Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1410

"You..." Fairy Peony looked at Su Zhan in surprise, so fast!She didn't even notice when he picked the peony from her head.Such strength is definitely not what a mortal cultivator can have.

Is it a monster?

But he didn't show any demonic aura, and he looked...not like it!

"Who are you?" Fairy Peony couldn't help asking.

"Su Zhan!"

Su Zhan smiled and walked over and stretched out his hand to slowly put the peony flower back on Fairy Peony's head. This behavior made Fairy Peony feel ashamed and angry, but he didn't avoid it for some reason.Feeling the man approaching, that special breath made Fairy Peony a little dazed.


When Su Zhan’s voice sounded, Fairy Peony awakened suddenly, and then found that he had reached out his hand to lift his chin. This made Fairy Peony panic, and hurriedly pushed away Su Zhan’s hand and retreated: “I’m the Peony Fairy of Heaven, you ...How dare you belittle me!"

"Why not dare? I still plan to keep the fairy by my side as a maid!" Su Zhan laughed.

Fairy Peony was ashamed and angry, turned into a streamer and prepared to escape and report to the Queen Mother.

"come back!"

Su Zhan chuckled, and the sound was transmitted layer by layer, as if there was a kind of magical power that made Fairy Peony instantly trance, and involuntarily returned to Su Zhan's side again.Looking at Su Zhan, Fairy Peony was speechless in horror.

What kind of magical power is this?

Although he is just a nursery fairy, his words can make him obey without resistance and involuntarily, this...this is too scary.

"I told you to stay as a maid, how can I let you run away? Come in with me." Su Zhan laughed, turned and walked back to the wooden house.

Fairy Peony hesitated. She wanted to run but was worried about being controlled by him again, but... She never thought about being a maid. She was ordered to look for Flat Peach. Wouldn't it be the Queen Mother to blame for staying here!

"You can't come, I will let you come."

Su Zhan's voice came, and Fairy Peony hesitantly followed.

The Queen Mother should know what happened here, she will send someone over!

Fairy Peony had just walked two steps, and suddenly felt a blast of demon wind behind him. When she turned her head, she saw a shadow flashing by, and a man with a long beard appeared instantly.

"East Sea Evil Flood!"

Peony Fairy was surprised.

"Where is the flat peach? I clearly saw that flat peach landed here!"

The East China Sea Evil Jiao shouted sharply: "Hand over the flat peach, or I will kill you!"


A soft drink suddenly sounded, followed by an astonishing momentum, and then suddenly came out. Before the East China Sea evil water bird could react, he felt the monstrous coercion sweeping over it. With a bang, the East Sea evil water bird flew instantly. After going out, a mouthful of blood came out.


The East China Sea Evil Flood fell heavily to the ground and was seriously injured!

"You...pounce..." The East China Sea Evil Jiao looked at Su Zhan in shock, and as soon as he said a word of you, he felt a burst of blood spurting out of the river.

"Today I have Peony Fairy. I am in a good mood and don't want to care about you. I won't disappear from my eyes anymore. I stripped your skin and twitched your muscles!" Su Zhan glanced, that look... trembling.

Regardless of the injury, he hurriedly got up.

He didn't even see how he was injured, he couldn't afford such a person.Don't talk about flat peaches, he was lucky if he didn't kill himself.Change to be a normal god, slaying demons and slayers is afraid that he would have killed himself long ago.

This is the real god!

The East China Sea Evil Jiao arched his hands and turned to leave.

"Seeing you are quite savvy, be careful of the Immortal Donghua, that is your calamity!" Su Zhan said lightly, the East Sea Evil Jiao was taken aback for a moment, and then turned around again and again.

Immortal Donghua!

He remembered.

"come in!"

Su Zhan faintly said to Fairy Peony, Fairy Peony followed in blankly.

"From now on, you will be my maid. The simple thing you have to do is to serve me, and even simpler is to be obedient. You will do what I ask you to do!" Su Zhan smiled and said to Fairy Peony.

Fairy Peony said solemnly: "You've taken me like this. Heaven knows that you will definitely come to deal with you. You still let me go. As for the flat peaches, I can truthfully tell the queen mother. If you want to come, you are also eligible to get the flat peaches! "

"How can Pan Tao matter to you?" Su Zhan smiled.

" are despising the heavenly court, and the heavenly court will send soldiers to deal with you!"

"Come on then. Heavenly Court...hehe... one monkey is enough for them!" Su Zhan said with a sneer.

"how do you know?"

"Can you dance?" Su Zhan asked suddenly.

Fairy Peony was taken aback and shook his head.

Neither will, nor do I want to jump.

Su Zhan disapproved: "Dance, do what you think is the most beautiful."

Fairy Peony was unwilling in her heart, but her body jumped up involuntarily.Dancing depends on the appearance. People with high appearance will feel very beautiful even if they swing freely. People with low appearance will feel unsatisfactory even if they dance well.Fairy Peony belongs to the former. Obviously she doesn't know how to dance, but she always follows the queen mother, who is the first female fairy, and she must be able to sing and dance.

As the saying goes, if you are familiar with 300 Tang poems, you can chant if you can't write poems.

Fairy Peony has heard and understood more or less, if it were her own, she would definitely not jump, but her body was involuntary, which made her extremely embarrassed.

Not to mention Su Zhan forcing Fairy Peony to dance, but the evil dragon in the East China Sea.

Su Zhan reminded him to be careful of the Immortal Donghua, the evil dragon of the East China Sea was indeed careful in his heart!But it happened to meet a few children, which made him feel a little moved. His ten thousand soul flags were only a few short of training.

It should be... You didn't meet Donghua Shangxian by chance, right?

Catch these children and leave immediately, it should be fine!

The temptation of Ten Thousand Soul Banner made Donghai Evil Jiao unable to bear it, and suddenly shot.Don't look at him slumping in front of Su Zhan, but he is also the evil dragon in the East China Sea anyway.The children were not caught in their hands yet, and there was no delay at all. After putting these children into the flag, the East Sea Evil Jiao was about to leave, but suddenly he heard a loud shout!

"East Sea Evil Jiao, let the child go!"

Dressed in white, holding a sword.

It is Donghua Shangxian!

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