Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1462

"Get up!"

Monkey King yelled, and the golden cudgel took off and flew over.

Su Zhan also loosened the Blade of God Killing.

I saw the two weapons fought fiercely.

At the same time, Su Zhan and Monkey King were not idle either, they saw Monkey King suddenly show somersault cloud and fly away.

It's not a joke to fight for thousands of miles, turn it out all the way!


Su Zhan made Monkey King a taste of what it was like not to fly out of Wuzhishan!


It is almost impossible to be faster than Su Zhan. Monkey King just stopped here, but it seems that he has already arrived.

Monkey King did not believe in evil and tried again.

Once, twice.

Every time, Su Zhan seemed to be faster than him, and arrived earlier than him!


This time, Su Zhan seems to be faster!

Before Sun Wukong's tumbler fell, he felt a heavy blow and flew out in an instant.


With a loud noise, Monkey King descended from the sky and smashed directly on the Lingxiao Palace, almost smashing the ground of the Lingxiao Palace!

"Golden Cudgel!"

After Sun Wukong landed, he didn't care about the pain and hurriedly shouted, but he didn't see the golden cock stick appearing after shouting for a long time, and he even lost the connection with the golden cock stick!


Monkey King gave a strange cry and saw a black light hit.

The copper-skinned and iron-boned Monkey King did not hide, but the blade of God Killing flew over and pierced his body easily!

Before Monkey King could react, the God Killing Blade suddenly began to swallow.

In an instant, the flesh and soul began to be madly absorbed, and Monkey King hurriedly wanted to pull out the God Killing Blade, but the God Killing Blade seemed to be on his body as if it were on his body.

Su Zhan turned around, and Shi Shiran sat down as the Jade Emperor.

At this time, the Jade Emperor slowly entered the High Heaven Hall under the protection of a layer of heavenly soldiers.

The first thing that caught your eye was the rapidly disappearing Monkey King, followed by the dilapidated and unrecognizable Lingxiao Palace, and finally... saw the extraterritorial demon sitting in his place!

To be honest, the Jade Emperor was not angry until he even thought of other things, but was a little happy.

This Sun Wukong, who embarrassed himself twice, is finally dead!

But others don't think so!

Can anyone sit in the position of the Jade Emperor?Can I sit casually?

Chapter 0065

Leaving aside the thoughts in the hearts of the immortals, only that the Jade Emperor finally took a breath when he saw Monkey King died, and the stone in his heart was also put down.As for Su Zhan sitting in his position, the Jade Emperor didn’t care. First of all, Su Zhan must have sat before. Second, he also felt that Su Zhan was not interested in that position. Otherwise, he didn’t need to help himself kill Monkey King, or even You don’t need to help yourself before, just shoot!

Even Monkey King couldn't resist him, let alone an extraterritorial demon?

Those who know this point know that there is still something.

"Well, you are all gone."

When Monkey King died, the crisis was lifted, and the Jade Emperor resumed his previous style and waved the immortals to leave. After the immortals were gone, he came to Su Zhan and said, "Thank you for your help!"

"No thanks, too white. Tell the Jade Emperor about my conditions!"

Taibai Jinxing relayed it again, and the Jade Emperor subconsciously wanted to refuse.

It's okay to ask for a queen mother, but the queen mother wants all the female fairies, which the Jade Emperor does not want to accept!It's not reluctant, but if the female fairy goes directly to him, what kind of remuneration should he get when he finds the demon to do something?But this idea was just thinking about it, and he didn't dare to refuse.Seeing the Jade Emperor hesitating, Taibai Jinxing spoke several times and wanted to persuade him. Fortunately, the Jade Emperor finally nodded and agreed!

"Okay, you can handle the rest yourself!"

Su Zhan said, got up and left.

Back to the Queen Mother, Su Zhan continued to feel comfortable.

Monkey King made a big noise in the sky for the second time, and the High Heaven Palace was completely destroyed. The Jade Emperor shouted for help from the extraterritorial demon, and the extraterritorial demon killed Sun Wukong!

The news spread quickly as if he had long legs. Originally, the Jade Emperor asked the Heavenly Demon to help him. It was already very embarrassing. There were such rumors.

Now let the Heavenly Demon save his life, the Lingxiao Hall was destroyed, which would be ashamed.

Suddenly, there was a continual rush in the heaven, and many people seemed to be preparing to condemn the Jade Emperor!

"The opportunity now is great!"

The Queen Mother said to Su Zhan: "They gather to condemn the Jade Emperor, and we can add to the flames, and if someone directly recommends me at that time, we are very sure that we can seize power!"

"Look at the arrangement. By the way, you can ask Taibai what he means, and he should make a decision too!"

"it is good!"

The Queen Mother responded and went to find Taibaijinxing.

Taibai Jinxing actually guessed that she should find herself, but she didn't expect to be Queen Mother!How smart is Taibaijinxing!

I thought that the queen mother was forced by a demon from outside the territories, but now seeing the queen mother come to talk about it by herself, and with the ins and outs of the words, Taibai Jinxing knows that regardless of whether the queen mother was forced at first, It must not be anymore anyway!From the loss of the Jade Emperor's face to the great display of the power of Su Zhan, Taibai Jinxing knew that the Jade Emperor was gone, so he quickly expressed his willingness to loyal to the Heavenly Demon.

"What is the Queen Mother going to do?"

"It's very simple. When someone wants to denounce the Jade Emperor, you just need to push the boat along the water to let the Jade Emperor give up his position and let me go up!"


Taibai Jinxing was taken aback for a moment and said, "Did the demon agree?"

"Don't worry, this is his idea, he is not interested in being a jade emperor!" The Queen Mother said with a smile.

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