Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1439

After the guardian demon left, Zhenniang spent a long time alone, looking at the divorce book on the table, and finally put it away.

She can't talk and is used to this kind of life, but it doesn't mean she can't do anything.Because she couldn't ask, Zhenniang's observation ability was still very strong. She knew what she should do, and she quickly figured out these people here and these situations.Although she was still shy and couldn't let go, she was still a yellow girl but walked around undressed. It must be unsuitable, but fortunately, the environment here is like this, the environment changes people.

When you are the only one who is incompatible with your surroundings, you will naturally feel uncomfortable.

However, if the surroundings are like this, it is easier to accept it, just like the previous He Xiangu, who has not adapted quickly.

"Master, Fei Changfang killed the fairies who killed his mother. It should be Tongtianjiao. But... Tianting punished Fei Changfang for being too resentful and whip the corpse during his revenge. I have been taken to the Heavenly Court." Chunshu Jinghui reported.

Su Zhan faintly replied without saying anything, and the tree tree spirit did not speak.

"You, didn't you know this would happen?" He Xiangu couldn't help asking.

Su Zhan beckoned to let He Xiangu sit in his arms, and said dishonestly: "If he wants to become a fairy, he is destined to experience catastrophe. This is the method of heaven. If you don't let you experience suffering, it seems that there is no way to prove that becoming a fairy is not easy. Same, do you think this is over? It’s too early, Fei Changfang’s suffering is still to come. Although he is the Eight Immortals, there is no Fei Changfang among the Eight Immortals!"


"Isn't Fei Changfang one of the Eight Immortals? Otherwise, Tieguai Li would not accept him as a disciple and want to save him as an immortal. This is not wrong... Why do you say that he is the Eight Immortals, but there is none in the Eight Immortals? Fei Changfang?" He Xiangu asked inexplicably.

"You will know later."

Su Zhan smiled fiercely and hugged He Xiangu."I am suddenly interested now, it's cheaper for you."

After speaking, Su Zhan hugged He Xiangu directly to his room.

He Xiangu didn't expect that Su Zhan would suddenly and suddenly want herself at this time. She originally wanted to ask Fei Changfang about things, but now she has no chance to ask.



Seeing Xia Xiang walking in to do what she had done before, while she was lying on the side, He Xiangu suddenly felt proud and unspeakable satisfaction.

"What are you smirking."

Su Zhan patted He Xiangu. He Xiangu was waking up like a dream. Xia Xiang didn't know when he had already left.

"Since Fei Changfang has been arrested in the Heavenly Court for inquiries, I think the other people in the Eight Immortals will definitely intercede. As one of the Eight Immortals, it is not good to be here, so I allow you to go back to the Heavenly Court." Su Zhan smiled. Said.


He Xiangu was a little skeptical, he, why did he suddenly get better.

"You don't want to go back?" Su Zhan asked rhetorically.

"Of course not, thank you Master." He Xiangu said hurriedly.

As soon as she said her words, Xiangu He was stunned. Su Zhan said with a smile, "What did you call me just now?"

"Me, I just said it wrong."

Listening to others screaming like this every day, I am just like other people. I just screamed out somehow.

"Don't worry, you will call it sooner or later anyway."

Su Zhan laughed, let Xiangu He rest for a while, and when she was resting, she returned to the heaven by herself.

Chapter 0037: Immortal Gu, Peony and Queen Mother

"What did I do wrong? They killed my mother. Is it wrong for me to kill them? Even if they are dead, I still refuse to let them go. What if I whip them? Why should I punish me, I'm not convinced!" A group of heavenly soldiers guarded the Nantian Gate, and Fei Changfang stood nearby and shouted angrily.With the spear He Xiangu gave her, he easily killed the monsters who killed his mother, but this was not enough to calm his anger, so he whip the body.

It's just that he didn't expect that Heavenly Court would take him away and even punish him.

He is not convinced!

Usually fairies can kill their mothers, but they can't whip their bodies?


The Jade Emperor's statement is very simple, others can do this, but you can't.

Because you are one of the Eight Immortals, you should retaliate with virtue, what should you do... This statement of the Jade Emperor makes Fei Changfang even more angry!

He didn't want to cultivate and become an immortal, he didn't want to be an eight immortal at all. It was who imposed this identity on me, and now you are punishing me for it!

I am not convinced!

Fei Changfang is not satisfied!

If it wasn't for the spear that had disappeared into nothing after using it once, Fei Changfang really wanted to go in and seek justice for himself!

"Fee Long Room."

"He Xiangu?"

Hearing someone calling his name behind him, an angry Fei Changfang turned around and saw Xiangu He who flew over. Fei Changfang's expression was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Aunt Xiang, please help me, and beg the person to give me more Give me a spear and I want to be fair for myself."

"Don't worry, tell me what's going on." He Xiangu said.

Fei Changfang took a deep breath and explained what happened.

He Xiangu was also a little anxious when he heard that the Jade Emperor was leaving for the long room.As for whether the punishment of the Jade Emperor was fair, even He Xiangu felt a bit biased in her heart, but she could do nothing.

"What about the others?" He Xiangu asked.

"It should be pleading for me." Although Fei Changfang was angry and persistent, he was not stupid. How could he know that other people were pleading for himself.

"I'll go take a look first."

He Xiangu said and followed in, and soon saw Tieguai Li. Han Zhongli was pleading for Fei Changfang, but Yang Jian, the god of Erlang, thought Fei Changfang must be punished. Although he has not become a fairy, he is destined. One of the eight immortals, that is immortal, immortals cannot do such a thing.Yang Jian's attitude was very firm, and his tone was not pleasant.Although the Eight Immortals are the immortals of the robbery, their status in the Heavenly Court is really not particularly high. Not to mention the God of War Yang Jian, even other immortals sometimes don't give face.

Seeing this situation, He Xiangu knew that it was not that simple to plead for Fei Changfang.

Although he knew that he would inevitably suffer catastrophe in order to become an immortal, he should eventually be turned into a disaster and soared into being, but he was the same as the Eight Immortals, He Xiangu couldn't understand Yang Jian's look down on the Eight Immortals.

Before, I was under Su Zhan's position before, but now I finally changed. I didn't expect to see Yang Jian look down on the Eight Immortals as soon as he returned to Heaven.

She wanted to speak, but when she reached her lips, she took it back. If she said the biggest change during her time in Yaochi, then she has learned not to speak easily when her head is hot.

"If you speak directly, I am afraid that Yang Jian will not give himself face. Although the spear comes from an extraterritorial demon and he is an intermediary, the face is not big enough. If you move out of the extraterritorial demon directly, I am afraid that it will be a face of heaven! It must be handled properly!" He Xiangu frowned for a while but didn't think of a good way.But it's no use staying here, He Xiangu simply went out first to see if he could think of any way.

As soon as he came out, He Xiangu saw Fairy Peony.

She saw Fairy Peony when she saw the Queen Mother when she was ascending, but how could Fairy Peony come here?He Xiangu was a little surprised, and what was even more surprising was that Fairy Peony saw that she was happy, and then walked over quickly.

"Fairy Peony."

"Xianggu, I finally found you."

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