Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1440

"Find me?"

"Yes, you come with me!"

Fairy Peony said in a low voice, and took He Xiangu to the side.Although He Xiangu had some doubts, she didn't say anything.After the two walked aside, He Xiangu said, "Fairy Peony, what can you do with me?"

"Are you here to intercede for Fei Changfang?" Fairy Peony asked."Have you thought of a way?"

He Xiangu shook her head.

Fairy Peony said: "Knowing that you haven't figured out a way yet, someone asked me to tell you, if you really want to help, you might as well go to the Queen Mother."

"Looking for the Queen Mother?" Aunt He Xian was stunned, and looked at Fairy Peony and said: "Who told you?"

" will know in the future. Just remember that you can help Fei Changfang by going to the Queen Mother and letting the Queen Mother come forward."

"But why would the Queen Mother help me?"

Fairy Peony shook his head: "That person just said that you only need to mention the extraterritorial demon, the queen mother will help you. As for the specifics, I don't know, I'm just a message. Okay, come with me, and I will take you there. See the Queen Mother."

After that, Fairy Peony didn't care what Xiangu He thought, and took her directly to the Queen Mother.

On the way, He Xiangu really wanted to understand.

The Jade Emperor must give the face of the alien demon.But he couldn't say to himself that he was a subordinate of the Jade Emperor after all. If he threatened the Jade Emperor with an extraterritorial celestial demon, the Jade Emperor's face would not look good.But it would be different if the Queen Mother told the Jade Emperor!But, will the Queen Mother promise to help?Who is this person? Will it be him?

"See Queen Mother!"

Just as she was thinking about it, He Xiangu felt that she was being dragged to kneel down, and then she heard the respectful voice of Peony Fairy next to her.

"See Queen Mother."

"Fairy Peony, Xiangu He, what's the matter?"

He Xiangu hesitated and said: "Xiang is pleading for Fei Changfang. The Jade Emperor will punish Fei Changfang, but Fei Changfang’s gun... was given by an extraterritorial demon. If... if the Jade Emperor really punished Fei Changfang, If you have a room, will it annoy the outer demons?"

"Exterior Demon?"

The queen mother's expression has changed, becoming very weird.

He Xiangu didn't dare to look up, but waited quietly.

The Queen Mother looked at Xiangu He, and after a long time she said, "Fairy Peony, you should withdraw first."


Fairy Peony responded and left slowly.

The queen mother suddenly spoke."He Xiangu, what is your relationship with the extraterritorial demon!"

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He Xiangu snorted, and it was clear that Queen Mother's voice was not harsh, but it made her feel like a shock to her soul!After hesitating for a moment, He Xiangu stabilized her mind. Since the Queen Mother had to ask this question, she would definitely not be able to deny it, but she was also skillful in how to say it.After a pause, He Xiangu explained, "Returning to the Queen Mother, we had known each other before I became an immortal, and Zhang Guo could prove it. Later on Fei Changfang, he came to me to be the middleman, so he was worried. I just agreed."

"that is it?"

The Queen Mother looked at He Xiangu but didn't believe it. She knew that Su Zhan could never help for no reason. How could she suddenly help Fei Longfang?He had been interested in He Xiangu before, as well as Fei Changfang's his whereabouts are still unknown, and he is already with him in all likelihood.Looking at He Xiangu again, it is obvious that he is no longer a virgin body. As one of the eight immortals, He Xiangu was still finished before becoming a fairy, but now he is not.In addition to him, who else has the ability to get He Xiangu?During this period of time, He Xiangu was not in the Heavenly Court and was not with the Eight Immortals, I am afraid he was with him in Yaochi, right?

I can't go to Yaochi for the time being. I didn't expect that he won Chang'e. Even He Xiangu would not escape the clutches in the end.

Seeing He Xiangu still hiding the relationship, the Queen Mother couldn't help sighing secretly, no matter what kind of woman came to Su Zhan's hands... it seemed that she would be willing to change for him.He Xiangu is, she...and...

"Fine, nothing!"

Speaking secretly, the Queen Mother looked at the worried He Xiangu and waved: "Get up, I will take care of Fei Changfang."

"Thank you Queen Mother!" He Xiangu said excitedly.

"Go down." The Queen Mother answered softly, and He Xiangu turned around and said.

After Xiangu left, the Queen Mother fell into contemplation.

Because of his character, I'm afraid that more people will fall. There are many female fairies in the heaven. What's more, the heaven is bound to have a lot of intersection with him in the future. It is better to stay in the heaven and do things more easily. I will not be compared to others.

The queen mother originally planned to take time to go back, but now she has changed her mind!

The Queen Mother got up to see the Jade Emperor begging for Fei Changfang. Naturally, the way was to pull the tiger skin of the Outer Territory Demon, but the same thing said by the Queen Mother was completely different from what Xiangu He said.The Queen Mother’s Yaochi has been sent out. If you say you lose face, everyone will lose face, but if He Xiangu wants to say that, the Jade Emperor’s face is still needed?

In the end, the Jade Emperor punished Fei Changfang for atonement by the ghost fairy, and the matter came to an end.

For the fairy family, being a ghost is a punishment, for ordinary people, being a ghost is a reward.Of course, as far as Fei Changfang is concerned, he still feels grievances, but the matter has only been accepted.The matter was resolved satisfactorily, He Xiangu bid farewell to the others and returned to Kunlun Yaochi.

After I came back I saw Su Zhan, and Su Zhan didn't say anything.

After the Fei Changfang incident, He Xiangu became more active.

Originally, Chang'e was the only one attending the bed, but now there is an extra He Xiangu.

On the jade couch, one left and one right are also extremely enjoyable. Xia Xiang will be responsible for serving, while Zhenniang will serve to fetch water and clean these little things.

After a few days passed, Su Zhan came out and had nothing to go for a walk. This time I went out with Zhenniang alone. Firstly, Zhenniang has a good personality, and secondly, Zhenniang has this good cooking skill. Also bring your mouth.Su Zhan brought Zhenniang out from Kunlun and there was no destination, just wandering around the courtyard, admiring the scenery, occasionally eating game, Quan should be relieved, although Yaochi is good, it is extremely enjoyable, but to be honest, Su Zhan still It's not a special nerd, and it's great to walk around and relax.

Walking all the way, Su Zhan felt relaxed, and Zhenniang was eye-opening.

How can ordinary small families have traveled so far?

And unlike the later generations, she is not as well-developed in communication. She is not a fairy or a monster. Ordinary people may not be able to walk through the beautiful mountains and rivers of the Tang Dynasty.Last time I took Chang'e out to play, most of the trips went to some more famous places, and there was no delay along the way. This time, I was more to appreciate the ordinary scenery along the way.

If you don't remember the time or the location, it's just a walk-and-go trip. Su Zhan doesn't care where he gets, but he still pays attention to it occasionally, mainly to tell Zhenniang.On this day, the two saw a crystal clear river. Zhenniang was preparing to fetch water and prepare food as usual, but as soon as she moved her arm, Su Zhan stopped her.

Zhenniang looked at Su Zhan suspiciously, and saw that Su Zhan carefully looked at the small river, and after a while smiled and said, "Do you want to have a baby?"

Zhenniang was stunned for a moment, her face flushed instantly like a red glow.

Su Zhan suddenly asked her if she wanted to have a baby, and made Zhenniang think of certain aspects.

Coming this way, although they ate and lived together, let alone treated with courtesy, nothing happened. Zhenniang knew when she was in Yaochi that this kind of thing was a matter of fighting for each other, which It's my turn to be a dumb maid, but I didn't expect to be...

After hesitating for a moment, Zhenniang nodded lowly.

"Do you want to have a baby? Okay, then you can fetch water. As long as you drink this water, I promise you will have a daughter soon." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Zhenniang was a little puzzled, but she knew she would be wrong, and she was ashamed and annoyed.

"Okay, well, this river is called the Zimu River. Once you drink the water from the Zimu River, your belly will grow bigger and you will give birth to a girl in three days. So, if you don’t want to have children, the most It's better not to drink." Su Zhan explained with a smile."But the way you nodded just now is funny, even if you have a baby, but I can satisfy you in the process of having a baby."

Zhenniang's face turned redder.

"Since you have arrived at the Zimu River, the neighboring country should be the daughter country, right? I don't know if Tang Seng and his apprentices have come here. Counting the time, it shouldn't be there yet? The daughter country, this is worth seeing!" Su Zhan smiled, patted Zhenniang's shoulder and said: "Go, go to see this daughter country!"

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