Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1445

"Oh, what a big battle!"

Looking at the Buddhas in the sky, Su Zhan chuckled but suddenly did not panic.

"Su Zhan, if you send people back, this matter has never happened before, otherwise...don't blame our demon reduction methods." Guanyin said in a deep voice.

"What are you doing with such a high-sounding voice? In this respect, Heavenly Court can do better than you. To put it bluntly, it depends on whose fist is bigger! Westbound master and apprentice, only one Tang monk is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, and the rest are Heavenly Court people. , After you change your status, you will become a buddhist person. How could it be possible if it weren’t for the weakness of the heavenly court? Of course, these have nothing to do with me. I just want to tell you that if you want to do it, you can talk so much nonsense. It’s just nonsense to sound good. In the end, you still have to rely on your fists to see the truth."

"I didn't plan to do anything yet, and enjoy my life peacefully. Since you want to fight, then fight, just to uproot you Buddhism."

"What a big tone!"

The Great King Peacock snorted coldly, and he came to Su Zhan in the blink of an eye.The speed was so fast that even many Arhats didn't react, but Su Zhan didn't panic at all, and easily and accurately immediately came to the Great King Peacock. The two fought together in an instant, you came and I met, it was so intense.At this time, Lingji, Guanyin, and Five Hundred Arhats also cast their spells, and they all went to Su Zhan. There were more people and fewer people, and the scene was quite intense.

However, their attack was like a sinking stone to Su Zhan, even if they saw that Su Zhan was hit, there was no reaction at all.On the other hand, Su Zhan didn't care about those people at all, or even treated them as if they did not exist.The strength of the Great King Peacock is indeed good, and his temperament looks very fierce. At first he did attack fiercely, but after being blocked by Su Zhan one by one, the situation slowly began to change.

At this time, King Peacock Daming suddenly revealed a flaw.

Su Zhan suddenly shot.


The unspeakable speed of the fist hit his chest directly without the King Peacock's response.Even if his golden body was too powerful, he was blown away instantly.When the Great King Peacock flew, the others were being rescued, but suddenly saw Su Zhan slowly withdraw a black weapon from his body. Seeing this weapon, everyone was a little afraid.They haven't forgotten that this magic blade slaughtered so many groups of demons before, but it was quite powerful.

But at this time, there was no time to take care of that much, because Su Zhan had already taken action.

Just like Su Zhanshou, the Blade of God Killing had already flown out.

Go straight to the five hundred arhats behind, but Su Zhan himself instantly came to Lingji Bodhisattva.

Speaking of Lingji Bodhisattva, this is also a well-known Bodhisattva, but there is no outstanding record.Seeing Su Zhan suddenly appeared, Lingji Bodhisattva's performance was even more unbearable. For a moment, he made a retreat with fear. Fortunately, his reaction was quick and immediately waved. Unfortunately... his strength was too weak. , Or the attack power is too weak, neither power nor speed, Su Zhan slightly shook his head and punched it randomly.

He heard a loud bang, followed by the sound of cracking.

Item 0044

The golden body of the Bodhisattva is broken!

Su Zhan's punch directly smashed the golden body of Lingji Bodhisattva. Before Lingji Bodhisattva shouted in horror, he heard a loud bang immediately after Lingji Bodhisattva exploded!

It exploded directly.

The flesh and blood splattered, dissipated from the air and fell.

Everyone was stunned by the death of Lingji Bodhisattva, whether it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who was going to step forward to help him, or the Peacock Daming King who had flown back from a distance, no one thought that Su Zhan would break Lingji Bodhisattva with a punch. The golden body directly killed Lingji Bodhisattva.


The Blade of God Killing suddenly flew over the crowd, and for an instant, it seemed that some light had been sucked into it.

It is the soul of Lingji Bodhisattva!

After absorbing the spirit of Lingji Bodhisattva, the God Killing Blade lit up slightly, and then rushed to the five hundred arhats again.

Sorrowful screams sounded one after another, one by one, the Arhats were beheaded and swallowed by the God Killing Blade.

"Extraterritorial Demon!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva shouted in grief and indignation, and the monstrous mana surged, and at the same time, the Great King Peacock charged again.

Killing Lingji Bodhisattva means that the war cannot be stopped.

Buddhism won't swallow the evil sigh of Bodhisattva being killed, and Su Zhan does not intend to stop.

He wants everyone to know that I can do what I want. You better not have so many opinions!


Su Zhan disappeared in an instant, and the Peacock Daming King and Guanyin Bodhisattva punched a space. Su Zhan suddenly appeared behind the Peacock Daming King and grasped his fist.With a sound of "bang!", his fist hit the top of King Peacock's head. This fist knocked King Peacock directly from the air to the ground. The moment he landed, Su Zhan arrived soon after.


Another punch fell, which contained the face of King Peacock Daming King who had just bounced to the ground.

This fist sank directly, and you could clearly see a picture of King Peacock Daming King's face sinking in, and huge force penetrated into the ground.


The ground sank for an instant, and the head of King Peacock...has exploded.

The blood sprayed all over Su Zhan, stained his fist.

With a slight frown, Su Zhan raised his hand, and the blade of the godslayer that was being slaughtered and swallowed flew over with a whistling sound, and swallowed the Great Ming King Peacock unceremoniously.

Holding the God Killing Blade, Su Zhan looked up at the sky.

In the air, Guanyin Bodhisattva trembled slightly, and there were only a handful of five hundred arhats behind him.

Looking at the extraterritorial demon holding the magic blade on the ground, contaminated with blood donation, even the Guanyin Bodhisattva had a fearful mind, let alone the Arhat behind.

Horror, too horrible.

One man, one blade.

People killed Lingji Bodhisattva, Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva.

The blade killed hundreds of Arhats.

With such a method, no one is afraid or afraid.

At this moment, the Arhats wished to turn around and leave.

Even if you are in the immortal class, even if you become an immortal Buddha, it does not mean you will not die or be afraid.But right now, they have to obey the orders of Guanyin Bodhisattva. If Guanyin does not retreat, they dare not and cannot retreat.What is Guanyin thinking?Guanyin also wanted to retire, and she regretted it now.Although he knows that the extraterritorial demon is strong, but because of his previous actions, he has produced a kind of person who is not a bloodthirsty, although his record is already a bloodthirsty.But when he really did it, Guanyin realized that the strength of this extraterritorial celestial demon was not something that he thought could be solved by an opponent that he could solve after a fight.

Kill the Buddha without mercy.

You know, even if it is not as dangerous as it was during the Conferred God Period, it does not mean that it is peaceful.But no matter who the opponent is, no matter how you fight, but there are not too many killers?After all, they all have backers and connections, so if you really want to kill you, it will be a big deal.But the extraterritorial demon was different. He didn't care about those at all. If he offended him, he would really die... The death was completely clean, even if it was a magic weapon, even if it was reincarnated and rebuilt.

In this way, who can not be afraid?

Even the supreme Buddha is afraid!

Otherwise, how could it not save Lingji Bodhisattva or the Great King Peacock with the magical powers of the Buddha, and even now it has not appeared and has not taken action.Not to mention that the Buddha didn't know, how could he not pay attention to the follow-up situation when he asked these people to come over.

The Buddha knew what had happened, but he did not show up.

That means that even the Buddha is not sure to subdue the extraterritorial demon.

Seeing the demon outside the territories eager to try to make another move at any time, Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't think much, set up the cloud and turned around and left.

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