Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1481

"Are you OK?"

Lena shook her head and didn't say anything. The just now really scared her a little bit. If it weren't for Su Zhan's sudden appearance, I'm afraid... Lena stood up and hugged Su Zhan."Are you OK?"

"It's okay!"

Su Zhan said with a smile: "If I knew that this would make you hug you, I would have saved the beauty a long time ago. In other words, you will hold this stick. If I help you fight a few sticks, you Will you agree with your body?"

"Still joking at this time!" Lena groaned.

"Well, no kidding, what's wrong with Monkey King? His stick can't be smashed by the way, especially the person who smashed me!" Su Zhan smiled, patted Lena on the shoulder and signaled her to leave first.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

A piercing laughter came to mind, followed by a familiar voice, the voice of Monkey King."A stick scares you like this. Is this your god?"

"Before I fight and defeat the Buddha, everything is floating clouds!"

"Damn it, it's really Monkey King!"

"Monkey King, Monkey King, is that you?" Seeing Su Zhan giving Lena, Galen rushed out and shouted towards the other side: "Why are you attacking us? Haven't you all become Buddhas? "

"Someone liberated me from the confinement of the myth. I am no longer bound. I am me! I am not easy to kill, but I am aggressive, hehehehe!" Monkey King's voice floated out.

"Then why are you attacking weak humans? You go to fight those monsters."

"Isn't I fighting monsters? Look at your iron weapons, huge steel bodies, full of gunpowder smell, my old grandson sees an upset, so I will fight!" Monkey King screamed.

"Which reason?"

Galen was stunned.

"What reason?"

Although just whispering, Monkey King still heard it."In terms of firepower, the firepower you created is much stronger than my grandson. But have they razed fewer cities?"

"You fart!" Galen cursed excitedly: "Nima, you take a stick and shake the mountain upside down, Nima, you're right? There are legal conventions for humans to fight again, so who can control you!

"When you are upset, we are bludgeoned. What should we do if we are upset? The policeman!

"Fuck you!" Caitlin scolded uncomfortably.

"For the sake of your impassionedness this time, I will step down lightly!" Su Zhan suddenly came to Galen's side and gave him a kick gently.

Although he was not powerful, Galen was caught off guard and was kicked.

"I rely on Galen, you should pay attention when you speak." Xin Zhao said speechlessly.

Galen was also speechless."I, Nima, it's easy."

"What? Damn boy, when is your turn to teach me?" Monkey King was irritated by Galen's words.

"Don't accept SALA!" Galen replied arrogantly.

Su Zhan covered his face, Nima, what the hell is SALA?

"Shut up!"

Seeing Galen who stood up, Su Zhan kicked him directly.

"Why kick again..."

As soon as Galen complained that he was about to speak, he saw a flash of fire coming towards him. Monkey King rushed over and the golden cudgel raised and hit the spot where he had just been fighting.

The ground was smashed into a depression in an instant.


Galen cursed subconsciously. If Su Zhan hadn't kicked himself just now, the stick had been designated to hit him on the head.But can't you change to a gentle reminder?

A gentle reminder?Don't think about it, Galen!

After the Golden Cudgel was defeated, Monkey King retracted the Golden Cudgel and stared at Su Zhan: "It's you again!"

"What about me, dissatisfied with SALA...Bah, baah, dissatisfied with singles!" Su Zhan almost made Galen abducted.

"One-on-one, Jie Jie, it's been a long time since no one dared to challenge my old Sun!" Monkey King Jie Jie smiled, his eyes glowing with strange red light.

The aura of abuse is gradually rising.

"Go together!"

Jegustin growled."While now, Jarvan traps the monkey, Liu Chuang Ruiwen strikes together left and right, Caitlin fires at will, the others move freely, everyone takes away in one wave!"


Everyone shouted in unison and acted instantly.


With a loud roar, Jarvan leaped high, and the huge sword slammed into the ground. In an instant, the huge boulder on the ground rose high, trapping Monkey King inside.

"I'm Raven, I'm the Super King!" Raven murmured, leaping loudly and shouting."Sun Wukong, right!" With the voice, Raven had already hit hard.

In the distance, Caitlin set up a sniper rifle, but her vision was blocked by the boulder and she could only shoot through the map in the helmet.

The battle is on the verge of starting!

"The walls are in chaos, the battle is chaotic, and the battle is chaotic." Su Zhan's earphones heard the report and shook his head silently.

Although the Monkey King in front of him can only be regarded as a product of genetic modification, not the real great saint, but this is also a matter of fighting and defeating the Buddha.Just because these fledgling guys want to take them away, isn't this a trouble?

Sure enough, a golden light flew out of it, and a sound came from the earphones with hindsight.

"Attention, attention, Monkey King is out of control, Monkey King is out of control, the target flies to the sky, everyone, be careful, be careful of aerial strikes!"

"Ah, it looks like Caitlin is aimed at!"

The Sun Wukong, who was suspended in the air, burst into flames, dived and quickly rushed towards Caitlin.

"The Monkey King is attacking Caitlin, and the Monkey King is attacking Caitlin."

The sound in the earphones seemed a bit rush.

"Nima, can't you stop beeping, isn't it okay to be a quiet beautiful man? Waiting for your command, the cucumber vegetables will be cold!"

Seeing that Monkey King had rushed towards Caitlin, the guy in the headset was still talking and talking, Su Zhan was really good enough.

With a loud shout, Su Zhan's body suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared directly in front of Caitlin, instead of retreating, he rushed directly to the dazzling Sun Wukong!

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