Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1482

Data 0015


The fierce impact swelled in an instant, and a huge impact shook out from the two of them, directly knocking Caitlin, who was unstable, to the ground.Immediately afterwards, I saw the two quickly fighting together.

With fists and sticks, there was an endless stream of pops and pops, and in a blink of an eye, the two had already fought from the ground to the air.

"Su Zhan!"

Caitlin hurriedly knelt on one knee, aiming with a sniper rifle.

But the speed of the two was too fast, and they fought together again, unable to lock the target at all.

"No, it's too fast to lock the target!" Caitlin said eagerly.

"I come!"

Lena yelled, her body suddenly lit up, and she rushed into the air like the sun.

"Su Zhan, I'll help you!"

"What are you doing, go back!"

Seeing Lena coming, Su Zhan let out a cold snort, blocked the golden hoop with one hand and pushed backhand with the other, a wave of waves instantly shook Lena back!

"This guy's defense is very strong. It belongs to the indestructible body of King Kong. With the current technology, it can't be destroyed. Don't come up and help, so as not to get in the way, I will take care of you!" Su Zhan's voice sounded. The people who wanted to come and help stopped instantly.

How to do?

"That said, you can't let Su Zhan fight alone after all,, you still stay on the ground ready to support at any time. Xin Zhao, they are in the air, and only your speed can keep up!" Jergus Ding was silent for a moment, then raised his voice.

They are soldiers, and it is impossible to let go because they are lost!

"Go through fire and water, and stay wherever you are!" Xin Zhao replied solemnly.

"Remember, your task is to entangle Wukong to create opportunities for Su Zhan, Caitlin, pay attention to support."


Xin Zhao got up and flicked his spear, slowly speeding up.

"Ah drink!" Like a stream of light, Xin Zhao leaped high and went straight to the Monkey King in the sky!

Su Zhan naturally heard their conversation. Seeing Xin Zhao come up to help, Su Zhan did not refuse this time.

For one thing, this is the duty and glory of a soldier.

Secondly, Xin Zhao is not his own woman, and this guy is rough and thick-skinned. Although not as good as Galen, it is not so easy to hang!

Xin Zhao’s explosive power was so strong that it made Monkey King unable to ignore it. He dodged backwards, avoiding Xin Zhao’s spear, and when Xin Zhao rushed over, the golden cudgel hit directly.


Xin Zhao screamed and fell straight down.

Damn it!

A pit was heavily smashed into the ground.

"Xin Zhao's spine is injured and needs treatment as soon as possible!"

After a while, a voice came from the headset.

"Nima, dare you hurry up?"

One move, just one move, and Xin Zhao, who was still with the spear, died.

This result made everyone gasp, Monkey King, too strong!

Seeing that Su Zhan and Monkey King have re-fighted together, everyone has a clear understanding of Su Zhan's strength!

Strong, evenly matched with Monkey King!

No wonder he doesn't let people go up and help!

"Don't come up to give away the heads, and save the other soldiers!"

Su Zhan yelled, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

"carry on?"

"Jie Jie!" Monkey King yelled, and the golden cudgel swung over.


Rolling swords collided, and the two fought low.

It was deafening, the world changed colors, and the fierce fighting in the sky was arguably the most intense and the most memorable they had ever seen.

Monkey King, fighting defeats Buddha, Monkey King, a character in mythology.

Although Su Zhan has always been portrayed as a freak in the academy, and he knows that he is better than the others, they only know how long this period is!

"Chief, is it science to summon Monkey King?"

In the command room, watching Su Zhan and Monkey King fighting fiercely, Wandering Ryze couldn't help asking."Substances that they don't have, are called out?"

"According to my experience, there are only two possibilities!" Dukaao said: "First, there is still a world called Dongsheng Shenzhou on a certain plane in the universe. Or, the summoner has rewritten a certain super soldier. Form and thinking."

"This kind of technology may not be impossible." Lian Feng said: "According to the countless world data stored in Principal Kieran's big clock, with a little change, it may be possible to replicate a super soldier like Monkey King!"

"That is to say, this Monkey King is not the Monkey King in our story at all?" Dukaaodao...

"Not necessarily, because Teacher Wu's Monkey King may not be an accurate database." Lian Feng said.

"It cannot be ruled out that Teacher Wu may be a true god just like Principal Kiran! If this can be explained, then stealing Teacher Wu's data and creating his super soldier, the big clock can be achieved!" Wandering Ryze said.

Du Kao thought for a while and said: "If this is the case, then Monkey King may not be the enemy."

"I hope that the Wu Kong in Teacher Wu's mind is a good person!" Wandering Ryze said.

"Well, now whether it is an enemy or not, we have to prove to him that we can protect the world." Du Kao said in a deep voice.

"I said... You Luo Li talked for a long time. If I were Monkey King, even a good man, Nima, would have to kill you with a stick. It's too babble. You think you are Monk Tang. Something useful, Do you want me to kill him!" Su Zhan's voice suddenly rang, and there was silence in the command post.

"This guy!"

Dukao couldn't help but mutter, can't he give some face?

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