Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1443

"Wait!" she said in a panic."I... I have a condition!"

Su Zhan looked at her and said with a faint smile, "Give you a chance to talk about it."

"There is Pipa Cave in the Poisonous Enemy Mountain not far from the Xiliang Women's Kingdom. There is a scorpion spirit in the Pipa Cave, who has repeatedly killed my subjects of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom. You said that your mana can reach the sky, as long as you can surrender this demon, for I will take revenge on my dead subjects," the king said slowly.

Poison Enemy Mountain Pipa Cave, Scorpion Spirit!

She had the impression that Su Zhan said that this scorpion spirit was also a ruthless character.

Beautiful as a flower, he has practiced for many years, and his martial arts is very strong. It makes a three-strand steel fork, spit fire in his nose and smoke in his mouth, with vast magical powers and boundless mana.I used to listen to the Buddha's teachings at Leiyin Temple before, and when the Tathagata gave her a hand, she turned her head and pierced the Tathagata Buddha. The Tathagata was so painful that the Vajra took her, but she ran away and ran near her daughter's country. On the demon king.When Tang Seng's master and apprentice came, he also used a whirlwind to drive away Tang Seng, and he wanted to be a good husband and wife.

It can be counted as the powerful monster in Journey to the West, and it can be counted as one of the few beautiful fairies in Journey to the West.

If the king of the daughter country didn't say anything, Su Zhan almost never thought of her.

It's not that she is pretty, it's not just that her popularity is not so high.

"I heard that the Scorpion Jing is very beautiful? How about this? I took her as a maid. If there is any trouble in the Xiliang women's country in the future, she can also help. This should also be regarded as an atonement, how? "Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"it is good!"

The king of the daughter country nodded in response.

"Then you just wait here, you can take a shower first, and wait for me to come back."

Su Zhan said with a smile, the man had disappeared, so suddenly, the king was stunned for a long time.

Poison Enemy Mountain, Pipa Cave.

It's not a famous cave mansion, it's not big in scale, and Su Zhan easily found a place.

I saw the words Pipadong written on the cave mansion, and the gate was closed.

Ordinary people will immediately push away if they see it, knowing that there must be a monster inside.

Su Zhan was too lazy to call the door, slightly releasing his breath.

In an instant, the overwhelming and powerful breath swept out.

In the Pipa Cave, the Scorpion Jing was resting and was suddenly awakened by this powerful breath. He suddenly turned over and sat up, his expression frightened.

"who is it!"

"What a powerful breath."

Even if she is a Tathagata Buddha, she dared to stab her. It can be seen that her boldness does not know what fear is, but at this time, under the pressure of this breath, she feels fear, real fear, that makes her feel beyond control. She was shivering and she couldn't get her strength.As the breath became stronger and stronger, she felt that she was about to limp to the ground.At the same time, she seemed to sense the intention of this breath, that is to let herself go out quickly.

Gritting her teeth and holding back the trembling, she took her weapon and ran out.

The door of the cave opened slowly, the scorpion spirit appeared, and he saw the person standing at the door at a glance!

Scorpion Jing was about to ask who the other party was and what he meant, but he heard a cold snort from the other party, and the huge pressure came, causing her to kneel to the ground for an instant.

"Sure enough, as the rumors said, beautiful and charming."

Su Zhan looked at the scorpion spirit, wearing a blue tulle skirt, with the back of his jade arms completely exposed, and wearing a certain golden crown on his head. He looked very enchanting.

"Do you know who I am?" Su Zhan asked lightly.

Scorpion Jing couldn't speak at all. Suddenly, the pressure dropped sharply, and Scorpion Jing felt a lot easier. He looked at him with lingering fears, and suddenly thought of someone in his mind!

In the rumors, an extraterritorial demon suddenly appeared, defeating Guanyin, grabbing the Jade Pool, and killing the demon under the leader of the Tongtian cult. His strength was unpredictable, and the rumors also said that the extraterritorial demon was extremely handsome.

There is no way to go wrong.

"But... but an extraterritorial demon?"

"Some knowledge, yes... it's me!" Su Zhan said lightly: "Then do you know why I came?"

This was enough to ask the Scorpion Spirit. She had neither offended the demon outside the territory nor had any social interactions. Now she suddenly visited, she really didn't know the reason.But rumors say that this extraterritorial celestial demon does not like killing or fighting, but prefers to enjoy the female sex.Scorpion Jing is extremely confident in his appearance, if... he is here for this, then...

Scorpion’s meticulous panic and fear were a little bit less, but a little more joyful.

"Scorpion Jing is willing to follow Master Tianma!"

The scorpion spirit suddenly kneeled and saluted, and said crisply.

"You are so smart!"

Just asking herself, she had already guessed her intention and took the initiative to express her attitude, she had to say she was very smart.And Su Zhan is also very satisfied. This should be the first woman to follow her after she came here, right?Seeing her face not only didn't have the slightest reluctance, but also with joy, she knew that she was taking the initiative, which made Su Zhan's heart finally balanced.

Item 0042

"I came to you because I was a guest of the Western Liang Women's Kingdom recently. The King of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom has a nice appearance and was taken by me. I wanted to bring her to the Yaochi together with the Xiliang Women's Kingdom. I have killed the subjects of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom, and want me to save you!" Su Zhan said slowly.

Scorpion was carefully surprised, knelt on the ground, and couldn't help begging for mercy.

She thought that the demon was just looking for her own appearance, but she didn't expect it to kill herself for the Xiliang female country.The aura released by the demon alone made her shocked, and if he really wanted to kill himself, he would have no room to resist.

"Enough, I just praised you for being smart, but now you are stupid. If I were to kill you, would you still be alive now?"

"In the future, follow me as a little demon, just take care of the Xiliang female country."

Su Zhan said lightly, Xie Zijing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you have anything, just tidy up, and then let me go."


Xie Zijing responded in a low voice, then tremblingly got up and turned around. In less than ten minutes, she had come out again and simply packed up a baggage. It seemed that there was not much.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that the Xiezijing had been cleaned up, Su Zhan took her directly back to the Xiliang Women's Country.

Arrived at the palace of Xiliang Women's Kingdom.

The king and Zhenniang were waiting, and the king was shocked to see that Su Zhan really brought the scorpion sperm back.

Although he had guessed that he might do it, he didn't expect it to be so easy.

"Have you finished bathing?"

Su Zhan said to the king and asked her to arrange a place for Xie Zijing.

"Let's rest first and take you away tomorrow."

Su Zhan confessed to Xie Zijing, then took the king into the room.As for Zhenniang, naturally someone will help her arrange the room!

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