Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1422

Guanyin's face didn't change but he was secretly surprised.

She couldn't see the person in front of her!

"Su Zhan, why are you here?" He Xiangu didn't know what Guanyin was thinking, and shouted happily after seeing Su Zhan.

"Xianggu, long time no see."

Su Zhan smiled and said hello to her: "Are you going to ascend into a fairy? Then hurry up, don't delay."

Avalokitesvara frowned slightly, turned his head and said to Aunt He Xiang: "You have sacrificed yourself to save others, and you are very good, and you have completed your merits. You are in the immortal class."

After speaking, Guanyin waved her hand, and He Xiangu's body glowed brightly, and her body flew up involuntarily.

He Xiangu ascended, Su Zhan did not leave in a hurry, Xia Xiang beside him was already scared by Guanyin, but Su Zhan was very calm, and he didn't even mean to leave.

"The first time I met, Guanyin didn't disappoint me." Su Zhan smiled and spoke first.

"Who are you, but the bone spirit was taken away by you?" Guanyin slowly said.

Su Zhan nodded and said, "The bones were taken away precisely by me. As for who I am... Xia Xiang told her."

"The master is an extraterritorial demon!"

Xia Xiang said in a trembling voice.

Extraterritorial demon, the master is an extraterritorial demon!

This made Xia Xiang regain some composure, and she was not so afraid of Guanyin.

"Extraterritorial Demon!"

Avalokitesvara was shocked. There were a lot of talks about extraterritorial celestial demon, but no one had actually seen it, but he did not expect that this person was an extraterritorial celestial demon!But in this way, it made sense that he couldn't find the bones.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not interested in your big plans, I just want the bones." Seeing Guanyin's nervous and serious look, Su Zhan said lightly.

Chapter 0017 Avalokitesvara will not work either!

No interest, just white bones?

Guanyin don't believe it!

Although she doesn't understand the extraterritorial demon, how can she be a kind person even though she is already a demon?Especially now that the journey to the west is planned, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth can be said to be a critical moment, and it can even be said to be a time when the pattern of heaven and earth is changing.

A mere bone demon, what can she do to draw out the heavenly monsters outside the territory.

What's more, the demon is the best at deceiving people's hearts, and his words are naturally even more unreliable.

"Hand over the bone spirit."

Guanyin said solemnly.

"Why is this? I live my comfortable life, and you continue your plan. You will naturally find a substitute if you are missing a boneless spirit. What do you want to do as an enemy! Isn't it because I want to destroy you Western Buddhism? Happy?" Su Zhan shook his head.

"Sure enough, you are hiding evil intentions, your purpose is to deal with our Buddhism!"

Guanyin snorted, and suddenly waved the willow branch in his hand.In an instant, a monstrous mana swept over, and the world changed color, like the end of the world.Xia Xiang next to him was already on her knees in fright, and under the powerful pressure of Guanyin, she didn't even have the slightest sense of resistance.On the other hand, Su Zhan stood still and didn't move, as if he didn't feel the powerful mana at all.Surrounded by mana, Su Zhan waved his hand suddenly, and the power of Chaos suddenly emerged.

Silent thunder sounded.

The mana was gone and disappeared.

Guanyin's body tilted slightly, looking at Su Zhan with a little shock.

"What a powerful magic!"

"Magic? What the hell is this called?" Su Zhan was speechless, but Guanyin shot again.The willow branch in his hand suddenly lifted up with a drop of water in the bottle.

This cleansing bottle is called Yujing bottle. The cleansing bottle contains water purification. The effect is countless. It can be called a first-class good thing. It has the goodness of eliminating disasters, resurrecting the dead, and eliminating the evil in the world!Seeing the water droplets float, Su Zhan's arm stretched out the power of chaos and swept out, actually dragging the droplets steadily.

"How is this possible?" Guanyin was surprised to find that the water purification did not have any effect.

This pure water has supreme power to treat evil things. Since he is an extraterritorial demon, it is an evil thing. Water purification is restraint, how can it be useless.

"Come and not be indecent, you can pick me up."

In the first volume of the power of chaos, the clean water has disappeared.

The next moment, the power of Chaos whizzed away, and when he heard a bang, Guanyin was knocked down by Qinglian.


Xia Xiang's eyes widened.

This is Guanyin!

Qinglian was knocked down by the master waved.

Guanyin looked at Su Zhan in horror. As one of the four great buddhists of Buddhism, Guanyin's strength is not weak, and her status is not low, but at the blow just now, she actually found that she felt powerless to resist, and it was true. Can't resist.Extraterrestrial demon, terrifying!

"Come here today. I am not going to kill you, and I am not interested in hindering your Buddhist plan, so the best thing is that the well water does not violate the river water. If you continue your westward journey, I will enjoy my life. If you come to provoke me, Come one...I will kill one." Su Zhan really didn't plan to do anything to Guanyin. To be honest, this copy of Su Zhan is purely a vacation and enjoyment.

Whether you are Western Buddhism, Taoism, or even Heaven, I honestly don’t have much interest in the Soviet war.

But if you are really ignorant, Su Zhan doesn't mind spending some time to let them down.

After Su Zhan said, he ignored Guanyin and took Xia Xiang back to the bamboo house.

After coming back, Xia Xiang had a feeling of regaining his soul. The fear was no longer there. Instead, he was confident and proud.Seeing the owner didn't mind, Xia Xiang quickly told other people about the experience of this trip, including the bones who listened very deeply.Hearing that Su Zhan took her to the Heavenly Court, swaggering around the entire Heavenly Court, no one noticed it. Hearing that the Peony Fairy in Heavenly Court was willing to follow Su to the lower realm, they were already surprised.As for later encountering Guanyin and easily wounding Guanyin, this shocked them even more...especially when Guanyin said that he wanted Su Zhan to hand over the bone spirit, which convinced the bones of Su Zhan's words.

The destiny of nature was arranged like a chess piece.

Otherwise, how could the dignified Guanyin Bodhisattva ask Su Zhan for the bones of his own district?

After confirming this, Bai Bone let go of the last hesitation in his heart, serving Su Zhan wholeheartedly.

Su Zhan hadn't given any special instructions, but Bone had asked the law protectors to go out occasionally to inquire about the outside world, especially about the master's situation.

This is another few days without knowing it.

Su Zhan finally put the Queen Mother down.

With her feet on the ground, the Queen Mother has an inexplicable sense of steadiness, but she still feels uncomfortable.Looking at Su Zhan, the queen mother's expression was very complicated, and she was silent for a while.Su Zhan was casual, and said with a smile: "He Xiangu has already become a fairy, and I'm still the one who speaks. Since you are there instead, I will naturally not prevent He Xiangu from becoming a fairy."

"As the head of the female celestials, He Xiangu becomes an immortal and must see you as Queen Mother. You can go back and return after sending He Xiangu!"

"Are you not afraid that I won't come back?" The Queen Mother asked in a deep voice.

"What does it matter if you don't come back? Even if you are in the heaven, I want it, you can't refuse it. What's more, I didn't catch you. You wanted to come down with me. If you don't come back, what I want to do to the Eight Immortals? You don’t know either."

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