Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1475

"Tired, it's more tiring than shopping."

Lena returned to the bedroom with sour hands and feet, and climbed directly into her nest motionless.

Tired, so tired!

Su Zhan stood up and put his hands on the edge of Lena's bed.

"How do you want to toss me? I'm almost exhausted." Seeing Su Zhan's smiling face, Lena was really scared.

"You are a goddess, if you let others see that the goddess is like other people, you shouldn't be laughed at." Su Zhan said with a smile.

Lena grinned: "The goddess can't run 50,000 meters, I haven't lost weight so hard."

"Would you like to give me a massage? Make sure you live alive tomorrow and defend the dignity of your goddess!" Su Zhan smiled.

"Your expression is too wretched, don't!"

"It's up to you then!"

Su Zhan chuckled, and suddenly turned over and jumped up.

"What are you doing, go down, go down."

"Don't move, if the bed is up, we can only sleep underneath at night." Su Zhan reminded.

Item 0009

Su Zhan's threat made Rena reluctantly settle down, if it really collapsed, it would be troublesome.

Seeing Lena calm down, Su Zhan calmed down his funny expression, and said seriously: "Don't worry, I won't quarrel with you. Suddenly the intensity of 50,000 meters may not be able to recover even if you rest for a night. I will help you massage. A massage can give you a rest as soon as possible, and ensure that you will get up tomorrow."

"real or fake?"

Lena was a little suspicious, and asked Caitlin and Du Qiangwei for help: "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Du Qiangwei said simply, turning his head to face the wall.

"Same." Caitlin in the lower bunk learned everything.

"Cut, just forget it if you don't believe it." Su Zhan said disapprovingly and looked at Lena.

Although you are too convinced of Lena, but the matter has come to this point, it seems that there are not many choices, and she can only nod silently.

"You will thank me."

Su Zhan chuckled his hands.

Rena was quite nervous at first, but slowly realized that Su Zhan's hands were very regular, and she didn't take advantage of herself, and her body also had a numb sense of comfort. The exhaustion seemed to be swept away, and she couldn't help closing her eyes. He hummed.

After a long time, Su Zhan stopped, turned over and jumped down and asked triumphantly: "How is it?"

"Well, I didn't expect it to be so comfortable." Rena sighed.

"After all, you will thank me." Su Zhan smiled haha.

"Well, thank you."

"Haha, sleep to sleep."

Turning over and lying down, the dormitory soon became calm, only the sound of steady breathing was heard.

Early the next morning, Du Qiangwei and Caitlin had weak legs and cramps and didn't recover much. They barely got up but found that Lena was brushing her teeth while shaking her waist, humming and humming.

"This is unscientific." Caitlin surprised Adong.

"What's unscientific?" Lena asked in a mumbled voice.

"Nothing, nothing." Caitlin shook her head, but she couldn't help muttering in her heart. Why does Lena seem to be recovering quickly? Could it be... Su Zhan's words are really effective?

Du Qiangwei was also puzzled, but she asked Su Zhan.

"The Tuina you talked about last night really had such an effect?"

As soon as Su Zhan was about to speak, he saw Lena rushing over."How is it possible? That's because I am a goddess. My physique is different from yours. Of course I will recover soon. Haha, it's getting late. You should pack up quickly or be late."

Hearing that it was too late, Du Qiangwei and Caitlin didn't ask, but hurriedly packed up.

While they were tidying up, Lena quietly said to Su Zhan: "Aren't you talking about defending the dignity of my goddess? So you can't admit it!"


Seeing Lena begging, Su Zhan couldn't help but smile and agreed.

Assembled in the small playground. The 50,000 meters on the first day made almost everyone exhausted. It was difficult to recover completely after a sleep. Only two people seemed to be okay, and there was no impact at all.

One is Su Zhan. Needless to say, he ran the fastest and the easiest yesterday. The whole process was completely crushed, which can be called abnormal.The other one is Lena. It was clearly ended together. Many people have also seen Lena's tired look, but now she looks completely fine.

It is indeed a goddess, this recovery ability is different!

Listening to the admiration in the ear and feeling the admiring gaze, Rena raised her head triumphantly.

That's how it feels, so cool!

"Go on, fifty thousand meters!"

After the instructor came, the eyes that disregarded the begging of the crowd began to 50,000 meters.

As yesterday, Su Zhan took the lead.

Obviously the speed is not fast, but the distance is a little bit away. In a blink of an eye, Su Zhan's figure has completely disappeared from everyone's sight.If you are not convinced, you want to speed up the chase, but it goes without saying that instead of chasing you, you get tired first.

The 50,000-meter Soviet war is over here, but they haven’t even finished the 10,000-meter race.

Su Zhan didn't leave and sat casually watching them running exhaustedly. It was not until almost all of them were over that Su Zhan patted the legs on his pants, Shi Shiran turned and went to the cafeteria.

Not sooner or later, just wait until they finish running.

This is intentional!

Sure enough, when everyone barely had a rest and went to the cafeteria to eat, Su Zhan had already left the cafeteria full and full.

In the evening, I helped Lena with massage again. This time, Caitlin and Du Qiangwei were both learned and kept watching.Realizing that it was Tuina as expected, I felt relieved after nothing else, especially after seeing that Lena's previous effects were so remarkable, I naturally begged Su Zhan for help.

One day, the dignity of the goddess was maintained for one day!

Lena looked at Su Zhan with a bitter expression.

The baby feels wronged, but the baby just doesn't say it!

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