Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1200

Youth Titans vs. Youth Justice League, this seems pretty good!

In the office.

Su Zhan sits on the boss chair, the clown girl sits on Su Zhan's lap and hugs his neck to act like a baby. The kindness on the side is arranging work on excavation with the phone.The clown girl is not the kind of lady who can be quiet, sitting on Su Zhan's lap is not willing to be honest, sticking to him and shaking constantly.That is the kind of woman who can make a man's heart surging at all times, but can't be quiet. Su Zhan's hands have already moved back and forth on her stockings.

"Reward, reward, when will the reward be honored." The clown girl hugged Su Zhan's neck, saying as if a little girl was acting like a baby.

"As long as you say."

"right now!"

"Now, here?" Su Zhan asked, but the clown girl suddenly got up and took off her shorts, and then walked to the French window of the office.

He held the window with both hands, bent over and pouted.

"It's now, it's here!"

Looking at the small mountains outside and watching the pose of the clown girl at this moment, what can Su Zhan say?

Maybe she is not the hottest looking, maybe she is not the most domineering, but her character is definitely unmatched, little fairy, well deserved.

In the way that Harlequin and him both like, Su Zhan grabbed her two braids...

Benevolence heard a special voice sound just after the explanation was completed, and then saw a very absurd scene, which made her sound before, also in this office, that she was forcibly occupied by Su Zhan.Thinking of this, Ren Ci prepared to leave and gave them the office.Who knew she heard Su Zhan shouting just as she was about to turn around.

"It's over? Come over when it's over. Come to the Harley Quinn, stand in a row, I'll give you fruits!"

Kindness was somewhat resistant to such a ridiculous thing, but the body walked over on its own as if not at his disposal.



After the establishment of the Suicide Squad, Ren Ci set up a base for the Suicide Squad as instructed. It was similar to the base of Arrow in Star City. It was originally a poorly run nightclub. It was directly bought by Ren Ci and renovated as quickly as possible. , Count the basement, a total of three floors.

The basement was transformed into a base. Weapons and equipment, training grounds, etc. are all in the basement. Some changes have been made on the first floor, which is no different from the original nightclub, except for the style.As for the second floor is the rest room.At this time, the members of the Suicide Squad, including Madame Shangdu, Gypsy Girl, Fallen Witch, and Crow were all here.

And Su Zhan also came with the clown girl. As for the kindness, she usually doesn't stay here, after all, the company has a lot of business to deal with.

Shopping and getting along with each other made them familiar with the characters of the magic department. Don't look at the crow's gloomy and cold look. In fact, she is a little girl. Faced with Mrs. Du's rich experience and knowledge. People, almost unknowingly, came up with a lot of news.

As night fell, and each rested, the clown girl still pestered Su Zhan and stayed in his room.The two of them had just finished taking a bath, Su Zhan was lying resting while the clown girl provocatively provoked and waited on Su Zhan.

"Boom boom!"

The door of the room knocked suddenly, and Su Zhan took a look and found that it was Mrs. Shangdu, and patted the clown girl: "Get up first, Mrs. Shangdu is here, it should be about the crow."

"I don't, people haven't eaten enough lollipops. Just talk like that, you talk about you, I talk about mine." The clown girl pouted and shouted directly outside: "Come in. , The door is unlocked."

Hearing the voice of the clown girl, Mrs. Shangdu hesitated or pushed the door in.

After all, she said she could come in, she should be... nothing, right?As a result, she overestimated the Harley Quinn's morals and bottom line, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw an embarrassing scene.

Mrs. Shangdu was stunned for a moment and was about to turn around, but the clown girl said, "Don't go. Didn't you have something to do with my dear? You talk about you, don't worry about me."

Chapter 1443 the heartbeat Mrs. Shangdu

"How do you talk about it? How about... I'll come back later?" Although Mrs. Shangdu is well-informed, she has never seen anything like this...

"It's the same in a while. I have been with my dear for a short time, and I feel distressed for a minute and a second. So, you should say it now." The clown girl suddenly ran over and went to Du The lady pulled over, then jumped up and went on to do her own thing.

Okay, Mrs. Shangdu is dying in embarrassment.

Is it to watch, or to watch, or to watch?

Not to mention Mrs. Du, Su Zhan was also a little embarrassed. On the one hand, he was very moved by the words of the clown girl, and on the other hand, she was indeed unexpectedly crazy.Fortunately, Su Zhan's face is thick enough, and Mrs. Shangdu is not so tough to leave, so let's just talk about it.

Turning his head and about to speak, Su Zhan noticed Mrs. Shangdu's dress.It seemed that she had just finished the shower and wore a very normal and conservative pajamas, but the clothes still gave people that sexy feeling on her.

"What do you think of her?" Su Zhan asked.

"Some cold, some gloomy, it's completely like a stranger not entering, but she can feel that she is a good little girl. She is not the kind of cold-blooded demon, and she is really good for Sannomiya. There is resentment, although she has been burying it deeply and restrained very well." Madam Shangdu paused, rolled her eyes subconsciously, and then continued."As for her strength, perhaps because she is a hybrid of humans and demons, she has very powerful magic power. However, her magic power is darker and evil, and I can feel that she is also restraining, once the demon transforms , The magic power will increase exponentially. But she does not have the corroded troubles and troubles of the fallen witch. She has a lot of magic abilities, so many amazing. If she can really be drawn over, it is definitely The strongest help!"


"But what?"

"Experience, xinxing still have some problems, she still needs training. You can give her to me, I can help her." Madam Shangdu said.

"You should have a lot of opportunities to get along in the future." Su Zhan smiled and said: "What about you? How do you feel after being in this world for so long? Are you considering whether you want to officially join the Dark Justice League?"

"This question, maybe we can talk about it at another time." Mrs. Shangdu said.

"Alright, it's really not suitable to talk about it now."

"Then, I'll go to rest first, good night."

"good night."

After Mrs. Shangdu left, the clown girl raised her head and said: "She is attracted to you, she is indeed my dear. If you go now, you can easily win it!"

Su Zhan smiled: "How do you know? I think she was normal just now."

The clown girl shook her head and said: "You underestimate a woman's sensitivity to vision. She just took a peek at least ten times. Moreover, she can be so calm in such an environment, which just shows that this is pretend, because any It is impossible for a woman to be calm when seeing this scene. Believe me, I am very good at seeing through other people's thinking."

"Almost forgot your skills!" Su Zhan laughed blankly.

As a criminal psychologist, Harley Quinn does have this ability.

The thought of Mrs. Su Zhan in Shangdu is indeed very heartwarming. She is the kind of mature imperial sister Fan and the style of the little fairy like Harlequin is completely different.But despite the heartbeat, Su Zhan will not pass, otherwise it would be a little too sorry for Harley Quinn!



The night passed quietly. The next morning, Su Zhan came out of the room. When passing by a certain room, he happened to hear the sound of whispering inside. He listened carefully and seemed to be chanting some spell."This is the room for the gypsy girl?" It is also the murder weapon series. The gypsy girl is very low-key, and most of the time, it is very silent, the kind of quietly listening.Su Zhan pushed the door but it was unlocked, and he pushed it open.

At the table in the room, the gypsy girl was divination, but maybe because she was wearing cooler clothes in her room, with only a red underwear, she was ready to show... Seeing Su Zhan coming in, the gypsy girl was stunned and a little embarrassed. Block yourself.

"Uh... I heard the voice so I want to come in and see what you are doing." Su Zhan explained.

"I'm divination."

"About what?" Su Zhan asked curiously.

"San Gong Demon, I... I don't believe you, but... I just used to divination. If I don't know the result, I always feel insecure." The gypsy girl explained.

Su Zhan smiled and said: "Understandably, if I don't have strong strength, I will do something to increase my sense of security before facing unknown enemies. Don't disturb you, continue to divination, besides... yours She has a great body, and I am a little curious now who is bigger than Mrs. Du."

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