Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1474

He shouted in a deep voice and stood in front of the crowd holding the hammer."My name is Jegustin, your military instructor. In future military classes, you must follow my command!"

"Operation Abara, which shocked the world, was commanded by me. Have you heard of it?"

"No." Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"Forget it." Jagustin sighed and shook his head, and walked to the edge of Lena."Now start the roll call, what is your name."

"The incarnation of the sun, your goddess." Lena said disapprovingly.

"My goddess, it's this hammer! But you, you are now the squad leader of the Super God Class!" Knowing Rena's identity, Jegustin retorted and turned to the next one."What's your name!"

"My name is Galen."

"speak louder."

"My name is Galen."

"Please say SIR!"




"All over again, add SIR afterwards!"

"All over again, add SIR afterwards!"

Jegustin glanced at Galen, and said solemnly: "Wrong, sign up, add SIR, start over!"

"I'm Galen, SIR!" Galen yelled.

"Yes, next one!"

Jegustin moved to the next one.

"Can you not toss it? SIR!" Jarvan shouted.

"No, sign up!" Jegustin didn't change his face.

"I'm Jarvan, SIR!"




"My name is Su Zhan!"

"The voice is too low, no SIR is added, come again!" Jergustine stood in front of Su Zhan.

Su Zhan frowned and said: "My name is Su Zhan, SIR!"

"The voice is too low, come over!" Jagustin said.

Su Zhan didn't speak, but looked at Jegustin, who also looked at him, and the two seemed... on the bar.

"I don't hate this form. After all, it is military practice. It can always improve your spirit. But the purpose of your tossing is nothing more than to prove the identity and status of your instructor. I have enough to give you face, almost That's it."

"The voice is too low, come over again!" Jegustin repeated, obviously not willing to let it go.

Su Zhan shook his head: "The voice is too small, isn't it? Okay, I will satisfy you, and I promise you that you will not think my voice is too small in the future."

"My name is Su Zhan, SRI!"

Su Zhan suddenly spoke. In an instant, a powerful sound wave came out of his mouth. Every word seemed to have a power that could destroy everything. Everyone who shook in an instant squatted down and covered their ears.

While facing the Soviet war, Jegustin flew out directly by the sonic wave, gliding out seven or eight meters in an instant.


Before everyone could see clearly, Su Zhan had already arrived in front of Jacquestine, and looked at Jacquestine with a condescending expression: "Instructor, is the voice loud enough?"

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you?" Jegustin shouted.

Su Zhan was dumb, shook his head and turned back.

"Damn, this is too veiled, this is simply a lion roar."

"This is called ear-piercing sound."

The three brothers in Grass couldn't help talking about it.

Back to the original position, Old God Su Zhan was standing and waiting.

After a while, Jergustin stood up and walked over, fiddled with his ears for a long time, and then said loudly, "Ahem, from today we will have high-intensity training. The purpose is very simple. , Everyone look at the sky..."

The voice is loud, which is a sequelae of transient deafness.

As for the naming just now, it has obviously passed.

Looking at a serious and serious Jegustin and said to look at the sky, everyone subconsciously raised their heads...

"do not move!"

Shouting the students who shook their heads, Jegustin continued: "We will be the first batch of fighters in the Super Seminary. In order to deal with all possible crises, do you have confidence?"

"Do you have"

The sound is messy.

"Is there any!" Jagustin shouted.

"Yes!" It was finally neat.

"Okay, turn right, 50,000 meters forward, run!"


The students who were going to run were shocked when they heard the 50,000 meters, but Su Zhan had already ran out slowly.

He didn't plan to be independent, as long as he didn't pretend to be forced by himself, it was only 50,000 meters, and the intensity was not too high, and it had no effect on him.

Seeing that Su Zhan has run away, what else can others say, run!

Su Zhan did not hurry, his face was not red, and he ran 50,000 meters without breathing. Then, under everyone's amazement and envious eyes, he went to the cafeteria leisurely. After he finished his lunch, he saw all his legs soft The students who looked like soft-footed shrimp came back and walked away again under their enviable eyes.

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