Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1423

"Of course, you can also ask someone to help. But let me tell you by the way that Xiangu He was turned into a fairy by Guanyin's point, and I was there at the time."

"You dare to appear in front of Guanyin?" The Queen Mother said in surprise.

Su Zhan smiled: "You shouldn't be surprised at this, on the contrary, you should be surprised, whether Guanyin still has the guts to appear in front of me! Guanyin already knows about the alien demon, presumably all the guys in the sky already know. But look...Is anyone coming to me?"

The queen mother was silent.

"Okay, go back to Heavenly Court."

Su Zhan waved his hand and directly teleported the Queen Mother out of the bamboo house.

Item 0018

When she returned to the Heavenly Queen Mother, she was still in a trance, feeling all this seemed to be a dream.After a long silence, the Queen Mother resumed her previous sacred and solemnity and summoned He Xiangu.Seeing He Xiangu, the Queen Mother's mood was very complicated. She had a relationship in the world before, and she was not sure whether He Xiangu denied that she was like herself.But apparently the Queen Mother's prestige made He Xiangu dare not think about it, and she didn't dare to look at it. This was a relief to the Queen Mother.After some encouragement, the Queen Mother told He Xiangu to retreat and sit on the treasure hall. The Queen Mother hesitated.

Hesitate to go back!

If you go back, you will inevitably be humiliated by that demon again.

But if you don’t go back, it’s really possible that the demon’s reckless behavior will come to the heaven to continue...and continue to humiliate yourself, and the demon will have a lot to say, if he is not there, he may not be able to obstruct the other people of the Eight Immortals, the Eight Immortals gather together. To be able to survive this world and earth disaster, there is no effect if one less.After thinking about it, the Queen Mother decided to go back.But before going back, the Queen Mother finally inquired about it, and as expected, it had already spread in the heavenly court.

Extraterrestrial demon appeared.

Guanyin lost.

Although it is spread privately, this kind of news can be known by inquiring at will.

"It turned out to be true!"

"Even Guanyin is not an opponent of the Heavenly Demon. If the Heavenly Demon really wants to destroy it, who can stop it? No, I must go back quickly. No matter whether he is related to the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, he cannot be allowed to destroy the Eight Immortals." Said secretly, then announced the retreat again, and then returned to the world.

Sensing the breath of the Queen Mother, Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly and let the Queen Mother in.

She was very witty and changed her outfit before coming down.

Although the three realms are distinct, they are closely connected. Since the celestial realm has spread the matter of the celestial demon outside the realm, it has naturally spread in the human world. Who doesn't have many friends yet?What's more, the existence of extraterritorial demon is similar to mythology for them. It didn't take long for the fairies and monsters of the human world to know that there are extraterritorial demon in the world, and some ambitious monsters are looking for extraterrestrial. Tianma hopes to take refuge.At this time, Tongtian also began to be active, and finally recruited a group of men.

"Leader, the outside world is spreading the affairs of the outer world demon, should we also inquire about it?"

Within the Tongtian Church.

There was a person sitting on the huge gossip disc, and the surrounding atmosphere was dark and evil, filled with an atmosphere of evil spirits.The person sitting right now is the sealed leader of Tongtian.Under him stood two banshees.

"I haven't even heard of this extraterritorial demon, but since it's a demon, it's a fellow. Chunying, the tree spirit tree, go find this extraterritorial demon, and ask him if he intends to join forces!" Tongtian said in a deep voice.


The two demons answered, turned and left!

The place of the demon outside the territory is illusory, no one knows where to find it.

However, there are many followers of Tongtian Sect, and most of them are all kinds of monsters. It is not difficult to find out the news.Although no one can find the bamboo house, Chunxiang and the others will occasionally go out to purchase. Once and twice, they will inevitably be discovered after a long time. Moreover, they have no intention to hide their identities, so unknowingly, this place is near the bamboo house. You can often see the monsters.

Originally, there were few people here, but now even more monsters are born and no one dares to live here.

Although no one has found an extraterritorial celestial monster, there are many monsters nearby, and it is interesting to encounter familiar ones occasionally.The law-protecting little demon naturally told Su Zhan about the situation outside. It didn't matter if Su Zhan arrived. They couldn't find it anyway, and they didn't dare to make trouble here!

When Chunying and Tsubaki tree spirits heard the news of coming here, they were really shocked by the monsters here.

"Don't all these monsters come to find the extraterritorial celestial demon?" Tsubaki tree spirit said to Chunying in a little amazement: "So many people haven't found it, even if the extraterritorial celestial demon is really here, we might be hard to find.

"Try it."

Chunying sighed.

They didn't expect that there would be so many monsters looking for the extraterritorial demon, which made them really feel a little unconfident.

Although the neighborhood is big, it can't hold so many people. After such a long search, they still found nothing. In the end, those goblins simply learned to be smart and waited.Chun Yu and Tsubaki Tree Spirit had planned this way at the beginning, but later felt that this was not enough. After waiting with so many people, even if they really saw the alien monsters, the chances were too slim.

"Why don't we separate, I'll wait here, you can look for it outside."

"In this way, no matter who can meet the extraterritorial demon, he can convey the meaning of the leader." Chunying suggested.

Tsubaki tree spirit thought about it and thought that this method was good. She had an advantage when looking outside. After all, it was Tsubaki tree spirit. If there were any turbulent changes around, she would feel more sensitive than others.After the two of them decided, they divided into two groups, and the tree spirit began to look around, saying that it was looking, but in fact it was just wandering aimlessly, purely by chance.

But I have to say that her luck is really good.

Not long after I walked out, I felt that there seemed to be some unusual sensations around me. When I turned my head sharply, I saw someone appearing out of thin air not far away.Chun Shujing was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly ran over with joy.Just past, the person had disappeared, which made the Tsubaki Tree Spirit stunned for a moment, but instead of chasing after him, she went to the place where the person appeared and looked for it.

Everything is as usual, there is no abnormality at all.

But she was certain that that person appeared here, and it was definitely not the kind of sudden flying over, but the kind of feeling of walking out of it.With this discovery, Chun Ying noted the location and went back to find Chunying. After learning about the discovery of Chun Ying, Chunying was also overjoyed, and the two hurried back.

"It's here, I can be sure that she appeared here, but she may have hidden it with great magic power." The Tsubaki Tree Jing vowed.

Chunying thought for a while and said, "Is it right? Try it."

At the moment, Chunying gave a fist."Under the master of Tongtian, Chunying and Chunshu are eager to see the heavenly demons outside the territory."

Item 0019

Chunying's voice echoed for a long time, but the surroundings were extremely silent.Chunying and Chun Shujing stared at the front intently, without any change.The two turned their heads, their eyes facing each other, and the Tsubaki tree spirit hesitated and said: "Aren't our attitudes not sincere? After all, this is an extraterritorial demon. It should be a person of the same level as the leader. Is it a little bit worse?"

Chunying thought for a while and realized that there was some truth to it, so she knelt down with the Tsubaki tree spirit and shouted again: "Under the master of Tongtian, Chunying, Tsubaki tree begs to see the alien demon!"

The sound fell, and the surroundings were silent, and a breeze blew the leaves beside it and heard the sound of salsa.

Chunying and Tsubaki waited quietly, even their breathing became tiny, a little nervous and a little nervous.

Time seems to be a little fuzzy at this moment, it is difficult to tell whether it is fast or long.In a trance, a strand of white clothes suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and the two of them subconsciously looked up and saw a glamorous beauty.

Rumor has it that the extraterritorial demon took a bone banshee, so he fought with Guanyin. This person... must be the bone spirit.

The two guessed right, the person here was the bone spirit.

"Come in with me, my host wants to see you." The bone spirit said lightly, Chunying and Chun Shujing hurriedly got up and followed the bone spirit in excitement.Obviously, it was only on behalf of the Master Tongtian to beg to see the outer heavenly demons, but the two of them felt a special sense of joy inexplicably.The light in front of her eyes flashed, Chunying and Tsubaki tree spirits closed their eyes subconsciously, and then opened them, but the surrounding scene has undergone earth-shaking changes.The forest that was originally empty has now become a bamboo house with winding paths.

In the gazebo in the distance.

The man in white clothes was sitting there, surrounded by two little monsters in white clothes, one playing the piano, one singing, and one standing behind him, who looked like a maid, but had a very special and elegant temperament. He was holding the man's with both hands at this moment. Shoulder, silently.

"Under the Master Tongtian."


"Tsubaki tree spirit."

"Meet the demon outside the territory."

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