Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1434

Unknowingly, the day passed. Chang'e watched Su Zhan leave with a bit of dismay, and suddenly felt that the long time that had made her feel suddenly changed so quickly?

After coming out of Guanghan Palace, Su Zhan naturally went to the Queen Mother.

When he came back from Chang'e there, he just came back to vent himself. The Queen Mother didn't know if he should be angry that he was playing with him or be happy that he had herself in her heart.

After finishing talking about Yaochi in a daze, the Queen Mother had no time to say anything else.

One night passed.

Early the next morning, Su Zhan was about to leave Heavenly Court.

The West Kunlun Jade Pond has already arrived, so... it's time to move.

"I'll go back and clean up and go to Yaochi to see. You think it's suitable here. Just go back anytime." Su Zhan said to the Queen Mother, who had already left the Heavenly Court.

Chapter 0031 Staying in Yaochi, Xiangu Arrives

West Kunlun, Yaochi.

Su Bai brought Mrs. Bone and the Law Guardian Little Demon came here.

The female fairy who originally guarded the Yaochi has been imprisoned by the tree spirit, the huge Yaochi is filled with aura and the scenery is pleasant, and it is indeed a fairyland.

Su Bai brought some people over, and the Tsubaki Tree Spirit felt immediately and came out to greet him early.

"Tsubaki tree spirit has seen the master."

Chun Shujing saluted on one knee and said respectfully and excitedly.

"Good job, get up."

Su Bai replied indifferently to let the Tsubaki tree spirit get up and let her lead the way around.

A magnificent palace stands, surrounded by pavilions, countless fairy ponds, pleasant scenery, full of spiritual energy, surrounded by a piece of Yaochi fairyland, ordinary mortals can't get close.

"Yes, it is indeed a good place."

"It's just that this privacy isn't enough. I'm here in Yaochi, I'm afraid the four parties are paying attention. I don't want to be stared at every day."

While speaking, the power of Chaos suddenly emerged.

Just like the bamboo house before, it absorbs all the jade pond and disappears invisible.

Not to mention that mortal, even if he is a god, he will not be able to find it, but it will only feel that Yao Chi has disappeared out of thin air.In addition, there are restrictions on the surroundings, and no entry or exit is allowed without the permission of the Soviet Union.

Change from bamboo house to Yaochi.

Everyone felt extremely excited, especially this place was the Queen Mother's place.

"Well, you can arrange the room by yourself. The biggest one is mine."

Su Bai smiled and waved to let them disperse, but the Tsubaki tree spirit did not leave, standing aside respectfully, "Master, do you have any instructions next?"

"Pay attention to the situation of the Eight Immortals." Su Bai said.

"Yes!" Chun Shujing said."There are two more female fairies, don't know what the master is going to do?"

"Bring me to see!"

This is the person left by the Queen Mother, it is not easy to kill for no reason, not to mention this point of face is still to be given.If it's good, stay.If you don’t look good, then send it back to the Heavenly Court, and let the Queen Mother watch the arrangement.

The tree spirit tree brought the two female fairies over, and the two female fairies shivered and looked very frightened.

Su Bai looked at and asked the names of the two, and curled his lips slightly.

No name, no surname, and appearance can only be regarded as average.

If you don't have a reputation like the guardian little demon but are beautiful, or if you have a name and a surname, the collection habits of Su Bai will remain.Unfortunately, neither of them is accounted for, and naturally there is no need to stay.

"Let them go back to find the Queen Mother."

Su Bai said indifferently and waved them to leave.

Although they first arrived in Yaochi, everyone soon became familiar with the environment here. Although it is not as convenient as buying anything in the bamboo house, there are a lot of fairy fruits in this Yaochi. If they really need it, just let them go out and buy it. .In this way, Su Bai took the people to live in this jade pond. At first, Heavenly Court was convenient to stare at the actions here, but after seeing the outside world demons stayed and settled down, there seemed to be no other actions, so he let go. Heart comes.

The Queen Mother hadn’t come here yet, and Su Bai didn’t urge him. From time to time, she went to the Guanghan Palace to find Chang'e on a date. Every time she took advantage of it, Chang'e became more and more rebellious and obedient. Su Bai had seen almost every place. Touched it.However, it is limited to this.It wasn't that Chang'e refused, but Su Bai thought it was quite interesting, and wanted to see if Chang'e would beg herself!

Time flies, and days go by like this.

Without waiting for the Queen Mother, Su Bai waited for He Xiangu first.

"Finally, a bed attendant has arrived."

Hearing Madam White Bone say that He Xiangu was outside Yaochi, Su Bai couldn't help but smile.

"Bring her in."

Mrs. White Bone jumped out and took He Xiangu into Yaochi after a while.

After he entered the hall, the anxious He Xiangu was stunned.

I saw the hall stretched out, a huge bed, Su Bai leaned there lazily, on both sides, a demon fondling the piano, a demon singing, and a demon wearing a light veil that was almost useless to cover up and dancing over there, in extremely dancing style. Nasty.Looking at Mrs. Bone next to her, she has been replaced with a black dress, but this dress is really, really unsightly.

"Why don't you kneel when you see Lord Tianma?"

Standing next to the bed was a woman in a green shirt. Seeing He Xiangu's disgusting look, she was a little displeased and shouted sharply...

He Xiangu snorted and didn't speak. The tree spirit looked at her master quietly, and saw that the master did not reflect that the angelic pressure was suddenly released. Layers of pressure were like stormy waves. At first He Xiangu was still able to withstand it. After a while, sweat beaded. It was already flowing down, and I wanted to clenched my teeth but couldn't help myself. I heard a puff, He Xiangu's legs were soft and she knelt on the ground!


"Whether you are a human, a demon, an immortal, or a Buddha, no matter what status you have elsewhere, you have to kneel when you reach the Yaochi or in front of the heavenly demons!" Chun Shujing hummed deep.

He Xiangu knelt on the ground humiliatingly and looked up at Su Bai.

"You and I agreed, just to humiliate me?"

Su Bai said disapprovingly: "You and my friendship didn't need to be this way. But you can see that I am not alone. I don't care about my side, but the servants around me can't care about my identity! Going to heaven, Everyone meets the Jade Emperor like this, why? Seeing the Jade Emperor is glory, and it is humiliation to me. This kind of discrimination is not good!"

"You don't need to kneel to see the Jade Emperor!" He Xiangu said.

"The Jade Emperor is a fairy, I am a demon, so naturally it is different!"

"Alright, get up, don't look humiliated, anyway, you will kneel more often in the future." Su Bai said with a grin.

It's a pity, He Xiangu obviously didn't understand Su Bai's connotative words, only that she would kneel in such humiliation in the future, and she was a little bit angry after she got up.

"Your personal affairs are done?"

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