Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1199

However, there is no use for eggs.

Su Zhan still didn't hide, but slowly raised his hand, and then... blocked it.

I blocked it with my hand...

The cute girl in the cloak was completely dumbfounded.

However, this is not over yet.

Su Zhan seemed to be teasing an animal, flipped his palm slightly, and patted the crow's head with a smile, which looked very soft, and then...with a bang, the crow was directly slapped and scattered by Su Zhan... …

"Too arrogant." The cute girl in the cloak sneered secretly, such a powerful magical energy dissipated, the impact is stronger than a direct impact, he can't...

Before she finished thinking about it, she saw Su Zhan's hands raised, the energy of the explosion rushed into his hands frantically, and then disappeared.

"You...who are you!"

The cute girl in the cloak shouted out.

She didn't expect that there is such a strong human being on the earth, so she could be helpless.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that the Sannomiya Demon's plan to occupy the earth may be frustrated. Your name is Crow? A hybrid of humans and the devil, Sannomiya Demon is your father, am I right? "Su Zhan said with a smile.

"She turned out to be the daughter of the Sannomiya Demon? No wonder it's so strong!" The Fallen Witch and others couldn't help being a little surprised.

"How do you know?" The crow was a little surprised.

Su Zhan smiled and didn't say anything. He knew how to know the Demon of the Three Palaces and how he knew the crow.Speaking of it, the cute girl Crow is quite unlucky. Her mother volunteered to be a sacrifice for the pagans to summon the devil. When the devil, that is, the Sannomiya demon, appeared and turned into a handsome man, and then... rolled the sheets, after The crow was born.

It now appears that the crow has become the most powerful assistant of the Sannomiya Demon.

However, there are many versions and origins. What Su Zhan remembers most or knows best is that she once sealed the Sannomiya Demon, but for some reason, the Sannomiya Demon unlocked the seal, and she returned to Earth and joined the young Titan, Luo A juvenile team composed of Bin, Blue Beetle, Xinghuo, Beast Boy and others, then fought against the Sannomiya.

The reason I didn't recognize it before was because the shape and appearance were very different, but when the eyes of the devil's blood appeared and the crow turned out from behind, Su Zhan only recognized it.

Crow is very strong and has a high potential. The most important thing is that he is a member of the Teen Titans, and she is also a cute girl. Well, thinking so much is nothing more than collecting addiction.Looking at the crow still in surprise, Su Zhan said: "I know that your mother died at the hands of the Three House Demon. If you are willing to join us, maybe...I can help you deal with the Three House Demon together."

"No one is his opponent." Crow said coldly.

It sounds like he was full of confidence in the Sannomiya Demon, but Su Zhan noticed some details.

The crow is talking about him, not his father.

This means that she has some resentment towards her in her heart.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "That's not necessarily! The purpose of your coming to Earth should be to help him stand up front, and then call him to teleport?"

The crow hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

"That's simple, no matter what you want to do, even I can help you, so how about you summon him smoothly and easily?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

The crow was stunned, and the others were also stunned.

Want to help her summon the Three House Devil?

"Are you...serious?" The crow looked at Su Zhan in amazement, not understanding what he meant.

"Of course it is serious. Anyway, he spied on the earth, why not summon it directly to avoid future troubles? I did not force you to deal with it. If you feel hopeful then, come to our side. If You think I am not his opponent, so you can help him, how about it?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

This idea is really... too unexpected.

Before the crow could answer, Su Zhan suddenly moved.

After a few swishes, the remaining demons were easily killed by him, and then he asked the crow: "What do you need to summon the Three House Devil?"

"An ancient magical formation." The crow said solemnly.

"Where, I'll let someone help you find it." After Su Zhan said, he glanced at Kindness.

Although Ren Ci did not agree with this approach, who made Su Zhan the boss?

Seeing him was not joking, but serious.The crow is indeed a little unresponsive. She hasn't met such an opponent yet. Is it arrogant and stupid, or confident?But there is no denying that it does no harm to her.Moreover, the strength displayed by Su Zhan was a bit too strong, so Crow hesitated for a moment and slowly fell down, seeming to be ready to accept Su Zhan's proposal.

It should have been a fierce battle, but now it has ended a little inexplicably.

Benci helped the crow find the location of the magic circle, and Mrs. Shangdu, the fallen witch and others came to Su Zhan's side.

"Do you really plan to do this? Summon the Sannomiya Demon? Watch her search for the magic circle. If there is not, the Sannomiya Demon should not be able to appear on the earth. There is no need to take risks?" Mrs. Shangdu said.

"The crows are so strong, if it's the Three House Demon... are we sure?" the fallen witch said worriedly.

The gypsy girl didn't speak, but she was obviously the same as everyone else, a little worried.

"This is a good way to do it once and for all, and I want to get the crow too." Su Zhan said with a smile, he had never worried about the threat of the Sannomiya Demon.

In other words, no one would make him feel threatened anymore.


The crow comes from the young Titans and is one of the founders of the young Titans. If you are interested, you can read "Justice League vs. Young Titans."

Chapter 1442 The Clown Girl Without Discipline And Bottom Line

The benevolent work efficiency is still very fast, and quickly found the position of the ancient magic circle under the crow's prompt.The crow had intended to pass right away, but was stopped by Su Zhan.

"What? Are you going to regret it?" The crow looked at Su Zhan vigilantly.

Su Zhan said with a smile."Of course not. I just want to say that since the specific location is already known, let people go to dig it. There is no need to waste energy to go there in person. Why don't you find a place to rest? See what's changing on the earth now and what's the difference. Just wait until it is excavated before going over."

The crow hesitated.

Su Zhan beckoned to the others: "That's it. Go to Lex Company first."

When the voice fell, Su Zhan did not give the crow a chance to object, and a teleport wrapped everyone up and went directly to Lex Company.

"Mrs. Shangdu, Gypsy girls and fallen witches, you accompany the crows to stroll around. Kindly, you can mobilize your hands to prepare for the excavation work. As for the others, rest separately, what should you do." In a few words, Su Zhan has already Everything is arranged.

In his opinion, Crow's joining in his side is already a certainty. She also has a hatred of the Sannomiya Demon, but because of the environment or various reasons, this hatred is suppressed.When the Sannomiya dare to come, there must be no return, then the crow will definitely join in, and there is no harm in getting familiar with it in advance.

As for the crow arrangement.

Su Zhan hasn't decided yet. Judging from the name, joining the Raptor team is pretty good.However, she was born as a young Titan after all?Anyway, the Raptor Squad, the Suicide Squad, and the Dark Justice League let themselves get it out, or just get a young Titan.It just so happened that Robin seemed to want to go it alone last time, so he could take advantage of this opportunity to form a young man Tairan.


Su Zhan thought of the Juvenile Justice League of Earth 16.

The nature of the members of the Youth Justice League is basically similar to that of the Youth Titans, and there is a certain overlap in personnel, but the two earths have no impact.

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