Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1455

"come in."

Su Zhan yelled softly, and the tree spirit came in.

"What's the matter, talk about it!"

If it's okay, the Tsubaki Tree Spirit won't bother him directly like this.

Item 0056

Chen Yue subconsciously wanted to stop when she heard the voice of the tree spirit tree, but when she saw that the owner didn’t seem to want to stop, Orange Moon didn’t stop. Seeing the tree spirit tree come in, Orange Moon was slightly embarrassed and shy , But both the owner and the Tsubaki tree spirit looked as usual to ease her embarrassment a little, lowered her head and concentrated on serving!

For Huang Ying, who was asleep in her owner's arms, Chengyue was not envious.

Although she seems to be better, she can sleep in the arms of her master but she serves herself.But in fact, Orange Moon has its own calculations.Among the seven fairies, if you say who is favored, it must be Qingyan and Lulian. Even the eldest sister Hongrou was actually just lucky, it happened that day it was her turn and she was seen by the master.This is only the Seven Fairies, there are people from the daughter country, and others.If you don't take the initiative to do something, you will soon be drowned in the crowd.Today, Orange Moon can lie in Su Zhan's arms to sleep. I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity next time, so it is better to take the initiative and use this method to impress the owner's psychology.Of course, maybe this impression is not good and it is not because of love to remember, but everyone is the same.In this case, it is better to be remembered than not to be remembered!

So Orange Moon is very hardworking and hardworking.

"Fei Changfang was punished to endure the death of Tianlei, and has been reincarnated. He is called Han Xiangzi in this life. The Eight Immortals have passed since he was born. It seems that this time, he should have no problem flying up to the Eight Immortals!" The news that I heard was said.

Su Zhan nodded slightly, Fei Changfang became Han Xiangzi as it should have been, and it was nothing unusual.

"Just keep paying attention." Su Zhan said casually.

The tree spirit nodded and said yes, and then said: "There is one more thing, Master Tongtian has practiced a sword of punishing the immortals, and he has cut several great monsters to temper this sword. The power of this sword is probably not trivial, if he succeeds. I'm afraid he will come to deal with the master. Moreover, regarding Han Xiangzi, the Master Tongtian seems to have a plan to stop it. Do we need to do something?"

"Tongtian is also normal for the Eight Immortals, but let's not do things that are not good. Wait for the heavens to come to us. Just pay attention to the situation. Go on!"


The tree spirit nodded and retired in response.

Su Zhan turned to look at Orange Moon and enjoyed it quietly.

I have to admit that Chengyue is very diligent, she will observe her reaction to determine what to do to make herself more satisfied.

After it was over, Su Zhan asked Chengyue and Huang Ying to go back, and of course they also gave clothes.Although there is no orange moon left, the orange moon can be sure that she has left an impression on the owner's psychology.Although it may not be comparable to Qingyan and Lulian, it is definitely more impressive than Huang Ying and Hongrou.A few days later, Su Zhan did not look for Chengyue and Huang Ying, nor did he look for anyone else, Su Zhan was observing!

Observe the orange moon!

She didn’t put her scheming on her sisters. Perhaps he wanted to be better than other sisters, but he didn’t mean to cheat. This made Su Zhan very satisfied. As long as it was not vicious in heart, she would be better with scheming. I am more attentive to please myself, until I get the cheaper one, it is still myself!Confirming that Chengyue's character is not bad, Su Zhan's Chengyue came over to attend bed at night.Although there were six princesses Lan Ya together, Orange Moon didn't mind at all.


Because under normal circumstances, the owner may be called Lan Ya alone, or it may be Lan Ya and Lulian or Ziwei, I think they are two together like Huang Ying.However, the host called herself and Lan Ya, which showed that her actions were correct. She had already left an impression on the host. Her service satisfied the host, so she thought of herself!

"Little Liu, when you see the host, you must remember not to resist, and don't make the host unhappy. Do what the host wants you to do."

"I know the second sister."

"I'm afraid your temper is too shy, and the master will disgust you by accident." Orange Moon reminded.

"Thank you second sister."

Chengyue and Lan Ya came to Su Zhan's bedroom. Su Zhan was ready to wash and waited, beckoning the two to approach, Su Zhan looked at Lan Ya.

Seeing the master's eyes on Lan Ya, Chengyue secretly gave her an encouraging look and then went to serve herself.

Lan Ya is somewhat different from the other sisters. Although she has a good body, she prefers a petite and exquisite style, and she has a lovely feeling with her facial features.With Chengyue's service, Su Zhan was not in a hurry. Instead, he briefly chatted with Lan Ya. When Lan Ya was not so nervous, she started to enter the atmosphere gradually.The reminder of Orange Moon really made her restrain a lot, but that restraint also made her a little less attractive.Therefore, in the second half, Su Zhan almost focused on Orange Moon!Such a comparison highlights the satisfaction of Orange Moon.

When Lan Ya returned the next day, Orange Moon was instead left behind.

After all, Su Zhan is not only the Seven Fairies around, and naturally it is impossible to look for them every day, but Orange Moon has been left to take care of him.

This result actually made no one of the Seven Fairies expect that the master's favorite should be Qingyan, but he didn't expect that the most favored now is Orange Moon.Even when he called other people over, Orange Moon was there.It's just like the orange moon hit by iron, the girls of the mixed stream!

The orange moon can only be regarded as average in terms of appearance, and not as good as green in terms of feeling, but in terms of intent to please, no one among the seven fairies can be out of the ordinary. Even if all of them are counted, only Peony Fairy can do it, but Peony Fairy But she has more fairy spirit and less charm than her!

"Who is on duty today?" Su Zhan asked casually.

Orange Moon thought for a while and said, "It should be Xiaoqi."

"Well, go and let Lu Lian come over." Su Zhan said.


Chengyue nodded in response, and subconsciously walked in the direction of Pan Taoyuan. It took a few steps to realize that the master said it was Xiaosi Lulian instead of Xiaoqi Ziwei.It seems that the main point of the master's question is not who is on duty, but... whether Lulian is on duty!

Data 0057

There is a flower pond behind the palace, and the pond is full of peonies.

Looking around, one piece of red, one group of purple, one group of pink, one large piece of it looks very beautiful.

This peony flower was planted after the Peony Fairy arrived. On the eve of the blossoming, the branches of peony looked like young girls in bud.When the flowers bloom, they look like beautiful girls, even if the beauty in Yaochi is like a cloud, but this sea of ​​flowers seems to be no less inferior to it.Standing by the flower pond, quietly admiring this beautiful scenery, after a while, I heard the sound of light footsteps coming from behind.

Turning his head slightly, he saw Orange Moon coming with green ripples.

Lu Lian lowered her head and was very shy, Su Zhan couldn't help but smiled: "Fortunately, you finally haven't changed your appearance this time!"

"Master, master!" Lu Lian didn't know how to answer, so she could only reply.

Su Zhan beckoned the two to come over, Lu Lian was a little nervous at first, but slowly seemed to calm down, and then she couldn't help being attracted by the beautiful sea of ​​flowers in front of her.

Flower this thing is a woman's favorite no matter in any era.

This piece of peony is really beautiful, even if she is full of thoughts about how to please her owner, Chengyue is a little attracted, a little indulged in it.

"What a nice view!"

Lu Lian couldn't help but sighed slightly.

"Beautiful flowers, more beautiful people!"

Su Zhan smiled and said: "I originally called you to come here to wait for the bed, but now I don't have any interest. Lulian, you go and call other people over, Orange Moon, you let someone arrange here."


Chengyue and Lulian quickly went to prepare separately.

It didn't take long for this place to almost change its appearance. In the center was a bed with countless single beds on either side. The wine fairy fruit was ready.After a while, everyone has been called over.Not only the other fairies, but also Peony Fairy, Chang'e and others, everyone around them was called over, inexplicably as if it had become a flower viewing conference.

Whether it's a fairy or a monster, there are usually no recreational activities. Flower viewing can be regarded as a common form of entertainment, not to mention the peony flower is really good!

Drink, chat, enjoy the flowers.

It seems that this is the first time there has been such an event in Yaochi. It made everyone a little excited and found it very interesting. Even Su Zhan even let people pick flat peaches, and it feels like a flat peach feast!

Chang'e, Peony Fairy, He Xiangu, Zhenniang, White Bone, Dharma Protector Little Demon, Tsoon Tree Fairy, Seven Fairies, and even Su Zhanjiang's daughter Kingdom King and Scorpion Fairy are all called. It is quite lively to gather together. , This is how flowers are more beautiful than people, people are more beautiful than people, a hundred flowers bloom, and they are overwhelmed. Only these people are qualified to participate in the show. Naturally, there are those maids waiting beside them, all from the daughter country.

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