needed active gestures, she would already take the initiative... and it was not when the Soviet War required or forced it.

On this day, as usual, Su Zhan’s so-called Batwoman plan ended. After the end, Su Zhan did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he lay beside Batwoman and opened her arms. Batwoman hesitated for a while. Leaning over slowly...

"Still so determined now?" Su Zhan asked with a smile while hugging Batwoman.

"of course!"

Batwoman said.

"Well, it seems that my plan may be temporarily interrupted. It is a shame to fall short." Su Zhan said regretfully.

Batwoman hesitated for a moment and asked, "What happened?"

"Before I came, I received a news that there was a strong magic wave in a certain area. If nothing else, I am afraid that some demon or something will appear. I have to rush to deal with it." Su Zhan said.

"Where, I will go with you too!" Batwoman hurriedly said.

"Do you want to help, or are you reluctant to part with me?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"Of course, of course it helped." Batwoman said.

"If it is to help, then forget it, I am here, and my team is enough to deal with it, you don't understand magic, and you don't have experience in dealing with magic elements, and you can't help much if you go." Su Zhan said casually.


"It's nothing but, you continue to be your rich girl, just be your Batwoman, don't worry about other things. And you should be happy, you are free." Su Zhan said, got up and started putting on clothes.

Seeing Su Zhan, Kate's expression was very hesitant, and her mood was even more contradictory.

On the one hand, she kept telling herself that Su Zhan forced herself to do this, and she was unwilling and did not change.But on the one hand, she herself felt guilty about this idea, especially when Su Zhan said just now that he was going to give up his so-called plan and leave, Kate felt that her heart seemed to be pulled, especially uncomfortable.

If she was asked to admit that she had changed, she liked it unknowingly, and couldn't do without him, she couldn't say it.Noting Kate's emotional changes, Su Zhandao didn't say anything. He didn't design it on purpose, but really wanted to leave.However, Kate's changes made Su Zhan very happy, proving that his plan was useful, the worst was a knock-on, and this time it was a chance to knock-on!

Chapter 1439 the cute sister

Before coming to see Kate, Su Zhan received news from the suicide team.

A powerful magic wave appeared in the eastern part of the metropolis, and it seemed that a barrier of space magic appeared.Immediately after the Fallen Witch, she had a special feeling, which seemed to be related to the demon in her body, so it was obviously related to the Sannomiya Demon!

At this time, members of the Suicide Squad, including the Fallen Witch, had already appeared at the location. There was no abnormality for the time being, and no one appeared, but the wave of magic became stronger and stronger, and it felt that someone might appear at any time.

After leaving Kate, Su Zhan found Mrs. Shangdu and the Gypsy girl who had been wandering around in Gotham City, and went to the fluctuation place together.

After appearing here, Su Zhan was shocked by the sight in front of him.

A purple magical energy that resembles a half-moon circle rises from the ground, and it feels like the moon freezes when it rises from the horizon.This magical energy emits a purple light, sometimes flashing strong and weak.Around here, the fallen witch, harlequin, Cupid are all here, even kindness is here.

"I have completely sealed off this area and declared that the Lex Group is conducting experiments here, and no one will be disturbed. If anything happens, at least it can be ensured that this area can be controlled for a short time." A white office outfit walked over and said.

To be honest, there are so many people here, it is normal to dress kindly, and the dresses of others are somewhat maverick and have their own styles.But in this environment, her normal dress looks a bit abnormal.

"Others have also received the news, but since the Suicide Squad is in charge, they have not come here for the time being. Once anything happens here, the Raptor Squad, Advanced Lab, Justice League and others will arrive in the first place. support!"

"In addition, according to the investigation, this thing appeared when the demon in the body of the fallen witch was blocked. It should be those demon or something that felt it disappeared, so they were preparing to invade. According to the judgment of the witch, the magic wave is getting stronger and stronger. , It will reach its peak in a few hours."

Kindness is clear, and in a few words, Su Zhan clearly understands what is going on.

It deserves to be a secretary. It is a skillful person who handles everything properly and then explains what happened in the shortest time.After the benevolent report, he took the initiative to retreat to the back. It won't work if you don't retreat, the clown girl has already rushed forward.

"Honey, when will the object be rewarded?" The clown girl came to her, holding her two braids in her hands, and blinking at Su Zhan.

At this time, he still couldn't forget about it, and he was a little fairy.

"After this matter is over." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Waiting for you!" the clown girl bounced, and then moved away.

Mrs. Shangdu and the Gypsy girl had already checked the magic fluctuations, and the fallen witch came over, her expression a little dignified.

Obviously she felt that this matter might have something to do with the Sannomiya Demon. She had been worried about this problem before, but now... the problem finally appeared.What if it is really that powerful extraterritorial demon?

"This matter has nothing to do with you. If it weren't for you, it would still happen if you changed to another person." Su Zhan patted the fallen witch on the shoulder.

"But... after all, it has something to do with me." The fallen witch said.

Su Zhan smiled: "It seems that you are energetic and think too much. When it's over, you can go with Harley Quinn. I promise you don't have any energy to think about these useless things."

The face of the fallen witch blushed slightly. At this time, Su Zhan is still talking about this?However, what he said in this way was to relax the fallen witch, with an indescribable sense of security, which immediately improved her mood a lot.


Suddenly, Mrs. Shangdu and the Gypsy girl stepped back and shouted in a low voice.

At this time, the magical fluctuations of the half-month suddenly became intense, and the light flashed faster and faster, giving people a feeling as if they were about to explode at any time.Everyone instantly held their breath, and became vigilant one by one.

Mrs. Shangdu, Gypsy Girl, and Fallen Witch, the three main magical forces are ready, and others have also come up with weapon standards and are waiting.

Hu Fan Hu Fan.

The purple light got stronger and stronger, and it stopped flashing at the end, and kept shining, as if it was fully charged.

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