Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1402

At first glance, there seems to be no problem, but the weird situation happened very quickly. The man’s hands and feet were rapidly stretching, and his height of more than 1.7 meters had become more than two meters, with long hands and feet. It looks very weird. What's even more weird is that he is also on all fours, raising his head to show a weird smile to the person on the roof, his teeth...very sharp.

Chapter 1688 What Do You Want To Do On The End Of The World?


Seeing this guy become so weird, the shouts of curses rang out instantly, without the need for Michael to greet the gunshots.

"Da da da."

"Da da da!"

The bullet shells fell to the ground and there was a crisp sound. Almost instantly, that guy was directly beaten into a sieve!Perhaps it was because he was too nervous and frightened. The guy had already hung up the gunshots but didn't stop immediately. After a while, he gradually stopped.

Poor guy, he died as soon as he died, and he was whipped!

Su Zhan didn't fire any shots during the whole process, and Michael just shot a shot at the beginning and went headshot and then stopped. It can be said that... the others shot later because of fear and lack of calmness!

"You didn't shoot?" The restaurant owner glanced at Su Zhan and said, "Have you ever shot?"

He didn't mean to laugh at all, but he was so flustered that he wanted to find someone to talk to, and he also knew that Asia is different from theirs here, guns are banned, and many people may not have shot them.He noticed that Su Zhan didn't have a bullet shell at his feet, so he asked this question. If he doesn't know how, he can teach him, not to mention its role, at least he can protect himself!

Su Zhan smiled and shook his head: "No, I will!"

"Really?" The boss felt that Su Zhan might be embarrassed to admit.

Su Zhan nodded dumbly and looked at the following: "I guess I won't come again for the time being, I will go to rest."

With that, Su Zhan turned and went down.

"Is he embarrassed?" the boss mumbled.

Michael said lightly: "He will!"


"I just got my idea. His hands are steady and his eyes are sharp. He didn't shoot because he couldn't, but because he didn't think it was necessary." Michael said lightly.

The restaurant owner pouted his lips and didn't believe it!

From the roof, the people inside are very nervous.

The boss’s son and Claire are holding guns, and Audrey and mother Sandra are with his father Howard. This Howard is really awesome. He suffered so many blood injuries before, but he insisted on being alive now. !

The tenacity is comparable to Xiaoqiang, and it is even against common sense. It is probably because he still has a role, so continue to live!

After Su Zhan came down, he went into the kitchen. If there is no accident, there should be a lot of guys in the middle of the night. By then, his mission should be completed. Before that, he can rest and eat.Regardless of the poor environment of this restaurant, it is well stocked.But think about it, this time there is no store in front of the village, the last time the goods were not so simple, naturally there was more stock.

I found a steak in the kitchen and it looked good. Su Zhan was going to fry it. After it was done, he took two bottles of beer by the way. Su Zhan came out and took a look. It was inconvenient to be blinded by a dark light. This environment... forget it.

Shaking his head, Su Zhan was going to the storage room. Although it was a little messy, it was at least quieter and should be cleaner than the outside.

Pushing the door in and opening the door, the space inside is not too big, but it is much cleaner than I thought. It just so happens that there are tables and chairs. Su Zhan put down and ate the dinner he prepared!It didn't take long for Su Zhan to hear a knock on the door, and immediately saw Audrey tentatively coming in.

"Something?" Su Zhan asked.

Audrey rubbed her hands and shook her head slightly.

"Is that hungry?"

Audrey shook her head and said: "I'm just...just a little scared. I dare not tell my mother that she is in a sad mood now..."

"So come here to find me to comfort you?" Su Zhan smiled and patted his leg: "Come and sit down!"

Audrey hesitated for a while or sat down, put his arm around Audrey, and Su Zhan cut a piece of steak and said, "Would you like to eat it?"

Audrey shook her head: "I want to drink some wine!"

"I think at this time your parents should not disagree." Su Zhan smiled and passed the wine over.

Audrey took a big sip, and it should have been before.

With Audrey in his arms, Su Zhan's hand caressed her thighs dishonestly, very slippery and very good to the touch... "Now is just the beginning, and there should be a large number of monsters coming at night. But, that's not it. The most dangerous!"

"When the angel comes, that's the most dangerous."

"In this case, it is not certain how many people will survive in the end."

"Will you protect me?" Audrey asked in a low voice.

Su Zhan smiled: "What do you think?"

"I don't know!" Audrey shook her head."I feel so unreal right now, what god, seems to be the end of the world all at once."

"If... it's really the end of the world, what would you want to do?" Su Zhan put down the knife and hugged Audrey with both hands, one up and the other down.Audrey seemed a little uncomfortable, raised her hand to remove Su Zhan's hand, but suspended in mid-air, she stopped again!Maybe it's the end of the world?Isn't that important?Seeing that Audrey did not refuse, Su Zhan naturally would not politely stick directly into the T-shirt!

"If it is really the end of the world, I might do something that I didn't have the opportunity to do before." Audrey murmured.

"for example?"

"What you are doing now!"

"I admit that I am a bit rebellious, but I am not a bad girl. I have never had a boyfriend or contact like this, but I am longing for it. The classmates around me have already been in love. Only I seem to be a stranger. Although... Although I will say that I have experience outside, I just don’t want others to look down on me. You know, old maidens are not very popular in school!"

Su Zhan smiled dumbly: "? This is still far away from you!"

"At least people around me think so!"

"Since you want to do something you haven't done, then... try this first!" Su Zhan suddenly reached out and helped Audrey up. Under Audrey's blank gaze, Su Zhan motioned her to squat down. !

Seeing this pose, Audrey knew what was going on even if he had no experience.

Now... but the era of advanced Internet!

Chapter 1689

Audrey looked up at Su Zhan with blushing cheeks. Su Zhan shook the bottle and took a sip, and said faintly: "After a long time, your mother will come to you, right?"

Audrey nodded, hesitated for a moment and finally mustered the courage to ooze a sigh of blood. She shook her hands slightly to untie Su Zhan's pants, and opened her little cherry mouth and slowly moved towards it!Su Zhan ignored Audrey, eating steak and drinking wine, Audrey slowly changed from squatting to kneeling!

Half an hour later, Audrey remembered his violent cough, tears were already coming out of the corner of his eyes, Su Zhan handed the wine over, and Audrey understood her intention and took it and drank it.Su Zhan smiled and pulled Audrey up without saying a word, only to find that the girl's knee was red. It is estimated that anyone with a little experience should know what is going on.But it is estimated that no one will have any idea about this at this time!

He hugged Audrey and sat on her body for a moment. Audrey became very quiet and well-behaved. She seemed to forget what was going on outside. The whole world only left them two feelings!

If... it wasn't for Su Zhan's hand movement, she might be more involved in this atmosphere.But when Su Zhan took away her hand to signal her to get up, she felt a sense of loss inexplicably, as if she suddenly became empty.

Coming out of the storage room, no one found that the two of them had disappeared for so long. Audrey returned to her mother, and her mother didn't seem to ask much.Su Zhan took the gun and went to the rooftop. They seemed to be chatting, and nodded to say hello when Su Zhan came.

The night is very quiet and very dim!

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