Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1198

Bang bang bang!

As if there was a heavy knocking sound, the people who followed immediately felt the ground began to shake, and the range was very wide.


Su Zhan said in a loud voice, everyone backed away without any pause.At the moment of retreat, the half-moon land began to split, as if slowly rising, and then I saw that half-moon had completely turned into a full moon, floating on the ground, and the purple light rose to a fixed point in an instant. Then it burst out suddenly, illuminating the earth.


There was a loud noise, and the dazzling purple light shrank at that moment, gathered in the middle, and then... flashed away.

After the light dissipated, everyone suddenly discovered that a person appeared in the full moon.

I thought that this should be a devil from outside the territory, or the legendary Three House Devil.But... after seeing this man, everyone was a little surprised, completely different from what they imagined, the contrast was too great.I thought it would be a fierce, ugly demon.Unexpectedly, a girl in a purple cloak and tights appeared!

Yes, it is a girl.

Petite and exquisite, she looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, a little bit cute.

However, her expression and her temperament were not cute at all, on the contrary, there was a kind of evil feeling.There was a very evil look in her eyes, and she slightly raised her head to reveal a disdainful but provocative smile, followed by her hands slightly raised, and the magic power burst out instantly.

Chapter 1440

Along with the surge of powerful magical energy, the others were okay, but the faces of Madame Shangdu, Gypsy Girl and the Fallen Witch became more and more solemn.

If the power of the Fallen Witch amazed Mrs. Shangdu and the Gypsy girl before, then the feeling before them was fear, much stronger than the Fallen Witch, so strong that they subconsciously looked at each other. , Can feel the dignity and worry of the other party.

It's not easy to deal with.

The magical power of the cloak girl surged, and the full moon was bright again, and a small black hole seemed to appear behind her, a black halo.Swish swish, several demons quickly ran out of the aperture.Each one is very ugly, well, this is a bit devilish.

These demons rushed toward them as soon as they came out.

In this case, there is no need for Su Zhan to say anything, one word is just doing.

In an instant, the melee started directly.

Cupid's bow and arrows fell like raindrops, and the katana and Harley Quinn had already rushed up with their weapons. She was kind and not to be outdone. Although she was a secretary, don't forget that she was a secretary and bodyguard, and she was naturally an office girl.At the same time, Mrs. Shangdu and others have also used their own magic, one after another.

Su Zhan didn't move to observe the situation. The strength of these demons didn't seem to be strong. It seemed that they should be just small, at least there should be no problem in dealing with them.

"No, these guys can be resurrected, they can't be killed at all!"

Su Zhan just finished observing and felt that the strength of the devil was not strong. He heard the fallen witch yell, and immediately saw that the enemy who should have been eliminated by her stood up again, and was still full of blood. .Don't need to remind the fallen witch, others have also encountered this situation.

It's totally unkillable, what should I do?

Even if these demons are not strong, but they can't kill them at all, how can they be played?The most important thing is that the cute girls over there are still calling continuously. If it was only one-on-one at the beginning, then it is basically one-on-two or one-on-three now. If it is delayed, the ratio will continue. increase.

So difficult!

Although the katana and others can kill their opponents relatively easily, they will be resurrected with full blood after a short while. The consumption of physical strength and energy is very fast. The most important thing is...this kind of mental pressure comparison Big.However, they are not waiting for leisure, the clown girl is even more excited and yelling, holding a baseball bat as if playing gophers, very enjoyable.

The fallen witch’s backhand was another magical attack that blasted away the devil in front of him, and the devil was resurrected again, but this time it was a little different. Its body was visibly shaking. How do you say that feeling, as if the signal was unstable. It took three or four seconds to complete the resurrection.

This discovery made the fallen witches speculate that they may not be truly endlessly resurrected, just like batteries or energy. If they are exhausted, they naturally cannot be resurrected.After discovering this, the fallen witches tried several times. As expected, the more they died, the slower their resurrection.

It's not really unkillable!

The fallen witch shouted out this discovery, and everyone's spirits instantly improved a lot.

Before long, some demons were unable to resurrect after their deaths and turned into nothingness.

Just when everyone was excited, the cute girl in the cloak finally made a move.

I saw her floating up, flying into the air, her arms suddenly waved, and in an instant, purple magical energy swept toward everyone.The fallen witch waved her hands, and a magical barrier opened.With a bang, she backed away half a step to block the attack.

Others are just as strong as her, either resisting or avoiding, and adding the devil around them makes them a little messy.

The attack of the cute girl in the cloak is different, and the magical energy seems to be inexhaustible.

At this time, she seemed to notice Su Zhan, who had never taken a shot, and there was only one man among a group of women.In an instant, the cute girl in the cloak flew in front of Su Zhan, waved and attacked.

Seeing the magic attack, Su Zhan remained motionless.


He was beaten up for an instant, the magical energy exploded in an instant, and the smoke filled.

The cute girl in the cloak showed an unexpected expression slightly. It seemed that she didn't expect that Su Zhan would be hit so easily and be resolved.Is your judgment wrong?He is not the leader of this group, but because his strength is too weak, he didn't do it?

The cute girl in the cloak turned around to find someone else to deal with, but the moment she turned around, she suddenly felt something, and turned her head back.

The smoke dissipated, and Su Zhan stood there unscathed.

"Huh?" The cute girl in the cloak subconsciously showed a shocked expression.

She is very clear about the power of her attack. This person... is nothing at all?

"It seems that I guessed wrong again."

The cute girl in the cloak turned back and attacked again.

Su Zhan still did not move, but waved at her. This provocative behavior made her very angry.

Boom boom boom!

An endless stream of magical energy exploded on Su Zhan's body, deafening, and filled with smoke. The surrounding area of ​​Su Zhan was covered by firepower. You can clearly see the ground. I don’t know how deep the ground is sunken. This kind of power, this posture, as if To make a hole through the earth.

The storm's attack lasted for more than two minutes, and the smoke was everywhere, and Su Zhan could not be seen or his situation.But the cute girl in the cloak has a hunch that he must be fine.

A whirlwind suddenly appeared in the thick fog, and the thick fog was rotating rapidly, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared, revealing the figure of Su Zhan.

Sure enough!

The clothes are not torn, and the hair is not messy. If it weren't for the sunken pit on the ground to prove what happened, it would definitely give people an illusion that nothing happened just now!

Chapter 1441

"It's impossible!" Although she guessed that this might be the result, the facts still made her somewhat unacceptable.With a low roar, two red eyes suddenly appeared on her forehead, followed by... a huge shadow made of magical energy appeared behind her.

Take a closer look, it is a certain kind of animal, like... a crow?

"So it was her!"

Su Zhan said softly, and saw that the huge crow-like energy had already rushed over.The energy and speed are far more than before, and it is still doubled.If it was one before, it is now ten, which is a tenfold increase.From afar, that powerful force has dissipated the air and made the flight attendant feel frozen.

This should be her strongest strength!

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