Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1441

Item 0039

The two of them walked forward for about half an hour, and the village was vaguely visible. Along the way, there were old and young, all women, and no man at all.Not only that, I am afraid that even men are rarely seen here, so when Su Zhan and Zhenniang passed by, the women along the way looked at Su Zhan, it felt like they were looking at something rare.It's a pity that the conditions in this village seem to be just average, and the overall quality is not high. There is really nothing to be happy about being watched by them in the Soviet war.There is no need to inquire about the position at all, as soon as the divine sense sweeps Su Zhan, you will know where the daughter kingdom is.

About half an hour later, Yuemo walked, and finally saw the official road.

Following the official road all the way forward, I have already seen the city.

Xiliang Women's Country.

The soldiers guarding the city are women officers wearing armor and holding weapons.When Su Zhan approached Zhenniang, the female officer couldn't help looking at Su Zhan. Su Zhan got used to it this way.

"When I went to inform the queen, it was said that a man was coming. This man is handsome and handsome, and the queen must be satisfied."

A female officer whispered to the people around her, and soon a female officer had turned around and entered.

"It really deserves to be a daughter country."

Su Zhan and Zhenniang entered the city, forgetting at a glance that they were all women of different shapes and appearances.There are ugliness and beauty, and the ring is fat and sallow, which makes people overwhelmed.People around here are not so troublesome. Although Zhenniang is also beautiful in life, she is more attractive than Su Zhan.

"Our queen would like to please."

After just walking around for a while, I saw a heroic female general approaching Su Zhan.

"The queen wants to see me?"

Su Zhan was slightly surprised, but this is reasonable. During the Westward Journey, the monk Tang came here and almost became the king of the daughter country. The reason is nothing but the dignified appearance of the monk Tang. To put it bluntly, the daughter of the country The king is just a Yankong, or a member of the Appearance Association, his can he be better than Tang Seng?

So it's normal for the queen to ask.

"Okay, I just want to see your queen too." Su Zhan said with a smile.


The female general responded, and then walked ahead and led the way.

Speaking of which, although the Xiliang Women's Kingdom is called a country, it is still a far cry from the Tang Dynasty. However, the palace is well built, at least compared with other places in the city. It is indeed called the palace of a country.When he came to the palace, he was surrounded by female officials. Soon... Su Zhan met the famous king of the daughter country.

However, the appearance of the king of the daughter country is quite unexpected!

It was unexpected.

"It turned out to be her!"

Su Zhan was slightly stunned, and immediately heard the king of the daughter country say: "Please sit down."

Good food and wine, it looks good.

Su Zhan was also not welcome, and had a chat with the king of the daughter country. During the period, there was nothing to make himself a king, but he had a good talk.Pushing the cup and changing the cup, the banquet was over, and the king of the daughter country said: "I have arranged the room for you, so I will arrange for you to rest earlier."


Su Zhan responded with a smile, with a female officer leading the way.

Zhenniang was Su Zhan's maid, so she naturally stayed in the room to wait and serve, take a shower and change clothes, Su Zhan called Zhenniang to come and rest.But after lying down, Su Zhan didn't feel sleepy.Su Zhan really wanted to get to know the daughter country by accident. As for the king of the daughter country, he might as well accept it if he looks good.The purpose is not strong, but never expected that the king of this daughter country looks like this, even someone he knows.

In this way, the Soviet war became interested.

Xiliang Women's Kingdom is all women, no men.Ordinary people naturally can't think too much, but as a king, naturally no one dares to say nothing about her looking for a man.I am afraid that I will be busy dealing with the affairs of a country. There is no man and there is no way to reconcile the yin and yang. I am afraid that the king is also upset. Looking at the posture just now, I am also very happy. If you have any thoughts, it depends on whether someone will come to tell yourself tomorrow.

After all, as a king, you must first let people talk about it. It is impossible to take the initiative to speak up!

"What do you think of this king?"

With her arms around Zhenniang, Su Zhan kneaded at will, and asked casually.

Zhenniang couldn't speak, so naturally she couldn't answer, and she didn't even have the intention to answer.Feeling the twisting and shaking of the person in his arms, Su Zhan chuckles beside Zhenniang's cheek and said, "Don't you want to have a baby? I will let you experience the process of giving birth first." Moving Zhenniang over, watching Zhenniang shyly close her eyes and clenched her hands tightly, Su Zhan admired for a moment, and then rushed forward.

The pain hit, Zhenniang frowned subconsciously, and she couldn't help but hug Su Zhan forcefully with her hands.

"It's just the first time it hurts a bit, and it will be well soon." Su Zhan comforted Zhenniang. Zhenniang nodded slightly. Although she could not speak, Su Zhan could clearly see the meaning in her eyes.


Are you grateful to Su Zhan for pity?

This world is always respected by men, and for the first time a husband and wife matter, I am afraid that few men can bear it.

This is the difference between a novice and an old driver!

Under Su Zhan's comforting means, the pain gradually faded, and Zhenniang's expression became weird. Feeling her twisting body, Su Zhan naturally stopped after receiving the signal.

It didn't take long for the voices to sound.

late at night.

When the king of the daughter country was about to take a break after handling the government affairs, he saw a female officer next to her and whispered a few words in her ear. The king of the daughter country turned red unconsciously.

"How long is it really?"

"Really, the maidservant remembers the time. It takes more than an hour to stop."

"This Su Zhan has a handsome appearance and a dignified appearance, and his speech and demeanor are not the humble and stingy of ordinary people. The servants even think that he is more like a king and emperor, and that...that aspect is so powerful, it is really your majesty. A good match."

"In that case, go talk to him tomorrow."

Item 0040

In his sleep, Su Zhan felt that the person in his arms seemed to be awake, and his body twisted slightly as if he was ready.

"Woke up?"

Su Zhan opened his eyes and looked at Zhenniang, Zhenniang nodded shyly.

She woke up lazily, and the transition between girls and women changed her temperament a lot. Although she was still in the same way, she was still well-behaved and pure, but with a different charm.Nodding slightly, Zhenniang slowly got up and crawled below and opened her mouth to serve.This is considered to be something that Su Zhan would enjoy every morning when he was in Yaochi, but it was really not his initiative to ask, but the people below unknowingly became like this in order to please.Although Zhenniang hadn't done it before, she knew that she had heard and seen before. She wanted to hold her tenderly for a while, but she didn't stop Su Zhan from being so proactive.

The skills are not good, but the victory lies in the different temperament. After lying down for a while, Su Zhan said: "Come on."

Knowing what Su Zhan meant, Zhenniang hurriedly shook her head and said nothing.

The male is on top and the female is on the bottom.

She knew the truth of distinction between inferiority and inferiority a long time ago, how dare to be on it?Su Zhan persuaded the coming Zhenniang a few times to really not dare, so she simply gave up pulling her down and turned herself over.

This toss is another hour.

It was almost noon when Su Zhan came out of the room. There were people waiting outside. When Su Zhan came out, his face turned red, and he quickly adjusted his mood and said: "I don’t know Mr. Su Zhan thinks of our country. How about the queen?"

"He looks handsome and has a variety of figures. It's the best choice."

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