Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1419

Now this year, there are countless demons and zombies in the wilderness.

Baihuling is an extremely remote place. The cliffs of the mountain are extremely steep. There are many bones nearby that are not known to be buried by wind and sand or exposed, giving people a sense of eerie horror.

"This place where the birds don't shit is really not in front of the village and no shop in the back. I am afraid that no one will be here except for the people of the past. Tang Seng was also a brain-disabled back then. How could there be people living in this place, but then again, Since it is ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, how difficult is it to see through it at a glance? After all, Journey to the West is nothing more than a competition between various forces. Tang Seng and others, including the monsters along the way, are all chess pieces."

Shaking his head and waving away distracting thoughts, Su Zhan suddenly saw a woman appearing in the distance!

"In the wilderness, a young woman came out... Is this insulting my IQ?"

Su Zhan was dumb, staring at the woman slowly walking in.

The woman looked like she was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was poorly dressed, but she was outstanding in appearance and figure.

"Are you crossing the road? If so... leave here, Bai Huling... not safe!" The woman said timidly towards her.

"Oh? Is there any safe place nearby?"

Su Zhan raised the corners of his mouth and looked inquiring.

The woman was stunned for a moment, and the expression in Su Zhan's eyes gradually became dazed.

"No, there is no safe place here, this is Baihuling, the place of Mrs. Bones!" the woman said in a daze.

"who are you?"

"I am the little demon under the seat of Mrs. Bone."

"Lead the way, I'm going to see Bones!" Su Zhan said lightly.

The guardian little demon immediately walked ahead and led the way.

The body of this guardian little demon is a porcupine spirit. Hearing this Su Zhan's mind, it is naturally that kind of black, big and ugly appearance, but this little demon's human form is basically related to the picture he wants. Not on.After all, this is a mythical world, each with its own body, but once it has been cultivated, it will naturally be a brand new body with a different appearance, so there is no bad idea in the mind.After walking for more than ten minutes, he soon came to the top of the mountain, which was even more gloomy and filled with demons.There is a cave in the distance, but there is a cave in the cave. In a pool of water, there is a huge skull throne. A woman like a royal sister in white veil lies on the throne with her smooth legs. First there was a woman who was also dressed in white, kneeling and sitting there.

Obviously, these two should also be the little demon under the seat of Mrs. Bone.

When Su Zhan walked in, the two law-protecting little demons quickly got their ideas, and their expressions were a little gloating.Above the throne, Mrs. Bone opened her eyes faintly, with a trace of domineering in her laziness, the royal sister was full of crimes!


PS: Have you ever watched Journey to the West: Three Fighting Bone Spirits?

Item 0014

The guardian little demon occasionally brought passers-by to please Mrs. Bones, so they didn't care at first, and even Mrs. Bones didn't think much about it, but soon she discovered that something was wrong. The mortals who had been brought in in the past came in. Later, it was either panic or fear, or greedy expression, but the person in front of her was very calm, and her calmness made her feel a little palpitating.

This was the first time she had felt this way, but it was not enough to make Madame Bones fear or fear, she could feel it, there was no special breath in this person.Because of this, Mrs. Bones came to be interested instead.The body was tilted slightly, his hands propped his head, his feet close together, the skirt naturally fell to reveal the snow-white calves.

"What's your name?" Madame Bone asked lazily, her voice full of seductive magnetism.

Su Zhan did not answer. Instead, he looked at the other two guardian little monsters. They were all good looking, one was snake spirit and the other was bat spirit.

Three beautiful little demon guardians, plus a wife of the bones of Yujie Fan.

This place is really good!

"What is our wife asking you, is she deaf?"

The snake spirit among them came to Su Zhan and asked harshly and displeasedly.

Su Zhan frowned slightly.


The snake spirit flew out suddenly, and the screams sounded.


The snake spirit hit the wall and fell to the ground, and the injury was not light!

"what happened?"

The snake spirit's sudden injury made the remaining two little demons a little surprised, subconsciously wanting to pass, but the body involuntarily flew out at the same time.

Damn, damn!

Two crashes sounded, and they lay beside the snake spirit, all injured and unable to move!


Mrs. Bone suddenly got up and sat upright, her eyes becoming extremely sharp.

Opened his arms, two bone swords suddenly appeared in his hands.

"who are you!"

Mrs. Bones asked sharply.

Su Zhan walked over slowly without a word.

Mrs. Bone couldn't figure out his doorway, she was obviously an ordinary person, and she didn't even see him make a move, but her little demon was injured.Seeing Su Zhan approaching, Madam White Bone suddenly flew out, her body as if turned into white smoke and swept towards Su Zhan.The two-handed bone sword pierced directly towards Su Zhan!


Su Zhan raised his palm, the bone sword pierced the palm but didn't penetrate, or even cut, but heard a crisp sound!

Mrs. Bone was shocked and subconsciously wanted to change her move, but inexplicably felt that Su Zhan had a strong suction force that made her unable to leave.


Su Zhan snorted softly, and the powerful impact instantly spread from his palm.

In an instant, Mrs. Bone was directly blasted out.

Holding the bone sword, Su Zhan looked at it, this sword is quite good, and Mrs. Bone should be cultivated by hard work!


Mrs. Bones hit the wall and fell onto the chair.

A mouthful of blood spurted from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were shocked and confused.

Su Zhan left the bone sword in his hand and walked towards the chair.

"Move, then die!"

Glancing at Madame White Bone, Su Zhan turned and walked down.Slightly raised her foot and put it on her own leg, Su Zhan gave a soft smile.

"Want to die?"

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