Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1463

Taibai Jinxing nodded!

Can't help but be a little envious!

No matter what kind of humiliation and grievance the Queen Mother has received before, it is worth it!

"I know!"

Taibai Jinxing nodded!

This dark wave intensified, and when the Lingxiao Hall was rebuilt, the immortals finally got into trouble.

Disappointed by the Jade Emperor’s performance during this period of time, the immortals asked the Jade Emperor to expel the heavenly demons and to justify the majesty of the heavens!The Jade Emperor naturally refused. He just rejected two sentences, but the reaction of the immortals was extremely enthusiastic. It was impossible for the Jade Emperor to perfuse the past. In the end, it was unhappy and separated, but the matter obviously won't end like this!This matter cannot be trusted.

Because the Jade Emperor’s reaction made the immortals even more atmosphere, it has been determined that the Jade Emperor will not expel the demon!

After all, Jade Emperor didn't have that strength, but he didn't even have an attitude, which was too much.Therefore, slowly evolving the cost is for the Jade Emperor to express his stance to deal with the demons, and to let the Jade Emperor step down...

"These bastards don't take me too seriously!"

"I am the Jade Emperor, I am the Jade Emperor!"

"Keep me asking me to expel the demons. If they are so upset with the demons, why don't they deal with the demons themselves! They are afraid of death but let me get ahead. Do they treat me as fools?"

The Jade Emperor shouted angrily, and then said to Taibai Jinxing: "You said, what should I do now!"

Taibai Jinxing looked sad and thought for a long time and said: "Jade Emperor, I am afraid they will not give up without a statement. I see that it is better than this. Jade Emperor might as well temporarily retreat from the wind and waves. Now it is because of Buddhism, because of the heavenly devil. It is on the cusp of the storm, even after this time, there will be another next time! It is better to give this position to the Queen Mother! First, the Queen Mother is qualified, and secondly, if you deal with the Heaven Demon Queen than the Jade Emperor, you Speak better, and solve the situation more easily! The most important thing is that neither the Queen Mother nor the Demon is interested in this position, can sit back in this position after the wind and waves are calm!"


The Jade Emperor had never thought about abdicating, but Taibai Jinxing made him feel that... this seemed to be a good way!

"But, can the Queen Mother agree? If you do this, can the bastards agree?" Jade Emperor asked hesitantly.

"I'll try it!"

Taibai Jinxing took the initiative to ask.

"Okay, I will trouble you!"

Jade Emperor still trusts Taibai Jinxing very much!

After Taibai Jinxing left, he first went to find the Queen Mother to talk about this matter, but the Queen Mother did not expect the Jade Emperor to agree so quickly!

"There is one more troublesome thing, that is, the immortals may accept you as the Queen Mother, but then you have to do something!"

"You mean to expel the demon?"

Taibai Jinxing nodded: "But it can't be too soon, otherwise, if the storm passes, the Jade Emperor will probably regain power!"

"He didn't have this chance!" The Queen Mother said lightly.

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Before long, the Jade Emperor announced that he would step down and let the Queen Mother take her place.

At first, the immortals did not agree, but the voice of opposition did not last long before disappearing.The situation has changed a lot after the Queen Mother took the throne. First of all, all the female fairies are no longer opposed to anything about expelling the demon.Regardless of how many powerful female fairies there are, it is undeniable that the proportion of female fairies in the heavenly court is still a lot, so without this part, the voice of condemnation is instantly lowered.In addition to the influence of the female fairy on the close friends around him, this is another part!

There is also a part that is not really against the heavenly demons in itself, but only against the Jade Emperor. Now the Queen Mother is not tossing about them, only a handful of stubborn old people are still insisting on letting the Queen Mother regain the majesty of the heavens and let the Queen Mother expel the heavenly demons!

In this regard, the Queen Mother did not immediately state that she seemed to be considering what to do!

Although the small group of people disagreed, there were too few people and too little momentum to make any difference.

This result made the Jade Emperor very upset, why is the difference so big?


The Jade Emperor couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Su Zhan was sitting opposite him.

After surrendering his position, the Jade Emperor stayed deep and barely showed up.It happened that Su Zhan came to him today, and the Jade Emperor couldn't hold back a long sigh.

After a sigh, the Jade Emperor said to Su Zhan: "By the way, I don't know if the devil came to see me today.

"There is indeed something!"

Su Zhan nodded and took a sip of fairy wine.

"If you have something, you might as well say it, as long as I can do it, I won't shirk it, but it's a pity...I am afraid that there are not many things I can do right now!" Yudi said.

"It happens that you can do it, and only you can do it!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Oh? What's the matter?" The Jade Emperor asked suspiciously, only he could do it, and it was still something that could be done now, the Jade Emperor really didn't expect it for a while.

"I want something! One thing from you!" Su Zhan said.

"What is it?"

"The power of rules!"

"The power of rules?"

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment and was a little dazed. It sounded very powerful and special, but the Jade Emperor could be sure that he did not have the power of rules and had never heard of it!After a pause, the Jade Emperor said: "It's not that I refuse to give it, but I have never heard of the power of this rule, nor do I. Are you wrong?"

Su Zhan smiled and shook his head: "You can't make a mistake, you do! As the Lord of the Three Realms, why can you become the Jade Emperor and not someone else? That's because you have the power of rules! Of course you may not be aware of it yourself. ."

"So? I can become the Jade Emperor because of the power of this rule, and with the power of rules, my position as the Jade Emperor can ensure worry-free?" The Jade Emperor's ability to understand is still very strong, and he immediately reacted. ."If this is the case, I'm afraid I won't be able to give it to you, after all... you don't want to be the Jade Emperor!"

"I am really not interested in being the Jade Emperor, but I am interested in controlling the world and becoming the only ruler of this world, so I am afraid that the power of this rule must be determined. Of course, you are definitely not willing to give it, but it does not matter, myself. take!"

Su Zhan's words fell, and the whole person suddenly transformed into nothingness and disappeared before the Jade Emperor's eyes.

However, although Su Zhan could not be seen, the Jade Emperor could feel it.

That feeling was like the great pressure in the dark, which made the Jade Emperor panic.At the same time, he also knew the wolf ambition of the heavenly devil. No wonder he was not interested in the heavenly court and the position of the Jade Emperor. He actually wanted to replace the heavenly way!Before he could think about it, the Jade Emperor turned around and prepared to escape!

The moment he just got up, a strong suction came in an instant, making the Jade Emperor unable to move for an instant, and following him, he felt as if something had been sucked away from his body.

That feeling is very ethereal!

Obviously, nothing that actually existed left, but I could still feel that something was sucked away!

"Let go of me, let go..."

The Jade Emperor struggled and shouted, but unfortunately it was just in vain.

After a while, the Jade Emperor suddenly felt a sense of being empty, and then fell to the ground with a snap.

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