Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1444

The room was obviously rearranged, a festive red color, and there were food and drink on the table.

It looks like a bridal chamber!

"It's well arranged."

Su Zhan sat down with a smile and said casually.

The king said: "Although I know I don't have any status, but at this moment I also... I have thought many times that if you don't like it, I will withdraw."

"That's not necessary, come on, let's have a glass of wine, and then go to the bridal chamber..."

Su Zhan smiled and poured the wine, the king sat down beside him, and the two men crossed their arms and drank.

The king's drink was actually okay, but after this glass, her cheeks were flushed.Seeing her appearance, Su Zhan waved his hand, and the king suddenly realized that his clothes had turned into a red wedding gown, which made her stunned for a while, and immediately heard Su Zhan say: "Since it's a bridal candle, How can you not wear your wedding gown? Come, let your husband take off your wedding gown by himself!"

With that said, Su Zhan led her to the bed and sat down, watching her shyly closed eyes with tension, Su Zhan's hands slowly acted, and one piece of clothing fell off.

"You are so beautiful." Rao has seen Su Zhan once before, but at this time the environment, atmosphere, and mentality are completely different from before, and the feeling is naturally different.Lie down slowly with his arms around her, Su Zhan was about to take off his clothes when he saw the shy king whispering: "Let me come."

"it is good!"

Su Zhan smiled and answered, she got up again to help undress.

"Now, what should you call me?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"Xiang, Xianggong?"

"That's right." Su Zhan smiled and bowed his head to kiss, and it didn't take long for a burst of voices in the room.

The wedding night in the bridal chamber is worth a moment.

It wasn't until dawn outside that the two of them fell asleep.

After a whole night of tossing, the king was already exhausted and fell asleep.

Su Zhan accompany her to rest for a while, almost three to four hours. Seeing that she was completely asleep, Su Zhan got up and put on clothes and walked out.Under the service of Zhenniang, Su Zhan was ready to move away from Xiliang Women's Kingdom.For others, this may not be realistic. Let’s not talk about how a country should move. Even if it can, it’s not easy to do it. After all, after so many years of development, if it moves, there will be problems such as farming livelihood Is it resolved?The relocation of the whole country is not the same as the relocation of the capital, although it is actually the same. After all, the Xiliang Women’s State is too small.But for Su Zhan, this is not a problem. From the moment he promised her, Su Zhan planned to let the Xiliang women's country exist forever, with the foundation of immortality, and other problems were hardly considered problems.

In addition to this, there is also the Zimuhe, and Su Zhan will also move away.

Almost all people in the daughter country give birth to children who drink the water of the Zimu River. This rule will still be maintained in the future. Within a hundred years... I am afraid that there will be endless women. At that time... the cheapest is yourself. !

Su Zhan began to cast spells. In an instant, the entire Xiliang Women’s Kingdom felt the ground trembling violently. At first, people thought it was an earthquake, but soon they discovered that it was much more exaggerated than the earthquake, and the ground actually flew. Up.

People... fly in the air.

No, the whole country was flying in the air. This time, the subjects were frightened, not knowing what happened.They didn't know what was going on until the female officer and the female general explained together, but they still felt a little unbelievable.

Can I live forever by moving to Yaochi Wonderland?

This kind of thing is like dreaming, it's too unreal.


A person appeared in the clouds!

No one else, it is the Guanyin.

Guanyin had been paying attention to things going west. The Xiliang Women’s Kingdom and the scorpion spirit were both members of the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, but now they are doing well. The Xiliang Women’s Kingdom has moved across the country, even the scorpion spirit It's not there anymore, how can Guanyin not panic?He hurried over and quickly figured out what was going on!

Extraterrestrial Demon!

It's an extraterritorial demon again!

First of all, the white bone spirit caused them to add a new difficulty, but now they are less difficult because of him.

What does this extraterritorial demon want to do!

Other things can be tolerated, but Guanyin really can't bear this matter. Even if this extraterritorial celestial demon is really powerful and has a cultivation base, she will have to do it with him, otherwise let him do it wanton. If the destruction continues, things going west will be destroyed.

Item 0043

Guanyin actually felt it as soon as Su Zhan appeared, and even if he didn't feel it, he believed that Guanyin would definitely return.

After all, the daughter kingdom and the scorpion essence are one of the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties of Journey to the West. They have been determined. Now that the Tang monk and his apprentice have not arrived, they have not experienced this catastrophe and let them take them away. Naturally Western Buddhism It is impossible not to move.The westward journey is a vital event for them, symbolizing the prosperity of Buddhism. Destroying the westward journey by themselves is equivalent to destroying the great prosperity of Buddhism. Even if they are afraid of their own strength, they cannot really be indifferent.

Therefore, Su Zhan had already guessed that someone would come, but it was Guanyin in all likelihood.

Facts have also proved that Guanyin has indeed come.

Guanyin was about to cast a spell to stop the daughter country, but suddenly felt a flower in front of him, a figure flashed, and a person had quietly stood in the cloud and appeared in front of him.

"Long time no see." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"I wish I would never see each other." Guanyin snorted, "Outside the territories, what do you want to do."

"Yao Chi is a bit deserted, just add some popularity. Why? Do you want to stop?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Don't tell me you didn't know that this was the catastrophe on the westbound road. The previous bone spirits were forgotten, but now they have destroyed the dilemma. Are you destined to be the enemy of our Buddhism?" Facing Su Zhan, Guanyin was very It is difficult to maintain the sacred and dignified bodhisattva.

That's just for outsiders to see, even a Buddha has selfishness and personality.

It's just that the things that Buddha conspired are bigger than people.

"So what?"

Su Zhan didn't really want to destroy it sincerely, otherwise, he would have gone long ago, it was just an accident.Even if the king of the daughter country had not been her, but had looked a different way, Su Zhan might have just walked around and left.But Su Zhan really didn't intend to explain so much about Guanyin's statement. Anyway, even if he explained the people, he still had to take them away. What should be destroyed was also destroyed.

"Good good!"

Listening to Su Zhan's burden without admitting himself, Guan Yin was completely angry.

It must be done once, otherwise he will be more unscrupulous.

Only when Guanyin was about to speak, he suddenly felt something. Turning his head and looking around, he saw clouds surging in the distance and flickering figures.

"Five hundred arhats."

"Lingji Bodhisattva, Peacock Great Ming King Bodhisattva."

Guanyin was a little surprised, and then immediately reacted. They were probably in the name of the Buddha, so...the Buddha also intends to do it?

Otherwise, so many arhats will not be dispatched, even the Great King Peacock will come.

The strength of the Peacock King is extraordinary.

After understanding the Buddha's intention, Guanyin became more confident.

He alone is not an opponent of the extraterritorial demon, plus the Peacock King, Lingji, and five hundred arhats. This can be said to be one-third of the power of the Buddhism. Is it impossible to deal with the extraterritorial demon like this?

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