Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1432

Once in the city, it attracted a lot of attention.

Chang'e, it's so beautiful!

Especially the otherworldly temperament, ordinary mortals have seen such a beautiful fairy.At first, Chang'e was still a little indifferent, but after slowly reacting, she was a little embarrassed, and she didn't want to be the focus.

"Let's, let's leave here." Chang'e whispered.

"Okay, find a place to eat something."

Su Zhan said with a smile, and happened to find a restaurant nearby!

However, it is not an ordinary restaurant.

The corners of Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly, and he walked over directly with Chang'e.

"The best private room, don't worry if you are good at it."

When he came to the restaurant, Su Zhan was still making money, and Xiao Er's face was blooming with happiness, and he immediately waited on him.

After a while, in the elegant room, the food and drink were ready.

"how do you feel?"

While eating, Su Zhan asked Chang'e with a smile.

Chang'e sighed: "The change... is so big."

"Your changes are also great, this person... it's better to come out from time to time for a walk. It's easy to get sick if you are too resident."

"Can drink a bar?"

Chang'e nodded slightly.

"Forget the wine here, it's not for you, try this."

Su Zhan raised his hand and a red wine appeared out of thin air.

"This is?" Chang'e asked suspiciously.

"you will like it!"

Su Zhan smiled and took the cup to her."Try it."

Chang'e hesitated and took a sip while pursing her mouth.Seeing her little mouth, Su Zhan was quite moved. If this mouth serves him, I think it would be very good!


Chang'e's eyes lit up slightly and exclaimed.

"It's delicious, just drink more." Su Zhan said with a smile.

It was just a casual comment, but Chang'e's next move surprised Su Zhan.She didn't drink much, every time she sipped it, as if she was tasting the taste of red wine.But the frequency was very fast, and he had already drunk a lot without knowing it, and his original white face became ruddy.Su Zhan didn't pay attention and found that she had almost drunk the red wine.

"Leave me a bite!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

At this time, Chang'e just drank the last sip of the cup into his mouth. When she heard this, she didn't swallow or vomit, which was quite embarrassing.

Just when she was about to swallow it, Su Zhan suddenly came over.

"Just left a bite for me, haha..." Su Zhan laughed. Chang'e was wondering where there was the last bite, but suddenly saw Su Zhan's hand hugging her neck and then bowed her head to kiss.Chang'e didn't expect Su Zhan to do this at all. The wine was still in his mouth, so he opened his mouth subconsciously, and then...sneakly and stabs Su Zhan to...drink.Subsequently, Su Zhan invaded unceremoniously.

Chang'e was stunned for a moment and hurriedly wanted to push Su Zhan away and break free, but unfortunately... How could Su Zhan make her wish, and she didn't know how long it took to get her.

Su Zhan then relaxed contentedly.

And seeing that Chang'e's clothes were messy, her face flushed red without knowing whether it was angry or shy, tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

He was wronged, and angrily said to Su Zhan: "You, how can you say nothing?"

"Don't blame me, you can only blame you for being so beautiful, you can't help it!"

Item 0029

Listening to Su Zhan's rogue explanation, Chang'e was angry and angry but had nothing to do.Especially when Su Zhan deliberately clicked his mouth as if he was aftertaste, which made her very embarrassed.Seeing Chang'e glaring at her, Su Zhan didn't feel angry, but smiled and hugged her waist.Chang'e struggled a few times and couldn't get away. He heard Su Zhan smiling and saying, "I find that your angry look is also very charming. Now I...but I am getting you more and more."

"How did it feel just now?"

"You got married with Hou Yi, but Hou Yi never touched you? Seeing how strange you were just now, is it the first time you kissed?"

"You...what are you talking nonsense." Chang'e said in a panic.

"Such a beauty does not cherish but goes to hook up other people's wives. If he hadn't shot the sun, I would think he was blind. But that's good, it's cheaper for me." Su Zhan laughed and stretched out his hand to erase Chang'e. Tears.I don't know if Chang'e was touched by the words just now, but Chang'e didn't even evade.Wiping away the tears with his fingers, it was a bit pitiful to see Chang'e in a trance.

Slowly, moving his fingers away, Su Zhan lowered his head and kissed him again.

When Chang'e woke up, Su Zhan had already pried her teeth open. She wanted to refuse but knew that she couldn't refuse, so she could only endure it silently.It's just that she really underestimated Su Zhan's skills. As a veteran driver with countless readers, how could a young bird like Chang'e compare?Although Chang'e was thinking of resisting in her heart, her resistance was getting weaker and more confused before she knew it, and she even began to rise jerky to meet with Su Zhan's mobilization.

At the same time, Su Zhan's hands were not idle, he could not talk about his hands, but he focused on one spot.

After kissing for more than ten minutes, Su Zhan let go of Chang'e.

Slowly calmed down, recalling what happened just now, Chang'e was extremely ashamed. She thought that Su Zhan would definitely take the opportunity to say something humiliating, but she did not expect that Su Zhan just gave her a glass of wine, and then chatted as if nothing happened just now. After that, Chang'e couldn't help but breathe out, slowly as if she had returned to the way she was when she was playing in the mountains and water.Chang'e didn't notice any problems, but was thankful that Su Zhan didn't take the opportunity to humiliate herself. She didn't know... Su Zhan had already taken advantage, and she... actually accepted it quietly.

If the Soviet Union did this in the Guanghan Palace, Chang'e would be very angry in all likelihood.

From the tavern, it was already late at night.

"I'll send you back to Guanghan Palace." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"This... are you going back now?" Chang'e was a little bit disappointed.

Su Zhan secretly smiled: "Although he violated his promise before, it was really unintentional. Because you are so beautiful, I think I can hardly control myself with you. If I find a place to stay overnight, I might I’ll take you straight away. So, let’s send you back first. You can come down anytime, right?"

Hearing what he said, Chang'e's expression was a little complicated, and she nodded silently.

Su Zhan grabbed Chang'e's hand, this time Chang'e's reaction was dull.

Guanghan Palace.

Su Zhan loosened Chang'e and said with a smile: "I am very happy today. I will see you again when I have time. Before I leave, can I give you a kiss as a goodbye?"

Chang'e lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

Su Zhan smiled and stretched out his hands to hug Chang'e, bowed his head and kissed.

One second, two seconds... After about five or six seconds, Chang'e actually slowly responded.


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