Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1420

Mrs. Bones frowned slightly."I don't want to."

"Be my slave and I will save you!" Su Zhan said.

Mrs. White Bone said lightly: "It turns out that you want to surrender me. Your mana is strong. I don't want to die, so I can only be your slave."

"I'm not convinced by your tone." Su Zhan smiled, and said with a smile on Mrs. Bone's feet, "Do you think I was using my strength to subdue you? There is no need, a mere bony spirit can't make me do it. I said to save you, naturally is to save you! In this cave, you still can't make the decision by yourself. In this world, do you think you can make the decision? If you can't make the decision, you can only become a chess piece. Buddhism, heaven, are calculating the grand plan of the westward journey After nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one difficulties, Xitian learned the scriptures and gained great public morality, and Buddhism was greatly prospered.

"Monkey King? Isn't he crushed on Wuzhishan?"

"Why do you want to press, and when?" Su Zhan said with a smile."If you don't surrender, how can you make you obedient."

Mrs. Bones was silent.

"If I'm really one of the eighty-one difficulties, you do this..." Mrs. Bones looked at Su Zhan."who are you!"

"I just want to live comfortably in this world, and enjoy some people!"

"My name is Su Zhan."

Su Zhan slowly got up, looked at Mrs. White Bone and said, "If you want to survive, I will be your master!"

"What if I refuse?"


"So do you still rely on strength to subdue me?"

Su Zhan shook his head: "Two different things, if you follow me, I will never let you become a pawn on the Journey to the West. Naturally I will take over your cause and effect and your troubles. Naturally, you have to be faithful to me. But You refused, just because you refused me, it has nothing to do with the above things!"

The specious reasons made Mrs. Bones a little confused, but she knew one thing, whether it was one thing or two things.He promised to be his servant, he could survive and bear the cause and effect for himself.If you refuse, you die!

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Bon slowly got up and came to Su Zhan, kneeling down on one knee and bowing his head and arching his hands: "Bone, I have seen the master."

"I have seen the master!"

The three little demon guards also shouted from a distance.

"Get up!"

Su Zhan raised his hand to make Mrs. White Bone stand up: "Don't think that being my servant has wronged you. When you see the other one, you will know...Not only is it not ashamed, but it has already made you show off the Three Realms."

"Who?" Madame Bone asked curiously.

"You'll know in a while!"

Su Zhan beckoned, and took Mrs. Bone and the three little demon guards directly back to the bamboo house.

The four monsters were horrified. What kind of supernatural power is this so fast and so mysterious?And... the Four Demon realized that their injuries did not know when they would heal.

"This is where I usually rest. You will also live here in the future. I don't need to tell you what to do. You should know it by comparison. As for the person just mentioned, it is in my room!" Su Zhan On the one hand, while taking them to their room!

Chapter 0015 Queen Mother?Yao Qiong!

There was no sound in the room.

The four demons stood at the door looking at the naked woman hanging from the bedroom, and the queen mother also looked at the four beautiful female demons who suddenly appeared at the door.

Looking at each other, they heard the Queen Mother scream.

"Exterior demon, how can you insult me ​​like this!" the queen mother roared in shame.

Who is she?The dignified queen mother.

It's just that there were no other people here before, but now that people see me like this, but there are still four little demons, this is a shame to the Queen Mother.

"This is Yaoqiong, a female fairy I got from Heaven." Su Zhan drew his ears and said with a chuckle.

The words Yaoqiong seemed to have magical powers, so that the angry queen mother suddenly calmed down.By the way, these four banshees don't know who they are, they don't know that I am the Queen Mother!Thinking about this, the Queen Mother felt relieved a lot.Seeing her calm down, Su Zhan smiled triumphantly. If she doesn't want to reveal her identity, she has to be honest, Queen Mother, Queen Mother, I see how long you can hold on!

"Bone, you will take care of this place in the future and take care of your daily life. As for the three of you little monsters, I will give you a new name. You are called Chunxiang for Porcupine, Xiaxiang for Bat, and Dongxiang for Snake." Su Zhanye It became more interesting and changed the names of the three little monsters.As for Qiuxiang, there is no way, who would have only three little monsters here.

White Bone and the three law-protecting little demon nodded and said yes, not dare not to follow.As for the name change, the law-guard little demon didn't have any comments, anyway, they didn't have a name.

What's more, the strength of this new master is no longer necessary, and they can hear exactly what the fairy named Yaoqiong called just now.

Extraterritorial demon!

No wonder he is so strong and so special!

No wonder they dare to accept them as slaves, ignore the eighty-one difficulties, and dare to snatch the fairy from the heaven.

The four of them had never doubted Yao Qiong's identity, let alone the Queen Mother!

It’s just that Fairy Yaoqiong’s appearance should probably be punished because her master was unhappy. She never thought that this woman was the queen mother who ruled the fairy in the court that day!

But they know this, the new owner should be beautiful.

"I only have one request for you!"


"As long as you are obedient, I will not punish you, and your benefits are indispensable."

"Oh yes, one more thing, don't transform without my permission in the future!"

"That's it, find a place to settle down, cook, and clean these without me teaching." Su Zhan waved them to retreat, and then walked to the Queen Mother.

"Let me down."

The Queen Mother gritted her teeth and whispered.

Su Zhan smiled: "That's not okay, you look so beautiful."

"I, I won't kill you anymore." The Queen Mother said hesitantly.

Su Zhan shook his head: "You still don't understand? This is just a punishment for you to kill me. There are no rules, and you can understand this truth for so many years as a queen mother!"

"You, how long will you hang me."

"It depends on your mood!"

The environment of the bamboo house is different from the Dongfu in Baihuling, but it hasn't changed much for them. After changing to the new environment, it feels a little fresher. After walking around inside and out, I know the magic of this bamboo house. It was impossible to leave the place, and it seemed that it was a completely independent world. This kind of supernatural power is not something that everyone can do.

With four more banshees, it became a lot more lively here.

Playing with the bones of the little feet every day, watching the three demons dance and sing softly, it is also pleasant.Occasionally, I would go inside to find the Queen Mother when she was intrigued. At first, the Queen Mother was very annoyed. But once or twice, if you don’t want to get used to it, you will get used to it. Strong, right?

Moreover, even if the Queen Mother didn't want to admit it, she couldn't deny that she was not.

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