Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1473

The frantic laughter gradually turned into a suffocation, and Jarvan knelt on the ground, his voice gradually muttering...

Everyone looked at the magnificent rock wall around them, looked at Jarvan, and felt different.

"I rely on, I rely on, I rely on!!! This, this is the Super Seminary!" Liu Chuang shouted in shock.

"Wow, it's so big, so big, so amazing." Lena looked around and jumped a little.

"How about it, goddess demo!" Jarvan's mood adjusted at this time, standing up and asking triumphantly.

"Yeah, it's not bad, then what?" Lena asked expectantly.

"Then? Lost money~" Jarvan took it for granted.

"I'm down..."

Lena fell straight down.

"It's interesting!" Su Zhan touched his chin, looked around the thick rock wall and stood up.

"You can get off work, then I'll leave first."

"How to go, this... there is no way." Xin Zhao couldn't help asking.

There are walls all around, there is no way to go.

"Look at me..." Lena stood up, preparing to show the goddess's strength.

As a result, as soon as he raised his hand, he heard a bang. The thick rock wall was punctured by Su Zhan. After shaking his hand, Su Zhan walked out.


"This...this..." Xin Zhao stood at the place where he was blasted out and made a few gestures. He was already speechless, and the others were completely dull.

Both the eager Lena and the proud Jarvan were all dumbfounded.

" injustice!" Jarvan mumbled uncontrollably.

"Why not injustice?" Liu Chuang asked curiously.

Jarvan did not speak, but the three brothers nodded very tacitly.

This was kicked by Su Zhan several times, it was really not wronged!



Overnight, the goddess changed into a female hanging.

Lena was just talking about it. I didn't expect that Jarvan would really explode with such potential. She didn't bring money when she crossed over. How could she have the money to compensate the school, she could only borrow money everywhere, but also had her own bricks.However, the number is huge, and the amount of engineering is not small.

Seeing Lena coming back with a tired face every day, it was a little unbearable.

"I heard that you are borrowing money." Su Zhan put on the edge of the bed and asked Leina, who had just lay down.

"The whole academy has spread, do you know?" Rena said weakly.

"In fact, if you want to use money, why bother borrowing from others, and not familiar with them. We are in a cohabitation relationship anyway, tell me! Isn't it just money, let alone compensation for the college, even if another college is built, it is more than enough , How... Do you want me to lend you?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Lena sat up awkwardly and looked at Su Zhan suspiciously: "You are so kind? What are your conditions?"

"Look at what you said, I just think we are roommates anyway, you said that I am a man who has many things inconvenient and lazy, so... as long as you are my maid, I will lend you money." Su Zhan smiled on the ropeway.

"Maid? You want to make me a maid for you, are you crazy, I'm a goddess!" Reina said angrily.

Su Zhan said, "Yes, goddess, maid, a word difference, what a coincidence."

"What a coincidence your sister!"

"Compensation, as long as you borrow the money, you don’t have to work hard, and you won’t lose your goddess fan in front of everyone. Anyway, it’s in the bedroom and others don’t know, and I won’t do anything to you. Strange things make you wear a strange dress. Oh, yes, there is another thing you must be happy to hear, and that is that I don’t need you to wash my clothes! How about, are you happy?"

Lena chuckled expressionlessly.

"Then it's settled, this card is given to you, and the money in it is spent casually. Then, good night, my maid!" Su Zhanjiang's card still passed, and then went straight down.

"Hey, I didn't promise, bastard..."

"Oh, I didn't agree, then return the card to me."


Lena put the bank card under the pillow and stopped speaking.

Wearing Du Qiangwei's washed clothes and eating the breakfast Lena bought, Su Zhan feels that this kind of life is really good, but the flaw is...

"What are you doing looking at me with such wretched eyes?" Caitlin looked at Su Zhan warily.

"It's nothing, it just seems to have committed obsessive-compulsive disorder!" Su Zhan said.


Caitlin snorted and turned away.

That small waist, that ecstasy.

Su Zhan touched his did Caitlin get it?

"Are you hitting Caitlin's idea? Do you want me to help you?" Lena suddenly rushed out and whispered.

"No, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You want to drag Kate into the water and go ashore by yourself? Don't think about it, just be my maid!" Su Zhan patted Lena on the shoulder and got up. out.

"Damn bastard!" Lena scolded viciously.

"I want to eat supper at night, remember to buy it?" Su Zhan's voice came out.

"I know!" Lena reluctantly replied, shaking her fist vigorously.

Chapter 0008 Help You Defend The Dignity Of The Goddess

Although Reina was reluctant, she still brought Su Zhan supper.In addition to supper, I also brought back a news that at 8 o'clock tomorrow, the academy's playground will begin to receive military training.

After all, this is a super seminary, not a normal university, so the coursework is naturally different.

The next morning, people arrived in the small playground one after another. Su Zhan and Lena also arrived. Not many people came, and they were basically acquaintances!

As soon as I stood up, I saw a man in armor walking in with a huge hammer in his hand.

"stand at attention!"

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