Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1433

When the kiss ended, Su Zhan said to Chang'e with a smile, and then turned and left Guanghan Palace.

As the watcher Su Zhan walked away, Chang'e seemed to return to his senses, recalling what had happened all day, Chang'e's face turned red.

Leaving Guanghan Palace, Su Zhan went directly to the Queen Mother's bedroom.

The queen mother seemed to have rested, but Su Zhan ignored so much, and directly...

Sleep till dawn.

Su Zhan hugged the Queen Mother and said, "How is the situation in Yaochi?"

The Queen Mother said in a lazy voice: "Originally, the giant spirit god led his troops to the crusade, but was defeated by the tree spirits and returned. The King Tota is now leading his troops in the crusade and has not yet returned, but the situation is probably..."

"Unless it is possible for Yang Jian and the like, ordinary gods are not the opponents of Tsubaki tree spirits at all." Su Zhan said casually.

"What are you going to do?" The Queen Mother said.

"Let's fight first, you can come forward and give Yaochi directly to her when it's about time. Anyway, if you don't send it, there is no way. Heavenly Court doesn't want to face sweeping." Su Zhan said casually.

"You, didn't you go to Chang'e? Why did you come back in such a hurry yesterday?" The Queen Mother hesitated and asked in a low voice.

Su Zhan smiled and patted the Queen Mother on the shoulder and let her go down to serve, and said, "Chang'e is good, but some women can take it slowly. Besides, I have not been able to enjoy enough until I finally trained you out, no Who are you looking for?"

Who could have imagined that the sacred and dignified Queen Mother was doing such a thing in her bedroom and on her couch?

When the Queen Mother was serving the Soviet War, Li Jingbing, the Heavenly King of Tota, was fighting against the wood tree spirit in West Kunlun, and the magic weapons were sacrificed. Unfortunately, it was still useless, and I couldn't figure out the path of the wood tree spirit at all.Fortunately, the Tsubaki tree spirit did not take the initiative to take the initiative. If you want to fight, I will fight with you.If you don't fight, I will rest.There was a stalemate like this for a long time, and finally King Tota had to temporarily return to the heaven to ask for help!

"The King Tota is back for help."

After receiving the news, the Queen Mother immediately told Su Zhan.

These days, Su Zhan has been here.

Although the Queen Mother returned to the Heavenly Court, she still did the same things and the same identity as she did when she was in the bamboo house.

"So fast? I thought I would hold on for a while. What's more, when you go out, you will say that you already know the identity of the tree tree spirit, and you can reveal that it is my intention for the tree tree spirit to take the West Kunlun. Let the Jade Emperor do it himself "Su Zhan said lazily, and got up from the couch to tidy up his clothes.

For the rest, Su Zhan believed that the Queen Mother knew what to do.

Dignity, it's impossible to do such a simple thing badly!

Chapter 0030 Heavenly Court Compromise

The Queen Mother went out, and it was really easy.

Knowing that the tree tree spirit turned out to be an extraterritorial demon who wanted West Kunlun, the Jade Emperor directly withered.If you know that this tree tree spirit is only a subordinate of an extraterritorial celestial demon, so that the heavenly court is unable to clean up, what if you provoke an extraterritorial celestial demon to kiss him?Heavenly court immortals, who can stop the demon?This is not like when the monkey made a big noise in the Heavenly Palace, at least there are still Tathagata and Guanyin able to suppress the monkey, but what about the demon outside the domain?

Guanyin was wounded, and Buddhism hasn’t said anything about it up to now, obviously he intends to endure it.

Does the Jade Emperor dare to offend such a person?

Originally, the Heavenly Court was weak, and it would have been completely ashamed to be harassed by a monkey once, if the Heavenly Demon were to come again.

That was completely majestic and sweeping.

What's more, the great disaster of heaven and earth, Tongtian still stares at it, the eventful autumn, the eventful autumn!The Jade Emperor felt depressed when he thought about it, why is he so unlucky?

"Is the Jade Emperor worried about the affairs of West Kunlun?" The Queen Mother suddenly spoke. The Jade Emperor did not speak, but his expression was slightly bitter.The queen mother pretended to think, and said for a moment: "Since the demon wants West Kunlun, please give him West Kunlun."

"West Kunlun is your holy land for Queen Mother, why..."

Before the Jade Emperor had finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Queen Mother."Heavenly Court is now in troubled times, and a little choice should be made. Moreover, I think this is an opportunity!"

"Opportunity?" The Jade Emperor was a little dazed.

The Queen Mother nodded and said: "Yes, from the appearance of this demon to the present, you can probably see that this demon does not seem to destroy the world as soon as it appears. In this case, we don't have to deal with it like this, strictly speaking When we get up, we don’t have any contradiction with the demon. On the contrary, Buddhism has a bigger feast with him. Moreover, the group of monsters of Tongtian Sect was killed by him, and his grievances with Tongtian must not be small. In this case, why don’t we express kindness Maybe, he is not only the trouble of Heavenly Court, but also the help of Heavenly Court. What does the Jade Emperor think?"

"Yes indeed!"

As soon as the Queen Mother had finished speaking, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but said: "You are right, this is works, but the Queen Mother is wronged."


I don't know how much I have done more wrong things.

The Queen Mother thought secretly in her heart, but she looked indifferent on the surface.

The Queen Mother’s proposal was quickly accepted, and the Jade Emperor asked Tota Heavenly King to go to West Kunlun again, but this time instead of pursuing suppression, he conveyed goodwill and directly sent West Kunlun out.The Queen Mother wanted to come back to inform Su Zhan, but Su Zhan did not go to the palace at all. After looking for the Queen Mother to make sure that she had left, this made the Queen Mother feel a little sad, she knew where Su Zhan had gone!

Guanghan Palace!

One more habit of Chang'e these days is to be in a daze.

To be precise, she also has this habit. After all, what else can she do in this Guanghan Palace besides being in a daze?But in the past it was just a pure daze, but this time he always thought of that extraterritorial demon inexplicably.

"Thinking about me?"

Suddenly the voice sounded, and Chang'e got up in a hurry, and immediately saw that the extraterritorial demon had appeared in front of her. At that moment, she actually felt joy.Before she was about to speak, Su Zhan had reached out and hugged her waist and pulled her close to his arms. He bowed his head and kissed strongly in the exclamation of Chang'e, and at the same time he put his hands up and down honestly.How could Chang'e think of him as soon as they met... so strong, so impatient, and unknowingly already catering to him.Feeling that Chang'e didn't have any resistance, and started to cater so directly, Su Zhan couldn't help laughing in his heart, this kind of woman who was hurt by love and single for a long time was the easiest to get.

Savoring the taste of Chang'e, Su Zhan's hand has been stretched into her arms. Chang'e blocked her for a while but soon gave up. Before she knew it, her clothes had become embarrassed, half-covered. , There is a feeling of holding the pipa half-hidden.

"do you miss me?"

After a kiss left, Su Zhan asked at Chang'e who was gasping.

Chang'e gasped for a while, but her expression was clearly acquiesced.

Su Zhan chuckled."Before there were some things to deal with, I didn't have time to see you, don't you blame me?"

"You, what are you dealing with?" Chang'e asked in a low voice.

"I didn't have a good place to live in this world, so I got the Yaochi in West Kunlun. How about I take you to Yaochi in the future?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"What? Yaochi? You, how can you rob the Queen Mother's holy land." Chang'e was taken aback, and then complained somewhat.

The reason why Chang'e was able to ascend to heaven and become immortal was because of the queen mother. With this level of relationship, it is normal for Chang'e to have such complaints.

However, she didn't know it, let alone the West Kunlun Yaochi, even the Queen Mother herself now belongs to Su Zhan.

"You...can you return Yaochi to the Queen Mother?" Chang'e asked tentatively."If you return the Jade Lake to the Queen Mother, you...whatever you want me to do, I will promise you."

"For example, spending a good time together?" Su Zhan asked with a smirk.

Chang'e was silent, nodding shyly.

"I'm not that stupid. Even if I don't change Yaochi, you are already mine!" Su Zhan laughed and said, "Don't blame you about Yaochi. Anyway, the queen mother won't angry."

Chang'e wanted to say more, but Su Zhan didn't give her this opportunity, and hugged her to make love again. If he did this, Chang'e didn't have the thought to say this again!

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