Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1429


He Xiangu was overjoyed in an instant, and this smile was quite full of flowers.

Su Zhan smiled and said: "Of course there are ways, but don't worry. I can recover him, but are you sure you want to do this? I'm an extraterritorial demon, so you are not afraid of having any influence on him? Not to mention that I can help him. They are all female demons, not a good environment..."

He Xiangu's expression darkened, yeah... myself, I was a little sick and went to the doctor.

"Do you really want to save him?"

Seeing He Xiangu's sad look, Su Zhan asked.

He Xiangu said solemnly: "Of course."

"Also... it's not that there is no other way." Su Zhan smiled and moved to He Xiangu's ear to whisper in a low voice. He Xiangu was still a little hesitant and embarrassed, after all, he was too close, especially when Su Zhan The heat of talking hit her ears, and the itchy feeling made her uncomfortable.But when she heard what Su Zhan said, she stopped.After a while, her face first showed a happy expression, and then she seemed to feel sad after thinking of something. She had no idea at all. After Su Zhan approached but did not leave, the distance between the two of them had narrowed a lot.

"This is indeed a good way. If the little ginseng can go there, it can really nourish and recover quickly, and it may be a blessing in disguise, but... it is impossible to go in at will without an order, let alone guarded at all times. , Even if he is put in, he will be discovered quickly. Not only will he not be able to heal his injuries and save his life, but he will be harmed. The heaven...the rules are strict." He Xiangu whispered.

"I can help you go to the Heavenly Court, put him in, and I make sure that there will be nothing wrong with him before he recovers, and there won't be any troublesome hands. But..." Su Zhan stopped here and looked towards He Xiangu.

He Xiangu was also smart."What do you want me to do?"

"It's easy!"

Su Zhan smiled and said: "I am an extraterritorial demon. I don't have much interest in killing or disturbing the Three Realms. I only like to enjoy it, especially beauty! You have seen it too, whether it was the last time you saw it or me. The little demons around are all stunning!"

"I may change a place later, I want you to come and stay with me for a year!"

"You, how can you take the opportunity to make such a request?" He Xiangu's face flushed.

Su Zhan laughed and said, "Why can't I? Could it be that Xian Gu has forgotten? I'm an extraterritorial demon! So your practice of saving people and helping others without asking for anything in return is better not to poke on me!"

"If you agree, I will help you save the little ginseng essence. One year is not long, and I can guarantee that once the time is up, I will never hinder leaving. If you don't agree, then I can only hope you can find someone to treat him. It's a solution!"

Item 0026

The immortal can't have emotions and desires, if I stay with him for a year, I will inevitably...

If it is discovered, it will be done by itself.

But... if you don't agree, the little ginseng essence is at stake, and she can't help watching him die like this.


He Xiangu's face was embarrassed, and it was difficult to decide for a while.

"Can't you change the terms? If you change another term, I will definitely promise you." Aunt He Xiang said.

"Okay!" Su Zhan said casually.


"Of course it's true, it's better... How about replacing you with me for two years?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

He Xiangu's joyful expression stopped before it was completely unfolded. Is this also a change of conditions?One year changes to two years, it is better not to change.

"You'd better make your decision quickly. I don't want to stay here with you all the time. Also, let alone I didn't remind you. Anyway, I am also an extraterritorial demon, and I can't see anyone who wants to see it, so... You don't have a second chance to ask me for help!" Su Zhan said lightly.

He Xiangu gritted her teeth: "Are you sure, you...will let me go? And can you cure the little ginseng essence?"

"Children are not deceived."

"I... I promised! However, you must first send the little ginseng essence, and... I have to deal with some personal matters first, and then... Then can you fulfill your agreement." He Xiangu gritted her teeth.


"Give me the little ginseng essence!"

Su Zhan stretched out his hand.

He Xiangu gave the little ginseng essence to Su Zhan in a complicated mood. Su Zhan didn't say much, and disappeared.

Seeing the disappearing Su Zhan, Aunt He Xian was stunned, and then turned into a rainbow to return to the heavenly court.

At this time, the Heavenly Court was watching the battle in West Kunlun, and the Queen Mother was among them.

As soon as she came back, she was notified of this thing that she already knew, but as the queen mother, her place was robbed and she couldn't remain indifferent, and she also pretended to be angry and waited for the result.

In the garden!

Peony Fairy performed his job as always, that is, guarding the garden.

But seeing a flash of light, Su Zhan suddenly appeared.

"the host!"

Peony Fairy was overjoyed, her face was like a peach blossom.

"There is something for you to do." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"what's up?"

"There is a person here who was ginseng and was injured. You put him in the garden for healing, dare you?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

Fairy Peony is responsible for guarding the garden, but she is not the only one guarding the garden!Moreover, the rules of the heavens are strict, how can mortal ginseng essence be placed in the garden casually, if it is discovered, it must be a heinous guilt. Maybe Peony Fairy will be reduced to a mortal, so Su Zhan has this. ask!Who knew Fairy Peony didn't even hesitate for a moment, and he nodded and agreed.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"If discovered, Peony is willing to become a mortal and serve at the master's side!" Fairy Peony said with blazing eyes.

"Really an infatuated silly girl!"

Su Zhan smiled and stretched out his hand to caress Fairy Peony's cheek. Fairy Peony's face was crimson, and his shy appearance was as beautiful as a peony in full bloom.

Give the little ginseng essence to Fairy Peony. Fairy Peony finds a place to bury it. With the nourishment of the fairy qi here, she should recover soon.After finishing, Peony Fairy returned to Su Zhan.Su Zhan was not polite, touched and kissed, and was very satisfied.Such an infatuated, obedient and well-behaved woman, Su Zhan really likes it ruthlessly, and compared to other people, Peony Fairy's feelings for herself may be more pure.

So far, Su Zhan hasn't really eaten her yet.

"You stay at ease in the heaven, you will be able to go down after a while."

Staying with Fairy Peony for a while, Su Zhan said.


Fairy Peony nodded heavily and hesitated: "Master, are you going to leave?"

"Well, look around to see if there is any beauty that can catch your eyes. I will leave the bamboo house in a different place after a while, and there will be fewer people around." Su Zhan said with a smile, and patted Fairy Peony. Head, then disappear and leave.

Su Zhan did not intend to make a big noise in the palace, nor did he intend to destroy Buddhism.

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