Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1201

After talking with a smile, Su Zhan has turned around and left.

In the next few days, Su Zhan almost stayed at the base of the suicide squad, accompany other people, and chat with the crow by the way.After a period of time, the crow became familiar with everyone, and the feeling of being close to an enemy gradually dissipated.As a crow, she has no friends at all, let alone the feeling of getting along like this, she has already unconsciously inclined to them in her mind.

Although the clown girl said that Mrs. Shangdu was interesting to her, Su Zhan was not so eager to go directly to Mrs. Du. Although there was more physical contact when getting along, it was still within the normal range.

Money can push the ghosts.

The project of digging the magic circle was completed in less than a week. After receiving the news, Ren Ci rushed to the base to notify Su Zhan.

"It's been dug up, let's go now?" Su Zhan told the crow. When the crow heard the news, the first reaction was not happiness, but a kind of disappointment and reluctance?However, she quickly adjusted her mood and nodded.This time, Su Zhan did not bring too many people.

The crow, the lady of Shangdu, the gypsy girl and the fallen witch.

People from the magic department are enough!

Chapter 1444 Is this hell or a vault?

When they arrived at the excavation site, the workers had been arranged to leave.After arriving here, I found a huge round boulder, the shape is the same as the previous round moon magic wave, it is full of various textures, although it is a little broken, but Su Zhan can feel that it contains Ancient magic power.

"He can't penetrate the normal dimensional space barrier, he can only use this ancient magic circle to appear." The crow whispered.

Su Zhan nodded.

The crow hesitated and said: "Are you sure... want me to call him over? I didn't exaggerate. His strength is so strong that he can hardly be destroyed. The only way is to enter a certain hell dimension, where there is a gem. Only This gem can seal him!"

Even after talking about this kind of thing, one can imagine whose position the crow is actually on.

Su Zhan smiled and asked, "Although that gem can seal him, as long as it stays in that hell dimension, it must be guarded."

"Yes. Maybe..." The crow paused for a long time."Maybe, I can do it."

"What then? You will stay in hell forever!" Su Zhan asked rhetorically.

The crow did not speak, and once she did this, she would indeed stay there forever to guard and guard.She knew about this a long time ago, but she had never thought about it like this.But the contact during this period of time made her fall in love with the world, and at the same time had feelings for Mrs. Shangdu and others. She couldn't bear to let the Sannomiya Demon ruin everything.In other words, she actually didn't have so much confidence in Su Zhan.

After all, she knows the Three Palace Demons, but she doesn't understand Su Zhan.

"For you, if you want revenge, do you choose to kill him, or choose to seal and let him endure the pain forever?" Su Zhan said suddenly."Regardless of other circumstances, just from the perspective of revenge."

"Seal it, death is too cheap for him. He is ambitious to conquer the world. If he is sealed, the torture may be the greatest pain for him!" The crow thought about it seriously, then Said.

"Okay, then it will be easier."

Su Zhan smiled."You can call him a little later, how about we go to hell?"

"go to hell?"

"Yes! You should know where that gem is? Let's get it, and then summon the San Gong Devil, and then seal him when he is most proud. It should be pretty cool, right?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"But... but that gem can't leave hell, and once it leaves the seal, its power will be weakened, and there is no way to seal him." The crow said in amazement.

"Leave this to me, I have a way to solve it." Su Zhan has a clear mind. Although the crow doesn't know what Su Zhan can do, after all, he hasn't been able to do anything after asking for a long time.However, she chose to believe in Su Zhan.Even if you fail, you can go back to hell and seal him up!

The lady of Shangdu, the gypsy girl, and the fallen witch were all ready, and a black hole suddenly appeared behind the crow.

Her transmission ability is very strong. It can transmit infinite distances in an instant regardless of the mass and volume in the same dimension, and can even have the transmission ability across dimensions.She didn't rely on the magic fluctuation of the full moon before she sent it. That thing was just for positioning and for the big troops.

Everyone entered the black hole, and the surrounding scene changed instantly.

Gloomy and hot.

There was a strong dark atmosphere around, which made Mrs. Shangdu and the others feel uncomfortable when they came in.

"This seems to be another independent dimension hell."

Su Zhan looked around and found that the space here was not large, it was not a traditional hell.

"You have to be careful, there are a lot of demons here!" As soon as the crow reminded him, there were already many demons around.But these demons are more like some kind of mutant creatures.The body is long and looks a bit like a snake or a dragon. The body is not too big, only about two or three meters long.It has limbs, sharp teeth, sharp mouths, and a long tail that resembles a lizard.

"It's so ugly!" Su Zhan couldn't help but spit out, these demons have already swarmed on.

The method of attack is very monotonous, swooping, biting, claws, or swept with the tail.Because the body is relatively strong, the speed is fast, and the most important thing is enough, so it seems to be quite lethal.

However, there are no ordinary people in the group.

Magic attack, magic barrier.

These demons cannot be resurrected, and the solution is still very simple.

"Walking along this road will lead to the interior of this hell, the gem is inside!" the crow whispered.

"What are you waiting for, I will accompany you in." Su Zhan glanced at Mrs. Shangdu and the others.

Mrs. Shangdu and the others nodded, and they could still deal with the situation.Immediately, Su Zhan and Crow ran down the passage.

Countless demons rushed over and tried to stop them. The crow was just about to make a move, but suddenly heard a few bangs. The demons fell to the ground instantly, motionless, and dead completely.She looked at Su Zhan in surprise, and Su Zhan smiled softly at her.

Only then did the crow notice that there was a group of power around him attacking the demons. As long as they touched it a little bit, the demons would die without resistance.

What a strong force.

The crow sighed in his heart, and quickly speeded up.

About five minutes or so, from a distance, Su Zhan saw a cuboid that looked like a cuboid.This Nima is hell?Isn't it too modern?At the end of the passage, under the cuboid, the crow stretched out his hand and placed it on it. Immediately after that, he heard a rumbling sound. The original seamless steel gradually shrank to the sides, and an entrance to the inside appeared.

"This is the inside of hell, the gem is inside," said the crow.

Su Zhan didn't speak, but just nodded to sign in.

He really didn't know what to say.

This Nyima Steel Gate is fine, with fingerprint recognition lock?

Even if the gems in it are invaluable and very precious, you don't need to make these like a vault, right?

Chapter 1445 Need Excitement, Give Me A Kiss?

Su Zhan is a little weak to complain, feeling that this dimensional hell is not so much a hell as a vault for this gem.After entering, Su Zhan looked up and saw that there was a platform in the center above his head, and there were a few hanging paths around him. He turned his head and looked around, but did not find the stairs leading up to it, only a few pillars.

If you can't fly, I'm afraid you can only climb up?


Su Zhan glanced at the pillar and shook his head slightly. If he chose to climb up, he would definitely die!

These pillars are all weird. There are many demons hidden in them. They seem to be integrated with the pillars. There is no way to leave. But if anyone approaches... Su Zhan walked to the pillars and crawled out of them in an instant. With a terrifying face, the devil with its teeth and claws stretched out his hand towards Su Zhan to grab him in.

"It feels like a horror movie!"

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