Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1457

"Lingxiao Palace? What are you going to do?"

"Don't be so nervous, I'm just curious about this place, I want to appreciate it, and let the Queen Mother introduce me. A day later, I leave by myself! I am not interested in this position!" Su Zhan explained with a smile .

Admire Lingxiao Hall, and let the Queen Mother introduce it, it's only one day!

Wouldn't this bastard want...

The Jade Emperor's face instantly became extremely ugly. This was a symbol of the heavenly court. He was here at the same age as the heavenly gods, he...he actually wanted to do this kind of thing here!

At this moment, the Jade Emperor really almost turned his face!

But she saw the Queen Mother shook her head slightly.

If you refuse, not only will it not be able to attack the Buddhism, but it may also provoke the revenge of the demon. If that happens, the heaven will be even worse!

Forbearance, forbearance, forbearance!

The Jade Emperor couldn't do other kung fu, this forbearance is indeed powerful.Secretly suppressing the anger in his heart, the Jade Emperor said with a smile without a smile: "There is also a marshal of the canopy out of the heaven!"

"You can go!" Su Zhan said.

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment and subconsciously thought that Su Zhan was refusing, but then he thought about it wrong again!

If he wants to refuse, he should be the one who left.He let himself leave, didn't he mean... agreed?

If you can kill the Drifting Monk and Zhu Bajie, the two heroes of learning the scriptures, the effect will naturally be different.Although Su Zhan's request made the Jade Emperor upset with his attitude just now, the Jade Emperor got up and left and asked the heavenly soldiers to guard this place and no one should come near!

Chapter 0059 country has no two kings, ministers have no two masters

After the Jade Emperor had left, Su Zhan also got up and turned around at random in the High Heaven Hall. Now there is no one else here that feels a little panic. It must be nice to think about the immortals standing here.With a fist, Su Zhan came to the seat of the Jade Emperor and sat down, condescendingly, with a broad vision, and the feeling of sitting high above him came out.

Looking at the master sitting on it, the Queen Mother suddenly smiled and knelt down.

"See the master!"

Su Zhan smiled: "In this heavenly court, no one besides me can make you bow down like this, but you just need to make fun. Your position is not there!"

Next to the Jade Emperor, is the seat of the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother Yingying got up but did not sit down in her own position, but knelt on the side of Su Zhan's leg.

In Heavenly Court, even if one person is below 10,000, she has no noble status in front of Su Zhan, and she knows exactly what Su Zhan wants, so naturally she will not really sit next to her.Immediately, the Queen Mother began to serve in this high palace.Su Zhan stroked the Queen Mother’s hair and squinted his eyes and said, “I admire him more and more now. I can stand what ordinary people can’t stand. If such a guy finds a chance to turn over, I’m afraid it will be very much. Crazy!"

"Master, don't worry, he won't have such a chance!" The queen mother vowed to promise: "If the master is interested in this position, I am 80% sure that the master can sit in this position without any hands!"

"What way?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"He didn't know that I was actually the owner's person, because I was forced to be very grateful to me and would never doubt that I would betray him. Moreover, he must conspire with me for these things, so as long as I Stand up to support the master and make his affairs public. The prestige that I have been operating over the years has been added to the foul name of your master. At least 70% to 80% of people will agree! Even if someone opposes it, they can’t afford it. Wind and waves!" The Queen Mother said.

Su Zhan smiled, this method is indeed very useful and deadly.

But Su Zhan didn't have much interest at all, because then the Queen Mother's reputation was completely ruined.If Su Zhan humiliated the Queen Mother, it's okay even if the Queen Mother doesn't have a position in his own circle, but it won't work if others think so.Moreover, it is very easy for Su Zhan to sit in this position, and it is even more impossible to sacrifice the reputation of the Queen Mother!Therefore, Su Zhan shook his head and said: "It really feels good to sit here, a sense of accomplishment, especially at this moment. But I am not interested in this position, I am not interested in dealing with the mess of the Three Realms, but... forget it, I'll talk about it later!"

After speaking, Su Zhan pulled the Queen Mother up, and the Queen Mother understood her heart. It didn't take long for this solemn and sacred High Heaven Hall to sound that absolutely shouldn't be there!

The sudden martial law in the Lingxiao Palace surprised many immortals, but no one dared to ask or say anything, even most people didn't think much.Although Su Zhan said that it would take one day, it was actually more than half a day. He had been crazy with the Queen Mother several times, and after that particular excitement passed, he had no interest in staying.Coming out of the High Heaven Hall, Su Zhan was going to stay in the Queen Mother's temple for a while and talk about things.

As soon as I came out, I saw someone standing there in the distance. It didn't seem like I just passed by, but the feeling of waiting here!

Hand flick, with white hair.

"Taibai Jinxing, what are you doing here?" The Queen Mother asked in a deep voice.

Too platinum star!

This is a more famous god, definitely belongs to the Jade Emperor's cronies, right?

"Taibai has seen the heavenly demon, and the queen mother! Report to the queen mother, Taibai is waiting here by the order of the Jade Emperor." Taibai Jinxing said, after a pause, he said to Su Zhan: "If the heavenly demon has any orders, you need it. You can leave it to me!"

"Really?" Su Zhan smiled."What if I want to find someone to serve the bed?"

"Taibai should try his best to satisfy the demon!" Taibai Jinxing said without changing his face.

Su Zhan smiled and said, "It seems that the Jade Emperor trusts you very much, but let me go to the Queen Mother’s temple to rest for a while. As for the Jade Emperor before, you can tell him to rest assured. "

"The devil was joking. The Jade Emperor naturally believes that the devil is the one who believes. Since the devil does not need to find someone to wait for the bed, I will wait outside the Queen Mother's temple, and just give orders if you have anything!" Taibai Jinxing bowed. Said.


The Jade Emperor knew everything about himself and the Queen Mother. He probably knew what Taibai Jinxing looked like, but he was able to deal with it as it should be. I have to say that this guy does have a set!Playing with the sacred and dignified Queen Mother in the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor not only had to endure but also sent someone to wait for dispatch. This feeling was really good, and Su Zhan would naturally not refuse.Anyway, Taibaijinxing will definitely have a sense of measure, will not bother herself, and will not do anything out of the ordinary.

When I came to the palace of the queen mother, headed straight to the pool, enjoying the service of the queen mother while taking a bath, while Su Zhan said: "I am not interested in that position, but as the saying goes, the country has no two kings, and the minister has no two masters, although you are The head of the female immortal is on the same level as the Jade Emperor, but it is still a bit worse. If you want to be inferior to others, then that person can only be me!"

"What does the master mean?"

"Do you want to become the Lord of Heavenly Court?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

The queen mother froze for a moment and said: "No matter what I am outside, I will always be the master's woman, and everything will follow the master's instructions."

"In this case, when you turn around, you are ready to prepare. Let the Jade Emperor be happy for a while, and when the time is right, you can take the position!"


Although Su Zhan has always shown that he has no intention of fighting, it is not so unusual to seek to seize the heaven.For one thing, the Soviet war in this world will naturally not let go, and will surely get it, get the Zhanmeng universe, which involves the power of rules.Secondly, the Jade Emperor, the Buddha, and even the Way of Heaven contain the power of rules.So, why not do it with one arrow?

Item 0060

"What do you think of this platinum star?"

Su Zhan asked towards the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother froze for a while and said: "Taobai Jinxing's strength is not strong, but he is very capable, and he is sleek and doesn't save face. Many things inconvenient for the Jade Emperor to come forward are solved by him, and he is very helpful to the Jade Emperor. And don’t Seeing him like this, his popularity is very good. Maybe someone would not ridicule him in front of him, but if the critical moment is true, there will be a lot of people who can help him! It's just... he is very loyal to the Jade Emperor, and I am afraid he is very loyal. It's hard to win over."

"It's not important, you tell me first, if you have him, how much better your chances of success can be."


"If you have a 70-80% certainty, adding him is 80-90% certain. Tsk tsk, the Jade Emperor has been mixed up for so many years, it is really for nothing." Su Zhan tutted a few words to say yes. Thoughts.

One is the Queen Mother who is equal to the Jade Emperor, and the other is his most trusted subordinate.

If the two join hands, the Jade Emperor really has no chance to stand up.

If this is the case, you might as well try it later.

After enjoying the Queen Mother's meticulous service for a while, the Queen Mother found a robe for Su Zhan to put on.

"You go back to the bedroom and wait for me!"

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