Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1456

In addition to drinking and chatting, singing and dancing are naturally indispensable.

Chang'e, Peony Fairy and others all left the stage one after another. The guardian little demon and the others were blowing, playing and singing. It’s no problem at this time. When the Seven Fairies performed, Su Zhan gave Lagerstroemia green clothes, otherwise the clothes that others wore were naked. The harmony is broken, not to mention the seven colors are more beautiful.I have to say that the performance of Seven Fairies is more professional than others.

Unknowingly, time just passed, everyone was very happy and satisfied.

"It seems that similar ones have to be held frequently. It is really interesting!" Su Zhan smiled and said, "Every year in the future, there will be a flower viewing party today? You enjoy flowers, and I will appreciate you."

The crowd dispersed in twos and threes, and a maid came to clean up the mess.

"Second sister, I..."

Everyone dispersed, Lu Lian hesitated to know whether she should go back with the other sisters or stay.After all, the host called her at the beginning, although it became a flower viewing party, but now she knows whether she will stay at the end, so she can only ask for help from the second sister, Orange Moon, who has been with the host the most!Although Orange Moon is the favorite, few sisters really are jealous.

Once Orange Moon did what they couldn't do.

Secondly, Chengyue also took good care of the sisters, and did not try to be jealous, so as to prevent other people from being favored and affecting their status.

Although Lu Lian didn't say it, she knew what she meant when she spoke Orange Moon.Pulling the green ripples, Orange Moon whispered: "Don't go, stay with me."

"This flower viewing will make the owner feel good and will definitely find someone to wait for the bed at night, but he didn't ask others to stay. This shows the problem!" Orange Moon explained in a low voice.

Lu Lian nodded slightly.

Sure enough, when Su Zhan got up, he glanced at the direction of Chengyue and Lulian, and saw that the two did not leave like the others and nodded slightly, beckoning them to follow.


Chengyue said in a low voice, and followed Lulian with her arms.

Back in the bedroom, Su Zhan brought the wine again with great interest, and drank with Orange Moon and Lulian on the couch.This is different from before. The three of them are still drinking on the couch, which is naturally a bit less lively and a bit more charming.Chengyue sat on the left, Su Zhan leaned on Chengyue's body, and Lulian sat beside Su Zhan and was hugged in her arms. One person was feeding the wine and the other was feeding the fruit. There was no need for Su Zhan's hands to be quite charming and enjoyable.

Lulian had already drunk a lot at the flower viewing party, and now that the situation is a bit less nervous, shy and restrained, she has gradually let go.

"Lulian, let's change positions."

Chengyue suddenly spoke, Lu Lian glanced at Su Zhan who was slightly raised, got up and changed positions with Chengyue.With her head resting on Lu Lian’s body, Orange Moon changed to Lu Lian’s position, but she was not hugged like Lu Lian, her slender fingers were massaging Su Zhan’s legs, she slowly untied her robe, and kissed him a little bit. Past.Such a direct action made Lu Lian blush a bit, but Su Zhan suddenly leaned on Lu Lian's neck and asked her to bow his head and kissed him directly!

Wine, I don’t drink anymore.

Naturally, I can't eat fruits anymore.

There is orange moon serving below, and green ripples are tasted on it. It didn't take long for a burst of sounds in the room, which lasted most of the night!

Chapter 0058

Time flies, time flies.

It seems to be a very old-fashioned description, but for Su Zhan this description is indeed very appropriate.After eating Lv Lian, Su Zhan found a chance to eat the crape myrtle. In the next period of time, Su Zhan would often find Seven Fairies to wait for the bed. Sometimes it was Orange Moon and others, sometimes it might be It’s seven together. Under this ridiculous enjoyment, time has become completely utterly unconcerned, and I don’t know how long it has passed. One day, Su Zhan was playing around with the Seven Fairies, leaving them lying in a row and preparing to get angry. Well, the Tsubaki tree spirit brought a news!

Westward Journey is over!

Tang Seng was named the Tantan Kungfu Buddha, Monkey King defeated the Buddha by fighting, Zhu Bajie was the messenger of the altar, the Drifting Monk was the golden body Arhat, the Bailong Mawei eight Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva, and Buddhism flourished!

Because the whole world has retrieved the scriptures and promoted the Dharma, it can be said that the incense of Buddhism has risen to the top with the general trend, and it is very prosperous. Not to mention that everyone believes in Buddha, but it is similar.

For Buddhism, this trip to the west can be said to be a lot of trouble, but no matter what, its merits and good luck make Buddhism flourish. It is finally worth it!

"Got it." Su Zhan nodded, and Chun Shujing retreated and left.

The end of the westward journey was considered a big event, but it was not anxious, so Su Zhan didn't take it too seriously, and continued to play with the female fairy.

For a long time, after the end.

Su Zhan lay in the middle of the Seven Fairies to rest, watching the Seven Fairies exhausted by him was quite fulfilling.Lying on the women, Su Zhan was thinking about the journey to the west.

For the end of the Westward Journey, the most affected by Buddhism Daxing must be Heaven!

According to what I know about the Jade Emperor, I’m afraid I should be contacting myself soon, right?Think of a way to help him deal with Buddhism. Otherwise, the world only knows about the Buddha and does not know about it. I don't know the heaven, and the belief in incense is getting less and less. I am afraid that the heaven will be completely replaced over time.He has no ability to deal with Buddhism, the only thing he relies on is himself!

Sure enough, the third day.

Someone is looking for it!

A female fairy passed a word through the king of the daughter kingdom that the queen mother wanted to invite the demon to the heavenly court.


Queen Mother's Palace!

Su Zhan suddenly appeared.

The queen mother who was waiting for news was taken aback for a moment, and randomly got up and bowed down."I have seen the master!"

"I understand the rules more and more." Su Zhan sat down casually.Said: "Why didn't you go there in person, but let someone pass the message?"

"I'm helping the main character choose people, so..." The Queen Mother explained, Su Zhan waved and interrupted: "I haven't seen you for a long time because I miss you. Let me tell you, does the Jade Emperor want me to help him deal with it? Buddhism!"


"Now that Buddhism is in full swing, the Jade Emperor feels threatening to contain this momentum. Unfortunately, Heavenly Court has no such strength at all, so he discussed with me about the trend of asking the master to go out and suppress the Buddhism, but I haven't thought about it for the master yet Candidates. Does the master have a favorite goal?" the queen mother asked.



Su Zhan smiled and said: "There are more and more women around me. The Seven Fairies are also well trained, especially Orange Moon. She is very scheming and satisfied. I am afraid it will not be long before she can replace you in my heart. Status."

The Queen Mother was taken aback for a moment and shook her head: "There are so many things that the master can enjoy, but I should be the only one who can let the master vent. After all, I am different from them!"

Su Zhan smiled: "You are so smart, let's go, and see the Jade Emperor!"


The two came to Lingxiao Hall.

This was the Queen Mother’s suggestion. Last time the master said something related to the High Heaven Palace, so this time the Queen Mother suggested that the Jade Emperor meet with Su Zhan here, so that she can express her attitude of importance!Moreover, the Jade Emperor deliberately made two sets of flush seats underneath this time, and no one approached them!When he arrived at Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor was sitting aside and waiting.Seeing the two coming in, the Jade Emperor dared to get up, he heard Su Zhan wave his hand: "Sit down."

After speaking, sat down opposite.

When sitting down, Su Zhan grabbed the Queen Mother's wrist, and let her sit down beside him, but did not let go!

The Jade Emperor pretended to have found nothing, his face was as usual.

"The Queen Mother has already told me what you mean, and I can promise you! However, I don't have any woman I want for the time being. The Seven Fairies still make me very satisfied, so the conditions may change this time!" Su Zhan Tao.

"How to change?"

Su Zhan thought for a while and said, "Why don't I help you kill the Drifting Monk? And you, you just need to borrow this High Heaven Hall for me to use!"

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