Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 1483

"Destroy me? Jiejie, my grandson is going to see if you have this skill!"

Monkey King sneered and roared, and the golden cudgel suddenly fell.

Su Zhan's giant sword went to block, and as soon as he touched it, he felt that Monkey King's power was stronger than before, and immediately after that, he heard the crackling sound of clicking, the sword...broken!

Jin Gu Bang castration ceaselessly.


Su Zhan flew out violently and hit a tree in the distance.

One by one, he broke more than a dozen sturdy trees before he could stop.

"The Monkey King's weapon is too strong, Su Zhan's weapon is damaged, the armor is shattered, the monitoring equipment is out of control, and it is impossible to detect Su Zhan's physical condition!"

"Attention, the situation of Su Zhan is unknown, stop Monkey King, stop Monkey King!"

An urgent voice rang in everyone's ears, almost without any command, everyone rushed in the direction of Su Zhan for the first time.

Chapter 0016 Great Sage, you are too dirty!

"Ah... Finally got rid of these burdens. Sure enough, the whole person is much easier without these things."

Just when they were about to rush to rescue Su Zhan, they suddenly heard Su Zhan's voice rang.Immediately afterwards, a huge force shook open, and the fragments of the armor were scattered around, and Su Zhan slowly floated up above the jungle.


"How is this possible?"

"A burden, what a burden, he wouldn't say armor, right?"

Everyone was shocked, a little confused.

"Yes, the defensive performance of these armors is too bad, but since it's a group activity, I'm embarrassed not to wear it, how about it, okay with me?" Su Zhan in the air continued with a smile."After all, it's the armor issued by the academy. If it is shattered directly, it would be too shameless, now it is all right!"

The armor turned out to be a burden.

He said that the defensive performance of armor is too poor.


Everyone felt that their thinking was a little bit unable to keep up.

With a sound, Monkey King leaped high, and instantly became even with Su Zhan.

"Are you deliberate? Use my old Sun's hand to destroy the armor and weapons?" Monkey King looked at Su Zhan in surprise."It's impossible. Even if the armor is lower than a part of your strength, you can't be unharmed if my grandson gets down!"

"Don't you have fiery eyes? You can't look at it yourself?" Su Zhan said lightly.

There is no way to hurt, really unscathed.

Even the ordinary clothes worn on the body are intact!

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to see how much you can resist my grandson!"

Monkey King was excited, and finally found a decent opponent.The golden cudgel swung abruptly and slammed it again.

"Are you still addicted?"

Su Zhan sneered and turned into streamer, even faster than Monkey King.Before his stick came out, Su Zhan had already come to him.Sun Wukong was shocked, but just about to change his move, he suddenly received a punch in the face.

The power is so heavy, the eyes are staring at Venus.

With this punch, Monkey King fell as quickly as a kite with a broken line.




Like a missile, Monkey King slammed into the ground, smashing the ground out of a deep hole, and then fell into obscurity.

Everyone could feel the vibration from deep underground, it seemed... Monkey King did not stop, but was still falling.

It took a full five minutes before the vibration was not felt.

This... is this too exaggerated?

Punched Monkey King to the ground with a punch?

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at Su Zhan in the air subconsciously.

There was silence.

Not only here, but even the command post was deadly silent, and even the breathing seemed inaudible.

The armor was broken, but other people's armors and satellites were intact, so they naturally saw the battle.

"Too, too exaggerated?"

"My wife, come out and see God!"

Du Kao was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "It seems that I have to design a new logo for the male company when I look back."

"Yeah! I didn't expect that the armor and weapons we carefully developed and forged would... become a burden!" Wandering Ryze said with a wry smile.

"Master, don't pretend, come out and continue!"

After silence, Su Zhan said in a loud voice.

As the voice fell, the ground moved and the mountains shook, and Sun Dasheng broke ground.

Everyone was shocked. With this kind of attack, Monkey King was okay?Wait... it's not all right.

Seeing Monkey King flying back into the air, the helmet had fallen out of nowhere, his hairy head was exposed, and the armor on his body had cracks, making him look very embarrassed!

Of course, the most important thing is the face!

The obvious trace of being punched makes people feel extremely funny.

But no one can laugh!

This is Monkey King, even if it is not the one in the myth, his strength is much stronger than them.

Being able to beat Monkey King like this, Su Zhan's strength... is unfathomable!

"This bastard, can't you say it in advance!" Lena couldn't help cursing.

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