Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1401

Everyone was stunned.

Seeing the old lady not moving, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously looked in the direction where the knife flew.

Su Zhan slowly retracted his hand and said lightly: "Boss, let's get a bottle of beer!"

"You... how did you do it?"

Audrey asked Su Zhan in surprise.

Su Zhan smiled without saying a word, and took the beer from Bob Hansen.

This happened so suddenly that everyone is now a little confused. Looking at the old lady's body on the ground, Bob Hansen subconsciously asked Su Zhan: "What is going on? What should I do now!"

Before Su Zhan was just a little transparent, it is estimated that only Audrey paid more attention.

But now, almost everyone is looking at Su Zhan, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Save people first." Su Zhan said.

Only then did Audrey and her mother react, and everyone rushed to see Audrey's father.

The blood flow never stops!

Lying on the ground twitched slightly.

In this case, it is not impossible to stop bleeding.

"Drive my car!"

The black man who came in before took the initiative to say, and several people quickly lifted him up, and carried him to the car outside to be sent to the hospital!

Chapter 1687: Trapped Restaurant

Su Zhan didn't get into the car together but stayed in the restaurant. Anyway, even if they left for a while and drove halfway, they had to turn to say?Perhaps it is the influence of the rules of this world that these people are destined to be impossible to leave the restaurant.Or to put it another way, they are all plot characters, how can they be allowed to leave!Although he can do it if he intervenes, he doesn't plan to do it, he still has to stay here to complete the task.

Watching them leave, Su Zhan checked the mission, and the number of ten killed is now nine, and the old lady who just killed was counted in the mission.Sure enough, before more than ten minutes, the car drove back. Everyone got out of the car in a busy corner, and they could clearly see the black clouds in the distance. It felt like a dark cloud.The buzzing sound was very clear, and Su Zhan squinted his eyes carefully to see that he was disgusted.

It turned out to be a group of flies!

Such a large area seemed to be shrouded in black clouds, one can imagine how many flies there are.

"How the gods and angels here behave like demons, the possessed humans have become monsters, and they have made so many flies and disgusting people!" Su Zhan murmured, although this was only a sign of the so-called world extinction disaster. But this technique...really looks like a devil.

"what happened?"

Seeing the black flies flying by outside, everyone hurried back to the restaurant with a little panic.

This scene... is also spectacular.

"The ghost knows what happened!"

The black man yelled in annoyance, Audrey's father, Howard was not dead at this time, but he didn't seem to be in good condition, he was convulsing.Audrey and her mother Gladys are taking care of him, seeming a little at a loss!

"Her body is still warm, it has been dead for so long!"

At this moment, the boss said, everyone looked at the old lady who was killed by Su Zhan.

"This situation is weird!"

"She... she won't be resurrected? Like the zombies or monsters in the movie, or... let's get her out first!" Claire whispered.

Although the resurrection sounds a bit ridiculous, this series of things is really weird. The boss and the boss son and others smashed the old lady's body into the bag and prepared to put it outside first, at least not seeing it, it will not affect the mood too much!

As soon as the corpse was handled outside, he saw a police car approaching from a distance.

This made the people who were already a little panicked even more nervous. The boss even pointed a gun at a man who got out of the police car and asked to see his teeth!There was a little conflict in the process, but in the end, the other party confirmed that he did not have that kind of teeth, and he took out a lot of weapons from the trunk of the car and handed them to them. Someone like your wife is coming!

Su Zhan was in the house so he was aware of the situation outside, and he had seen the whole process.

This man who talks about God, should be regarded as the male protagonist in the strict sense of this copy, Michael!

An angel!

An angel who has his own thoughts that human beings should not be extinct and has rebelled against God!

Cut off his own wings and became an ordinary person.

He came to protect the Messiah!

Seeing him come in, other people followed up one after another, Audrey asked curiously: "Happened, what happened?"

Michael didn't speak, and the others didn't know what to say, because they were all confused!

Michael didn't seem to mean to explain, but just handed out the weapon to everyone. He came to Su Zhan and handed Su Zhan a submachine gun, and Su Zhan poked his mouth to take it.After the weapons were issued, they commanded everyone to block the doors and windows of the restaurant!

At this time of confusion, it is easy for everyone to follow Michael's instructions, just as everyone took Su Zhan as the backbone after the old lady's affairs. Michael's mysterious appearance and the performance of divinity also made them subconscious. Obeyed.

After everything was set up, the sky was getting darker, and Michael called everyone over and said it was original.

It is God who wants to destroy the world. The child in Claire's belly is the Messiah, the only hope of mankind, and it is necessary to protect the child in his belly!Hearing this statement, everyone was surprised and a little unacceptable. For modern people, although many people believe in God, they may not believe in God. Angels really exist.However, after a series of weird situations, although he may not completely believe it, he is somewhat doubtful.

"I'm just a waiter, I don't have a house or a car, I...well, even if my child is a Messiah, I...I'm only eight months old?" Claire said.

Michael looked at her without speaking.

Claire's face changed quickly and reacted: "It's about to give birth, right?"

Michael nodded.

"Be prepared, they will be back soon." Michael said in a deep voice.

"Let's go up there, you stay and take care of them!"

Michael said to the boss' son, and then greeted the others to go to the roof of the restaurant.Su Zhan followed, found a place and set up the gun!

Night fell gradually.

Everyone is nervous and worried.

I don't know how long it took, and gradually there was a sound from a distance, and a car light was lit at the end of the road, getting closer and closer!

"This voice...Ice cream truck?" The people around him said puzzledly.

There will be this kind of mobile ice cream truck in a relatively remote place here. After all, it is not a bustling place. Generally, the ice cream truck releases music to remind everyone that the ice cream truck is coming, so other people The sound is still very familiar, you can recognize it at the first hearing.As the sound got closer, the car drove to the front of the restaurant and stopped.


The door opened, and a man came in the car.

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