Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1428

Mrs. Bones said.

At this time, everyone reacted.

Who is Su Zhan?Extraterritorial demon!

It is unknown how strong his palm is, but it is impossible for Madame Bone to be unscathed in the palm of his hand. Then the reason is that the dress...

"This magic weapon, even if the Master Tongtian comes, it shouldn’t hurt you. I usually wear it inside. I look pleasing to my eyes. Secondly, it can protect you well. In today’s situation, even if you repair it. There is no need to worry about shortcomings," Su Zhan said slowly.

"Thank you, Master!" Madame Bone was excited and didn't know what to say.

A piece of clothing that looks thin, but it can have such an amazing defense.Since the master said that he can block the leader of Tongtian, he is bound to block the leader of Tongtian!

Seeing the power of faith emerging from Mrs. Bone, Su Zhan nodded slightly in satisfaction!

Speaking of it, he was just a whim, a magic weapon, any style and style are possible.The appearance of making erotic underwear is purely to kill two birds with one stone and be pleasing to the eye.Anyway, this dress is also worn close to the inside. It’s no problem to wear it in front of you when you are free. When you go out, you will naturally have a coat outside, so don’t worry.At this time, Xia Xiang came back tremblingly with the Blade of Killing Gods, staring at Madam White's clothes for a moment, guessing in her heart.

"Master, your sword."

Su Zhan beckoned gently, and the God Killing Blade flew over by itself, flying into his body.

Seeing this sword, everyone was subconsciously a little bit timid, and they really realized what an extraterritorial demon is.

Usually the owner is entertaining and leisure, and the owner who is not aware of the power of the demon, now that the magic sword is out, people can truly feel the identity of the demon outside the territory.

The smell of blood drifted away with the wind, and quickly scattered the traces outside, as if nothing had happened here.

Heavenly Court, Buddhism thought about each other.

At the same time, Heavenly Court discovered that the West Kunlun Yao Pool was actually occupied.

"What did you do?" Jade Emperor asked in a deep voice.

"I really don't know that this person is not a demon, nor a fairy, nor a Buddha. He has a pair of black wings behind him, and his strength is quite advanced."

"Could it be a demon?" Jade Emperor frowned.

"No matter what, the West Kunlun Yaochi is the land of my Queen Mother. I can't let others seize it. Who wants to fight with illness and regain this place."

"At the end I wish to go."

"Okay, let the giant spirit god lead the heavenly soldiers."

With a wave of the Jade Emperor's big hand, the Giant Spirit God took his command, turned and led his troops to West Kunlun, Yaochi.



"The Thun Tree Spirit is going to seize the Jade Pool, I'm afraid Heavenly Court should know it. I want to see you because of emotion and reason. If this is the case, you are allowed to return to Heavenly Court." Su Zhan said towards the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother also understood this and asked: "Then when will I be back?"

"After the affairs of Yaochi are settled, then you will serve at Yaochi again. If I have nothing to do, I will naturally go to the Heavenly Court to find you." Su Zhan finished speaking and waved the Queen Mother out.

Others did not know the identity of the queen mother, nor did the master let her go.But as soon as she saw her go, Madame Bone and the three law-protection little demon were a little excited, as if they had seen an opportunity!

Item 0025

In terms of her position by Su Zhan's side, the Queen Mother would naturally be Mrs. Bones. Don't look at Xia Xiang's frequent serving, but in terms of her status, she is still inferior to Mrs.In the past, Mrs. Bone was also obedient and well-behaved, but she was less active and eager. But first, the stink tree spirit escaped from the demon body and became a black angel. Later, the master gave a treasure. Mrs. Bone's mentality was completely different. As soon as the mother left, she became more diligent.In the past, Xia Xiang and three other guardians were supposed to serve, but this time he personally went into battle. Seeing her hard to bow her head, Su Zhan was extremely satisfied. He thought that the master would let himself go to bed at night, but the result was just Let her serve with her mouth for a while and let her retreat, which made Madam White bones feel disappointed, and Xia Xiang was slightly gloating.

Sleepless all night.

The next morning, the guardian little demon was ready to eat, and Mrs. Bone took over from Xia Xiang and helped Su Zhan fetch water to cleanse the horse and horse.

"Master, there is a fairy outside."

Just after eating, I saw Chunxiang coming over and whispering.


After the previous Slaughterhouse incident, I thought it would be clean for a while, and no one should dare to bother at will. I didn't expect that not only someone would come, but also a fairy.

As soon as the Queen Mother left, a fairy came to the door, who would it be?

Could it be that Fairy Peony went down privately?

"You guys are gone, I'll go out and have a look."

Su Zhan said, people have come outside the bamboo house.

A strand of white shirt.

Diverse body.

Not Peony Fairy, but another acquaintance.

"He Xiangu."

Su Zhan greeted him with a smile.

He Xiangu turned around when he heard the words, and looked at Su Zhan's expression a little complicated.

"long time no see!"

Regarding He Xiangu's responsible look, Su Zhan didn't seem to see it. He smiled and said, "Is something wrong with me?"

"You are... an extraterritorial demon?" He Xiangu couldn't help asking.

Su Zhan smiled and nodded: "I'm afraid that many people should know? Why? Is it possible that you are here to kill demons and defend the way? I don't seem to have done evil, right? All the monsters killed were all self-defeating monsters. Mo Weidao, I'm afraid there is no reason!"

"You hurt Goddess of Mercy..." He Xiangu spoke subconsciously, and was interrupted by Su Zhan before finishing her words."That was what she shot at me first. I just wounded her and didn't kill her. Or do you think? I can't kill her with my ability? Not to mention even Guanyin is not my opponent. Come? I don’t know if you want to kill the demons or defend the way or come to die!"

After that, He Xiangu was speechless.

"Well, if you come to me, you won't really want to kill demons and defend the way? Something?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

He Xiangu was silent for a moment, and finally said: "I...I have something to ask."

"Oh? What is it, let's talk about it."

"Do you remember the little ginseng essence?" He Xiangu asked.

"Of course I remember! It is the fate of you and me. The first time we met was because of the ginseng essence." Su Zhan smiled.

There is nothing wrong with this, but He Xiangu always sounds ambiguous, as if it is not the acquaintance between friends, but the kind of fate between men and women.Her cheeks were slightly red, and He Xiangu continued: "The little ginseng is injured and needs nourishment or the dialogue will die! I really can't think of a way to save him, you, you are an extraterritorial demon with great abilities. There should be a way. Save him?"

"I naturally have a way." Su Zhan said.

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