Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1411

Data 0004

"Too light, I will teach you some special dances later!"

Watching Fairy Peony dance for a long time, although it is pleasing to the eye, although it is beautiful, it is somewhat clear and watery.Su Zhan itself is not a vegetarian character, thinking about looking back and let her see what modern modern dances look like.

If you let Fairy Peony dance that kind of dance, it must have a different taste!

As soon as Su Zhan's words fell, he suddenly heard the sound of a Luoguo.

"This is Huantian Gong!"

The dancing fairy peony suddenly surprised."The gong is ringing, all the immortals must rush back to the Heavenly Court immediately when they hear it, there must be something wrong with the Heavenly Court!"

"The monkey is making trouble!"

You don't need to think about it. The Monkey King on the front foot disturbs the Pantao Banquet, and the gong on the back foot calls the heavens to summon the immortals back to the heaven. It must be the monkey making trouble.The next thing is to be alchemy by the Supreme Master, right?

If it's a riot in the Heavenly Palace, Su Zhan is still interested in going to see it, now!

Slightly shook his head, looking at the anxious fairy Peony, Su Zhan said with a smile: "I won't let you go back, you can give up. Now that the gong is ringing, you don't go back, I believe you will find out soon I was caught, someone should come to rescue you soon, right?"

"Who do you think it will be?"

"You... are you not afraid at all?" Fairy Peony said.


Su Zhan curled his lips: "I'm just not interested in being the Jade Emperor, otherwise it would be a good idea to grab the High Heaven Hall."

" are so bold." Fairy Peony was startled.

What's the place of Lingxiao Palace?Fairy Peony is usually not qualified to appear in the High Heaven Hall, even if he goes there, he doesn't even dare to breathe the atmosphere. I didn't expect Su Zhan to... even utter such wild words!

"It's you who needs to be bold!"

"This thing, take your time!"

Su Zhan waved his hand suddenly, and a virtual picture appeared in front of Fairy Peony in an instant.Fairy Peony looked over subconsciously, and it didn't take long for her face to blush."How can can you let me see such an unsightly picture."

"It's just striptease, I'm not just showing you, I plan to let you dance!" Su Zhan said with a smile, then got up and walked out.

Although Peony Fairy didn't want to look at it, but her body couldn't resist, she could only keep looking.


These dances seemed to be very long, and later there were dances that required a stick to dance!

After coming out of the bamboo house, Su Zhan waved his hand. In an instant, the power of chaos spread all over the bamboo house, covering the whole bamboo house.Although the bamboo house is still there, Su Zhan is also there, and Fairy Peony is also there, but in the eyes of others, there is nothing here, even the gods can't see it.

This is not a low-level blindfold!

Although the system is different, Su Zhan's chaotic power is all-encompassing, plus the power of rules, let alone look at it, even those guys in the sky want to count... they can't count where the fairy peony is!

Of course, Su Zhan was not afraid.

However, Fairy Peony just got it, and other interested people have not yet appeared.So Su Zhan didn't want to waste time with the Heavenly Court, it was better to add fragrance to the red sleeves and let the fairy peony dance.Although Peony Fairy is an immortal, he also values ​​the love character very seriously. As long as he is well trained and trained, he must be an obedient maid. The years are endless. After staying for a while, what Su Zhan wants now is a perfect maid!

After covering up the bamboo house, some restrictions were also imposed nearby to prevent Fairy Peony from running away.After the incident, Su Zhan turned around and returned.At this time, Fairy Peony's face was already like a ripe apple, and her breathing became heavy.

This is no experience and too little knowledge!

This is just a dance, this is going to be an island film, she must not collapse?With a laugh, Su Zhanzhe returned and sat down again, looking at Fairy Su Zhan Peony with shame and anger.

"Don't just watch, just watch and jump!"

Su Zhan said with a smirk.

Fairy Peony jumped up uncontrollably.

Watching her dancing modern dance steps in this ancient clothes, watching her pure and shy eyes but making that seductive action, this kind of contrast made Su Zhan very surprised and very satisfied!


The transparent coat has been taken off and Peony Fairy is still on the ground.

"Please, let me stop... Don't... Don't let me be such a shameful thing, please!" Fairy Peony pleaded at Su Zhan.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "That's not okay, in fact, you just haven't gotten used to it. When you get used to it, you won't feel anything wrong with it. Shut your mouth and don't talk, keep jumping!"

Fairy Peony instantly found that she couldn't speak!


Getting deeper.

Fairy Peony sat slumped on the ground, with no one on her body, her eyes numb in a trance.

She dared not think about what she did.

Her own dignified Peony Fairy, unexpectedly... even danced this kind of dance in front of a man, and... she was also clearly seen by the other party, for her, her innocence was gone!

"The figure is really good!"

Su Zhan walked over with a smile, and Fairy Peony instantly became sober: "Devil, you...what are you going to do again?"

"It's getting late, so naturally I went to rest on the couch, get up... accompany me to bed!"

After Su Zhan finished speaking, Fairy Peony stood up and followed Su Zhan to the bedroom inside. She... She thought that Su Zhan would humiliate herself, but she didn't expect Su Zhan to just fall asleep with her arms around, although... Together, but she didn't do anything else, which made Fairy Peony a little relieved!


Fairy Peony is asleep!

Maybe it was because I was tired from dancing before, or maybe because I was too exhausted, and I actually fell asleep in this sleep!

When she woke up, she found that there was no one around her, but her clothes were left beside her.Fairy Peony got dressed and came out, but it was already bright outside, which made her a little embarrassed. She was always on time!

"Wake up? Then cook."

Su Zhan's voice sounded, and Fairy Peony was shocked, and then looked at Su Zhan with a bit of resentment!

"You have the strength to hate me. Now that you are at my mercy, confronting me will only make me bully you even more, so if you are smart, you should follow me! So, fairy peony, go cook !"

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Although the ancient environment was good, the only drawback was that there were no recreational activities at all. It was basically a matter of men and women when it was dark.Of course, it's still early to get dark. After eating the meal made by Fairy Peony, Su Zhan took her to the pavilion in front of the bamboo house!

With a light wave of his hand towards the table, two transparent wine glasses appeared, and a bottle of red wine appeared in Su Zhan's hand. After pouring, he signaled Fairy Peony to taste it."This is red wine, it's also a fruit bar!"

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