Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1409

Su Zhan sighed, his clothes suddenly changed.

A white green shirt with a jade pendant on his waist, he tied the hair style of an ancient man. His hair looks just right in modern times, but it looks weird in this environment, not to mention the ancient dress with a modern hair. Quite weird!What a dissonance!

A paper fan leaped like his hand, and Su Zhan shook it lightly, what a handsome son, what a chic!


Su Zhan grinned suddenly, feeling a bit stinky!

Looking around, Su Zhan quickly came on foot and found a good location at the source of the stream.

"Since I appear here, there will probably be some plot unfolding here, and it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is pleasant. If there are red sleeves to add fragrance, it will be a place to live!"

Think about that picture, it feels good!

With a smile, Su Zhan's heart waved, and in an instant, a bamboo house appeared in front of him!

Creation out of thin air!

This is nothing to Su Zhan, and it shouldn't be a rare thing in this world. After all, this is a copy of mythology with countless spells!

With houses and mountains, Su Zhan lived here.

Although the surrounding area is a little more remote, the better than the beautiful scenery, everything is the original ecology, even the game tastes better, and the meat is more delicious.After living here for a few days like this, Su Zhan finally met someone!

Met a child!

He looked like he was only eight or nine years old, dressed plainly with a lot of patches, there was nothing on his body, but he was holding a cow.

It looks like... is a herd boy!

At first glance, Su Zhan thought of Han Zhongli, one of the Eight Immortals, in his mind. This product was Laojun's shepherd boy before reincarnation, but obviously...this one is not, just an ordinary shepherd boy!

Chapter 0002 Heavenly Peach And Peony Fairy

The shepherd boy seemed surprised that there was an extra bamboo house here, and even more surprised to see Su Zhan, dressed in a white shirt, handsome and handsome, made the shepherd boy very nervous.Su Zhan beckoned the shepherd boy to come over, shaking his hand, a candy appeared.

The shepherd boy instantly widened his glasses: "Are you a fairy?"

Su Zhan smiled and said, "I think so."

Passing the candy to the shepherd boy, the shepherd boy thanked him repeatedly but didn't want to go back and leave it to his sister. Su Zhan smiled and changed a few more, and he ate one happily.Su Zhan asked about the situation nearby. Unfortunately, the shepherd boy probably didn't know much, and he hadn't traveled too far. He just knew that there were a few houses nearby and some simple things.Su Zhan didn’t care too much when he arrived. He didn’t care about the environment anyway. The time span of Journey to the East was too long. A long time passed after chatting in the sky for a while, making people unclear about the specific timeline. , But Su Zhan doesn’t have to figure it out!

For the next period of time, Su Zhan stayed here peacefully, occasionally the shepherd boy would come over, every time he came to Su Zhan, he would give him something to eat. Of course, it was all later generations and modern. Slowly... the children who came would arrive. It's too much, although it is lively but not particularly noisy.

There are no years in the mountains, and Su Zhan did not deliberately calculate how long it has passed, about one month or two months, right?Although the environment is good, but a little lonely, Su Zhan wondered whether to go around and buy a maid back?These should be very popular in this era, and it's not a shame.Come back to warm the bed and chat, and save yourself boredom!

As soon as he came out of the bamboo house, Su Zhan heard a voice from above his head!

When I looked up, it seemed that something had fallen, and I subconsciously reached for it.

Su Zhan was stunned!


Don't even mention the peach trees on the top of the head. There are no trees. Where are the fallen peaches?

"This peach... so strange..."

The peaches are quite mature, exuding a very special fruity scent, which makes the people's tongue grow fluid.Su Zhan asked himself not that kind of delicious person, but this peach also made him interested."Isn't this... Pantao?"

Su Zhan groaned and recalled the plot. At the beginning of the plot, it seemed that Monkey King disrupted the Flat Peach Conference. There were three flat peaches falling into the mortal world. The Queen Mother ordered the Peony Fairy to search for but only one was found. The East China Sea Evil Jiao left the two to his wife Chunying and the child in his womb. He arrested the child and tried to turn the dragon into a dragon, but he clashed with Fairy Peony. During the crisis, Donghua went The immortal took action against the Jiaolong, which led to a series of follow-up events.

"Fairy Peony..."

Su Zhan groaned and smiled and said: "If this is a flat peach, then someone should come soon. I don't know if it is the beautiful and beautiful peony fairy, or the evil dragon in the East China Sea!"

"The flat peach courtyard has 3,600 flat peach trees, 1,200 in the front, with small flowers and small fruits, one ripe for three thousand years, people become immortal after eating, and have a light body. In the middle 1,200 trees, layered flowers Sweet and fruity, one ripe for six thousand years, people will eat the summer clouds and rise soaring, and live forever. Behind 1,200 plants with purple veins and nuclei, only one ripe for one thousand years, people will live with the world, the sun and the moon. Looking at the flat peaches, they are probably only the kind that ripens once in three thousand years."

Su Zhan thought for a while and put it into the system space.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed down the front, followed by a woman in a light pink shirt slowly appearing!

"Fairy Peony!"

Su Zhan's eyes lit up slightly, looking at Fairy Peony.

It’s not clear what ancient people’s clothes should be called or how to describe Su Zhan. It feels like a skirt and not a skirt. The skirt underneath is hidden, and the legs are almost invisible, but the upper part is a white shirt, which is similar to modern shoulderless wipes. The chest is covered with a slightly transparent pink green shirt. The cuffs are wide, embroidered with lace, and the head wears peony flowers. Two pinches are developed on the front. The exquisite features and the corners of the bright red mouth are very charming. The meaning of pity!

Worthy of being the most beautiful woman in the whole East Journey!

Worthy of being a Peony Fairy!

"My son, can you see a peach?"

Fairy Peony walked past Weiwei and asked Su Zhan...

Although he is a Xiaoxian, he is not superior to mortals. He is weak, courteous and infatuated!It's really great!

"The son?"

Seeing Su Zhan not speaking but just staring straight at him, Fairy Peony was a little uncomfortable. This person... felt very special to her, she didn't feel like a mortal at all, it seemed like a god!

"You're talking about Pantao!" Su Zhan said.

Fairy Peony nodded and said, "Exactly!"

"With me, I was about to go out just now to find a maid with red sleeves to add fragrance, but when I went out, a flat peach fell from the sky and fell into my hands, followed by...the fairy came, could it be..." Su Zhan After a deliberate pause, he smiled and said, "Could it be that God sent you to be my maid?"

Fairy Peony's cheeks were red, and she was a little angry: "The son must not say nonsense that this flat peach is a thing in the sky, and Monkey King disrupts the flat peach conference. The queen asked me to find it. You should return it to me, otherwise there will be something wrong!"

"What's wrong? Isn't the heaven still arresting me?" Su Zhan smiled disapprovingly.

"My son is like this, I can only offend it!"

The Queen Mother's order Peony Fairy did not dare to disobey, since Pan Tao was in his hands, Peony Fairy could only take it back.When the voice fell, Peony Fairy rushed towards Su Zhan.Su Zhan deliberately didn’t fight back, he was going to see how this fairy’s strength was. The result... I don’t know if Fairy Peony didn’t exert all his strength, or whether the fairy’s mana was low, and his shot speed was so slow that he didn’t need to be serious , Don't need to be too fast, the foot is wrong, and the body flashes, already avoiding the attack of Peony Fairy!

Fairy Peony was taken aback for a moment, then struck again.

But still so!

"It seems that the fairy's mana is not very good!"

Su Zhan shook his head and accelerated suddenly.

"You..." Fairy Peony was about to speak but inexplicably saw an extra peony flower in Su Zhan's hand.There was no one just now?What... Fairy Peony reached out and touched the top of his head subconsciously, and was stunned for an instant!

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