Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 1476

In this way, everyone’s body gradually adapts to this intensity every day. From crawling back to the dormitory to barely able to walk, it can be said that progress is still very fast, especially when the instructor said that the academy had prepared equipment for them. Exhaustion and complaints were wiped out.

Special armors, weapons, and looking forward to putting on the new equipment, the whole person seems to have been replaced with a person, very majestic, so cool!

Karen wielded the epee, Xin Zhao played with the spear, and even Caitlin got the sniper rifle and couldn't put it down.

Su Zhan was also wearing dark armor at this time, and his whole person looked mighty.The armor is very heavy, the material is very special, and the defense is very strong. It should be difficult to penetrate the armor with ordinary attacks. Of course, the security will increase and the load will increase, which places higher demands on the body.

"It seems that the next training intensity is going to increase!"

Throwing away the long sword in his hand, Su Zhan was not too satisfied.

The shape of this weapon is relatively ordinary, neither domineering nor chic, it seems that you have to go back and change it yourself!

If Su Zhan guessed it, after acquiring the new equipment, the intensity of training has increased dramatically. First of all, a load can make everyone who has just adapted to the previous intensity hit the prototype again.

Fortunately, the body has a foundation, so that it will not be as embarrassed as it was at the beginning.

On this day, the training had not yet started. Everyone was playing basketball on the basketball court. As a result, a car drove over from a distance.

"There are new classmates!"

Su Zhan murmured softly.

Item 0010

The convertible jeep stopped.

Opening the car door, a girl with short white hair dressed in super seminary clothes walked down with a look of surprise.

The rogue Ritz got out of the car, took a look at the students who had gathered together, and said: "Classmates, introduce a new classmate for you. You can introduce yourself."

"Wow, I am Raven, I am from Juxia City, and I am 20 years old this year. I am looking forward to living with you, making progress together, and saving the world together!" Raven clenched his fist and said excitedly.

Her excited look and words made everyone laugh instantly.

"It's pretty cute." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Cute? I think it's the second grade!" Du Qiangwei said coldly.

"She probably won't live in our dormitory, but she has no place." Caitlin said.

"Not necessarily, some people are so urinary and won't be indifferent." Lena deliberately looked at Su Zhan.

Not only her, but the three brothers also looked at Su Zhan.

"Damn, what do you think of me?" Su Zhan asked nonchalantly.

The three of them didn't speak, and smiled happily, but their expressions were indescribable.

"Damn, my! You can go away now." Su Zhan pointed at Raven in angrily, and the three brothers showed such an appearance, and then turned and left.


Are they sick!

Su Zhan shook his head speechlessly.

Raven’s dormitory cannot be arranged arbitrarily. Naturally, it is impossible to live in the same dormitory with boys. Of course, Su Zhan’s dormitory is an accident.However, there is no free dormitory for the time being, and it is quite difficult for a while.

Seeing Raven carrying his luggage, he looked at a loss.

Looking at the expressions of Lena and the others waiting for a good show, Su Zhan snorted coldly.

Real man, can't counsel!

"Raven, you don't have a dormitory yet? Why don't you come to my dormitory? I will live with them. Just move a bed." Su Zhan walked over and said.

"This, isn't this bad?" Ruiwen said hesitantly in a low voice.

"There's nothing wrong with it, don't you want to sleep in the corridor? That's it. I'll help you move a bed later." Su Zhan said directly.

"Remind you, there is no room for another bed in the bedroom."

Reina said gleefully.

"No place? Haha, mean!"

"Small? Can you make a place?" Lena said.

"You'll know in a while, let's go, and go back!" Su Zhan said confidently and took Raven's luggage and left.

Raven hesitated for a while or followed.

Back in the bedroom, Raven took a look at the fact that they lived together, and there really was no room for another bed.

"Raven, I will tidy up my bed, you can sleep in my place." Su Zhan said.

"Huh? This, isn't this bad?" Raven said.

"Have you finally found out that you are ready to move out?"

"Move out? When did I say I would move out."

Su Zhan chuckled and walked to the corner.

In an instant, under the surprised eyes of everyone, the originally small corner space seemed to have changed, but it gradually became more spacious, let alone put a bed, even if you put another one, there is no problem!

"This this……"

Everyone rubbed their eyes in amazement, Su Zhan had already gone out to move.

Lena and the others hurried out to take a look, no problem, there was no change outside, and then came in and took a look. There was a lot of space and there was no sense of disobedience.

This, this is not scientific!

The beds in the school are all double beds with bunk beds. After Su Zhan moved back, they were dismantled three times, five times two and two. It didn’t take long before they were changed to a large bed. The bedding was laid out, and Su Zhan moved on. lie down.


The big bed is still comfortable!

"Su Zhan~"

Lena suddenly yelled.

"Stop, don't call me, I won't change it with you. If you want, I can give it to you here!" Su Zhan heard Rena suddenly speak in this tone, and the goose bumps were all up. After patted the position next to him, Su Zhan said generously...


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