Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1430

But it's a rare occasion, how can you do it if you don't let yourself have fun?Especially when he discovered that although this is a copy of Dongyouji, some characters are different from Dongyouji...

Do the math, Peony Fairy, Queen Mother, White Bone, three Law-protecting little demon, Thunk tree spirit, Ding Tianda is adding a He fairy.

Among them, Queen Mother, White Bone, and He Xiangu are famous, but Peony Fairy is not enough.

Who is the first beauty in the heavenly court?

I'm afraid everyone can think of, Chang'e!

Su Zhan also wanted to see what this Chang'e looked like.But before that, Su Zhan was going to see the Queen Mother first.

First, let me explain about the little ginseng essence. Second, the elixir of Chang'e flying to the moon seemed to be given by the queen mother. She should be familiar with Chang'e.

Su Zhan was about to go to the High Heaven Hall to find the Queen Mother, but saw that the Queen Mother was coming from a distance, and there were seven female fairies around him, each of which had a different color and was quite attractive.

"Seven fairies?"

"It seems that the Seven Fairies are still staying in the sky, maybe..."

Su Zhan's thoughts turned and waved to the Queen Mother.

Seeing Su Zhan, the Queen Mother was shocked instantly, and she subconsciously looked at the Seven Fairies around her, only to find that they hadn't noticed that she breathed a sigh of relief. After a pause, the Queen Mother said: "You go back first."


Although puzzled, the Seven Fairies turned and left.

When there was no one on either side, the Queen Mother walked over.

"Why let them go? Seven fairies?" Su Zhan asked casually.

The Queen Mother nodded, somewhat puzzled.

He just came back, why did he come.

"I put a wounded little ginseng essence in your garden, you don't care about it. By the way, where is Guanghan Palace?" Su Zhan didn't get too entangled with the Seven Fairies, and he said directly.

The Queen Mother first pointed out the direction of Guanghan Palace, and then wanted to ask if Su Zhan was against Chang'e...

Before I could ask, I heard Su Zhan speak first: "Is Chang'e still a perfect body?"


The Queen Mother didn't react for a while, this question...too direct.

Su Zhan frowned slightly: "Do you want me to ask again?"

Chapter 0027 see Chang'e in Guanghan Palace


The Queen Mother paused and said: "There are very few people who know about this, she... is she really the perfect body?"


"tell me the story!"

As everyone knows, Chang'e and Houyi are married.Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, Bihaiqingtianyeyexin, so Su Zhan actually just asked casually and didn't think Chang'e could still be a perfect body.But listening to the Queen Mother's words, there seems to be something hidden in it. If Chang'e is still finished, Su Zhan will be even more interested.

"Although Hou Yi married Chang'e as his wife, as a sun-shooting hero, Hou Yi is highly admired by people. He is mostly drunk when he is away from home every day. The rice tincture he drank on the day of marriage was drunk. The truth of husband and wife. Later Chang'e discovered that Hou Yi and He Bo's wives were unclear, so she asked for a panacea and flew into the sky in a fit of anger." The Queen Mother explained.

Hou Yi is unfaithful?

Well, he has never heard of this version of Chang'e Flying to the Moon, but... he likes it very much!

"There are not many people who know this secret. Marshal Tianpeng is one of them. At the same time as being drunk, Marshal Tianpeng wanted to molest Chang'e, and was demoted to the mortal world by the Jade Emperor to do things like that."

Su Zhan nodded: "How is Chang'e temperament?"

"The temper is stable, but the character is indifferent and living in the Guanghan Palace is only accompanied by the jade rabbit, not with people. After the canopy matter, the space is also guarded by heavenly soldiers." The Queen Mother said.

"Only Chang'e and Yutu?"

"Yes!" said the queen mother.

No Wu Gang?


Nothing better!

"Are you going to find Chang'e?" the queen mother asked.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "Yes, you have to stay in the Heavenly Court, and there must always be a sleeper by my side."

"Aren't there bones and three little demons?" the queen mother asked subconsciously.

Su Zhan Xiaoxiao reached out and touched her cheeks, fingers wrapped around her lips, such a thin movement made the Queen Mother look around subconsciously.

Some were guilty, some panicked, but not shy.

My own training... very effective!

"Not everyone is qualified to wait for me. Speaking of it, you seem to be the first woman I came to this world." Su Zhan said casually.

The words are very vulgar, but the inexplicable Queen Mother has a happy feeling instead. The previous question about him about Chang'e produced a little dullness and seemed to disappear.

"I'm going to see Chang'e, and I will come to you if I am dissatisfied. Also, the seven fairies just now are strictly guarded, and they are not allowed to go down privately." Su Zhan said and left with a smile. The queen mother was a little surprised, not saying Chang'e, what does it have to do with the Seven Fairies, why don't you let them go down?

Ignoring the confusion of the Queen Mother, Su Zhan has already headed straight to Guanghan Palace.

Guanghan Palace, Guanghan Palace.

Although I felt the coldness here before I even went in.

Outside the Guanghan Palace, two heavenly soldiers are guarding here, keeping their eyes fixed, and they dare not relax in their duties.Su Zhan chuckled secretly, and walked directly into Guanghan Palace in front of the two heavenly soldiers.

When I entered the Guanghan Palace, I saw a woman in white sitting there with her hands like soft pancreas, skin like fat, deserted and unconventional. Wherever she sits, there is a sense of immortality, just from the temperament and the feeling of Su Zhan , Chang'e was the first woman he saw with a fairy-like feeling after coming to this copy.

The peony fairy is delicate and green, and the queen mother has noble rights and interests. Only Chang'e looks a bit cold and refined.

"It turns out to be this version of Chang'e."

Seeing the appearance of Chang'e clearly, Su Zhan felt a little clear in his heart.


Suddenly, the quiet Chang'e yelled coldly.

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