Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1477

Lena snorted, wanting me to sleep with you?no way!

Raven’s arrival did not cause much sensation, but Raven moved into the bedroom to surprise many people.

How did five people live in a four-person dormitory?

There must be two people in a bed, so who is it and who is squeezed in the same bed?

It's a pity that they can't get into this dormitory, and the situation in the dormitory is naturally unknown.

Raven joined the training soon, and Su Zhan had one more person in the daily massage!

Because of Su Zhan’s massage, everyone in the bedroom recovered very well, especially after experiencing extreme exhaustion during the day, and recovering quickly. This overdraft limit method allowed their physical fitness to increase rapidly. .

Daily physical training, tactical training, and fighting skills training.

All kinds of training platoon slowly.

As time passed day by day, Su Zhan's mentality gradually changed.

As the saying goes, there are three major things in life.

We carried guns together, we went to the window together, and prostitutes together.

Carrying a gun, classmates, both are occupied.

Every day when we get along with each other, the relationship with the students of Chaozhou Academy is getting better and better. As for the four beauties in the dormitory, let alone.

Every day training and fighting, when Su Zhan can easily win the match, he did not do so, watching everyone earnestly teamwork together to complete the task, it feels quite interesting.

Although... the tacit understanding remains to be considered.

On this day, the drill is over and everyone is preparing to return to the dormitory.

As he walked, Su Zhan suddenly stopped and looked at the sky in the distance thoughtfully.

After he stopped, Raven next to him noticed his anomaly and asked curiously: "What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

"Look at the beauty!"

Su Zhan replied casually, and then put his arm around Raven, and put her shoulder on her.

"There are no beauties." Raven looked to the sky curiously, there was nothing.Turning her head to look at Su Zhan curiously, Raven found that Su Zhan was looking at herself, which made her stunned and said: "You, aren't you talking about me?"

"Yeah, our Raven is a beautiful woman." Su Zhan chuckled, hugging Raven and continued walking.

Chapter 0011

Raven didn’t know that Su Zhan was talking about someone else, and she was very happy. Although she is also very beautiful, because of her personality, when it comes to beautiful women, all she thinks of are Lena and Caitlin. Some people think of themselves and praise themselves.

Raven doesn't know, but someone knows.

Such as Wandering Ryze!

Wandering Ryze's brain has long been in microwave connection with military satellites. He can feel a powerful evil god coming from the world millions of light years later, that is the powerful fallen angel Morgana!

No one can be her opponent yet, and the only way is to increase the strength of the students with a combat power of only 5 as soon as possible.

So the next day, the students discovered that today's training intensity was much higher than before, or even several times that before, especially in actual combat training.Everyone complained endlessly, but it was a pity that nothing was useful.

Slowly, everyone seemed to feel a pressure quietly appearing. Although they were complaining and tired, they completed the training seriously.

Especially the five-to-five pairs, almost every time they finish, they will be bruised everywhere, except of course Su Zhan.

Now everyone has decided that Su Zhan is a freak, and they are very curious about the limits of Su Zhan!


Su Zhan didn't know this thing himself!

The days of hardship have passed day by day. Everyone’s temperament has changed greatly. With the kind of iron will of the soldiers, the daily actual combat not only allows them to cultivate the friendship of comrades, individuals and teams. Strength is also increasing.

Su Zhan knew why, and this day finally came!

The military plane was inexplicably destroyed by an unknown monster. Obviously, this was no longer within the scope of ordinary soldiers. Almost everyone had a hunch.

They are about to go on a mission.

In this situation, it seems that only those who have been trained by the country can deal with it, and they should deal with it.

In the bedroom.

Caitlin, Lena, they didn't sleep, and they didn't change their clothes. They were all waiting for something.In the other dormitories, Galen was calling home, pretending to step into the battlefield and call ahead.


A violent shaking instantly shocked everyone, and subconsciously walked to the balcony, leaning on the window and looking outside.

In the dim sky, a bright light hovered quickly.

"What happened?"

"What it is?"

Everyone looked at that light, shocked.

"finally come!"

Su Zhan said softly and suddenly turned over and jumped off the bed.

"Get ready."

Su Zhan said to Caitlin and the others.



More than ten minutes later, the piercing siren sounded from the quiet campus, and a jeep drove into the college quickly.


Military rank: Colonel.

Affiliation: Super Theological Seminary, Earth Defense, Commander-in-Chief of Xiongbing Company.

Just now, a squad was attacked. Judging from the news from the squad, it was not even known who the opponent was, only that it was extremely powerful. In this case, Du Kao came to the Super Seminary.

"Many forces have already rushed to the location of the accident, but this time the soldiers of the Super Seminary must participate in this rescue operation."

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